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Lesson 1


 Most of our students nowadays usually have the
misconception that to do research is to do library
work, that is to copy every fact and information
related to their research topic. The majority
would even have certain pages of books
photocopied, and they call this research. Other
fields such as education, psychology, economics,
politics, psychology and similar areas of
concentration find contentment relying on time
by products of past and previous researches of the
18th 19th century.
 People do not realize the beauty and importance of
research. We should enjoying the things around us
today it not for scientific inventions and discoveries
of great men and women who made a powerful
waves during their time. The incandescent lamp by
THOMAS A. EDISON: The fluorescent lamp of
AGAPITO FLORES, The car, television, VCRs and
Laser discs: our refrigerators at home , the things
we use in the kitchen and in the bathroom- all these
have come from research.
 Education,likewise, is a continuing of
searching for better methods and strategies
to upgrade it's quality to make the youth of
our country better of tomorrow.
Innovations are also being made in the
areas of economics and politics the political
in the growth and development of our
 Thus,in practically every facet of human
endeavor, research is an important
ingredient, laws and principles, system and
conditions, fashions and trends are dynamic
Force's in our environment that are subject
to change. Without research, we cannot
code effectively.
Meaning of Research
 Website defines the term " research" as a careful
and systematic study and investigation in some
field of knowledge.
 To do research does not necessarily or
environmental force. Results of previous
researches may no longer be workable at present
age, consequently, another related research study
is in order to verify or refute what had been
previously discovered.
 Research can either build or change. Principles and
generalization of past generations may still be
contributory to our reaching further milestones, but it
is only a current study that can help reveal this
important notion. Hence, research can build through
laying stronger foundations for the us of these
principles and generalizations.
 Research is increasingly finding it's own niche in
business and industry in government and private
sectors, education, psychology, economics, politics,
science and technology, and in other fields.
 Researchhas become an integral and
indispensable of the need to upgrade present
system, but also bring about drastic changes for
our betterment
Application of Research
 To Science and Technology
Without research , we might still be in a very backward
situation up to now. Modern and perfect help home
appliances are now use in almost every house hold .We can
communicate with friend and relatives in distant places
thought telephones, cable line and international sky
networks.. We can travel and migrate to place as a result
of our modern means to transportation . If not for research ,
all there conveniences in like would still be in our widest
 To Business and Industry
Implementation of business decisions must have read the
result of careful planning and forecasting for which research
is an important element . Case studies and project feasibility
studies have guided or warned even the most enterprising
individuals regarding their plans to put up new ventures or
expand existing ones. Operating expenses are kept to the
minimum, thus improving the marketability of good and
services to upgrade profitability, like better allocations for
manpower, materials, machines, and money are realized.
To Marketing and Management
 Thelife cycle of product is uncertain: schemes
and strategies are often redesigned for purpose of
improving it's status position in the market. To
prolong the life of a product is always the
objective are every manufacturer, nevertheless,
some products are phased out from the market
even during the introductory stage.
To Education
 The youth is the hope of our fatherland. To really be of
service to the nation, they have to be properly trained and
education while still young. Hence our present educational
system in continuous search for better methods and
techniques to be used by both public and private schools to
upgrade the quality of education of the young members of
the community. Revising curricular offerings, writing
newer editions of text books and references, hiring for
competent teachers, improving classroom instruction and
management, designing more accurate and measurable
tests and examination- all these are possible with the
guidance of research findings and analyses.
To Psychology
 The study of human behavior and man's
adjustment of his environment is an area of
critical concern in our society. Should research
studies be undertaken in the field of psychology,
human interaction can be pleasantly executed.
The human being, thus , becomes better adjusted
to his environment.
To Economics and Policies
 Itis these areas where careful investigations and
researches are important. We are in a never
ending search for ways and means to help our
economy grow and develop and help stabilize our
political scenario. Increasing our Gross National
Product (GNP) our National Income (NI) can
enable us to escape from our many economic I'll
and problems.
To other fields
 Childcounseling, food and nutrition, home and
marriage, health and recreation, medical and
dental services, and practically every field of
endeavor require to easily achieve their goals and
Scientific Thinking
Nature of Scientific Method
 Basically , the approach that maximize our chances for
securing the results is the scientific method. Science is a
systematized body of information that includes connected
principles theories and laws.
 The scientific method logically begins with the
foundations of rational through processes. Concepts,
clearly, defined are used in the inference process for
building propositions, hypothesis, models , theories,
principles and laws - these are considered the products of
what is known as the scientific method.
Criteria for Good Research
 When one wishes to evaluate a research project, one is
concerned with two aspects: the contents (findings and
conclusions) and the degree of confidence that one can
place in the study and its results (in short, the quality of
the research ). One may employ a number of criteria to
evaluate studies. One writer suggest the following seven
1) The purpose of the research or the problem involve should
be clearly defined and sharply delineated in terms as un
ambiguous as possible.
2) 2) The research procedure used should be describe in
sufficient details to permit another researcher to replicate
the research.
3. The procedural design of the research should be
carefully planned to yield results that are as
objective as possible.
4. The researcher should report, with complete
frankness, flaws in procedural design and estimate
their effect upon the finding.
5. Analysis of the data should be sufficiently adequate
to reveal its significance; and the methods of
analysis used should be appropriate.
6. Conclusions should be confined to those justified
by the data of the research and limited to those for
which the data provide an adequate basis.

7. Greater confidence in the research in warranted

if the researcher is experienced has a good
reputation in research, and a person of integrity.
A Foundation of Scientific Method
 When we do research we seek to know " what is" (or
reality) in order to predict, explain, or understand
phenomena. We try to identify and characterize this
reality and measure and evaluate it according to certain
definitions and classifications of ideas. We also try to
develop theories about how these ideas should relate to
each other according to certain rules of logic, before we
can design such research efforts in a scientific way we
must be able to deal comfortably with ideas such as
concepts, constructs , abstraction levels, operational
definitions , proposition , hypotheses , models, and
A CONSTRUCT is an image or idea specifically
invented for a given research and/or theory
building purpose.
 The success of any research study requires that all
persons involved have a common understanding of
concept meanings. We do this by using
definitions. An OPERATIONAL DEFINITION is stated
in terms of specific testing criteria or operations.
A PROPOSITION is a statement about concepts which
may be judged as true or false if it refers to
observable phenomena. When a proposition is
formulated for empirical testing, we call it a
A THEORY is a set of systematically interrelated
concepts, definitions, and propositions that are
advance to explain and predict phenomena od facts.
A MODEL is a representation of relationships between
or among concepts. Source of conceptual schemes for
model building will be theories, laws, hypotheses,
and principles.

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