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Problems related to emf

1. A single-phase transformer has 400 primary and 1000 secondary
turns. The net cross-sectional area of the core is 60 cm2. If the
primary winding be connected to a 50-Hz supply at 520 V,
calculate (i) the peak value of flux density in the core (ii) the
voltage induced in the secondary winding.
Given Data:
• N1 = 400
• N2 = 1000
• A = 60cm2
• f = 50 Hz
• V1 = 520
To find:
(i) Bm
(ii) E2
Formula Used:
• E1 = 4.44 f Bm A N1
• E2/E1= K , E2= KE1, K = N2/N1
• Bm = 520/4.44*50*60*10-4*400 = 0.976 Wb/m2
• K = 1000/400 = 2.5
• E2 = 520* 2.5 = 1300 V
2. A single-phase transformer has 500 turns on the primary and 40
turns on the secondary winding. The mean length of the magnetic
path in the iron core is 150 cm and the joints are equivalent to an
air-gap of 0.1 mm. When a p.d. of 3,000 V is applied to the
primary flux density is 1.2 Wb/m2. Calculate (a) the cross-
sectional area of the core (b) no-load secondary voltage (c) the no-
load current drawn by the primary (d) power factor on no-load.
Given that AT/cm for a flux density of 1.2 Wb/m2 in iron to be 5,
the corresponding iron loss to be 2 watt/kg at 50 Hz and the
density of iron as 7.8 gram/cm3
Given Data:
• N1 = 500 Bm = 1.2
• N2 = 40 AT/cm = 5 Pi = 2 W/kg at f = 50 Hz.
• lm = 150 cm Density = 7.8 gram/cm3
• lg = 0.1 mm
• V1 = 3000 V
To Find • Total AT = AT for air gap +
(i) A AT for Iron core
(ii) E2 • AT for air gap = (B/μo)* lg
(iii) Io • AT for iron core = AT/cm *
(iv) CosΦo lm
Formula Used: • Iw = Total Pi/E1
A = E1/4.44f BmN1
• Total Pi = Pi * Mass of iron
E2 = KE1
• Mass of iron = (volume of
K= N2/N1 iron * density)/1000
• Volume of iron = length(lm)
r.m.s. value of Iμ = Peak value * area(A)
of Iμ /√2 • CosΦo = Iw/Io
Peak value of Iμ = Total AT/N1
Step1: Find A
• A = 3,000/4.44 × 50 × 500 × 1.2
∴ A = 0.0225 m = 225 cm2
Step: 2 To find E2
• K = N2/N1 = 40/500 = 4/50
∴ E2 = KE1 = (4/50) × 3000 = 240 V
Step: 3 To find Volume of the iron core
• Volume of iron = 150 * 225 = 33750 cm3
Step: 4 To find Mass of the iron
• Mass of the iron = (33750 * 7.8)/1000 =263.25 kg
Step : 5 To find Total Pi
• Total Pi = 2 * 263.25 = 526.5 W
Step : 6 To find Iw
• Iw = 526.5/3000 = 0.1755 A (Assume E1 = V1)
Step: 7 To find AT for iron core
• AT for iron core = 150*5 =750
Step: 8 To find AT for air gap
• AT for air gap = (1.2)/(4Π*10-7) * 0.0001 = 95.49
Step: 9 To find Total AT
• Total AT = 750 + 95.49 = 845.49
Step: 10 To find Peak value of Iμ
• Peak value of Iμ = 845.49/500 = 1.69 A
Step:11 To find r.m.s. value of Iμ
• r.m.s. value of Iμ = 1.69/√2 = 1.1957 A
Step: 12 To find Io
• Io = √((1.1957)2 + (0.1755)2 ) = 1.2 A
Step:13 To find CosΦo
• CosΦo = 0.1755/1.2 = 0.146
• Φo = 81.59o (Lag)

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