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Perceptions of the People

of Kidapawan on
Rice Liberalization Act or
Republic act No.11203

By: Charles Gabriel Vinson Candelon


Rice is what many farmers grow, but it is also what nearly all
consumers eat. Rice cultivation in the Philippines is under the
authority of the Department of Agriculture (DA), an executive
department of the Government of the Philippines responsible for
the promotion of agricultural and fisheries development and
growth. Programs promoting rice production have been
implemented by DA with a view to increasing yields and
attaining rice self-sufficiency.
This is also known as the Rice Liberalization Act or Republic Act No.
11203, which amends the Agricultural Tariffication Act of 1996 that
imposed tariff to agricultural imports except for rice. Primarily, the
law aims to lift the quantitative restriction (QR) on rice imports and
replace it with a general tariff.  When the RTL was signed into law by
the President. It will give a tariff of 35% to our neighboring countries
and 50% for Non-ASEAN countries. This law targets to lower the price
of the rice to make it affordable to all consumers. Law states that it
should help our local farmers because the tariff that will be collected
will be use to help them provide machineries and equipment in farming
Rice Liberalization Act or Republic act No.11203 was signed
to help our local farmers and to make the rice more
affordable. The researcher is interested to know the insights
of the People of Kidapawan and how the law affects the
consumers and the Farmers.
Objectives of the Study
This study aims to provide an in-depth information on the
Perception of the People of Kidapawan on Rice
Liberalization Act or Republic act No.11203
1. To understand the views and opinions of the consumers on
rice liberalization act No.11203
2. To determine the effects of the implementation of rice
liberalization act No.11203 to the consumers.
3. To determine if they are in favor or not in the
implementation of rice liberalization act no.11203.
Scope and Delimitation
The main purpose of the study is to provide information
regarding the effects of rice liberalization act including the
effects of this in the consumers and they’re insights.
The researcher limited the study to 3 consumers in barangay
Magsaysay Kidapawan City. Each participant will be ask a
series of questions through an interview.
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the research methodology for
this qualitative research study regarding the perception of the People of
Kidapawan on Rice Liberalization Act or Republic Act. No. 11203 with
respect to how the Rice Liberalization act affect the consumers and have
insights of the consumers on Rice Liberalization Act. or Republic Act. No.
The research plan, including the general procedure, study participants,
setting, research design, analysis method, and ethical concerns are also
primary components of this chapter.
General Procedure
The procedure in gathering of data pertinent to this study includes the
-Ask permission to conduct the study from the barangay Chairman.
-Identify the participants afterwards give a letter to ask them of their
approval to be interviewed for the study. They must be assured of their
right to confidentiality and anonymity.
-Conduct of interview.
-Data analysis.
Setting of the Study
The study was conducted at Barangay Magsaysay
Kidapawan City.
Research Participant
There are three participants in this research. The
participants are currently living in barangay Magsaysay
Kidapawan City and are a consumer of rice.
Research Design
This study used the qualitative research approaches.
Qualitative research is a process of naturalistic inquiry
that seeks an in-depth understanding of social phenomena
within their natural setting (University of Utah). Qualitative
research is a type of social science research that deals with
non-numerical data and that seeks to interpret meaning from
these data that may help people understand social life
through the study of targeted populations of places
(Crossman, 2019).
Research Design
This study followed the framework of the
phenomenology research design as it focus on knowing the
perception of the people of Kidapawan regarding the rice
liberalization act no.11203. This research design involved
following a research method to understand certain views and
opinions from the effects in people’s lives.
Sampling Technique
This study used the purposive sampling technique as its
method of choosing its appropriate respondents. The
purposive sampling technique is type of non-probability
sampling wherein the researchers are to choose people whom
could respond adequately to the objectives of their study
(Baraceros, 2016) The researchers of this study were to
administer this type of sampling technique by choosing three
respondents in the barangay Magsaysay who were affected
by the rice liberalization act and are a consumers of rice.
Research Instrument
-The research instruments utilized to gather need information was as

Individual interview
- Interview guides were used in individual interview. The interview
guide was intended for researchers’ guide in determining the
Perception of the People of Kidapawan on Rice Liberalization Act or
Republic act No.11203 in barangay Magsaysay.
Guide Questions
- The questions will be use by the researcher to know the
perceptions of the people of Kidapawan. These questions will
give validity and reliability to the study.
1.What is your opinion about the rice liberalization act or
republic act No.11203?
2.What are the effects of the rice liberalization act or
republic act No.11203 to your daily consumption of rice?
3.Do you agree to the rice liberalization act or republic act
Data Analysis
This study used descriptive-evaluate design utilizing the
qualitative data analysis.
Not all topics in language or literature can be measure
statistically. Viewpoints, actions and characteristics cannot
always be numerically and so the need of a qualitative data
Questionnaires that gathered data such as the experiences
and views will be subjected to qualitative analysis. Santos
(2010) noted that interview is a flexible way of gathering data
and will also be analyzed qualitatively.
Results and Discussion
1.What is your opinion about the rice liberalization act or
republic act No.11203?
- Maricel said rice liberalization act or republic act No.11203 will greatly
affect our economy and this will help the farmers. She said this is about
the importation, exportation and trading of rice.
- Jerry suggest that the law should be revise and so the price of rice will
not suddenly decrease and it will help to just control the rice importation.
- Luz said that rice liberalization act or republic act No.11203 will help
improve the lives of the farmers and It will also help the local economy
since Philippines is an agricultural land that produces mostly rice.
2.What are the effects of the rice liberalization act or
republic act No.11203 to your daily consumption of rice?
-For Maricel, the Rice liberalization doesn’t affect her that much
but if the price rises she will consume less rice. Her family spends
almost 400 a week on rice.
- For Jerry, the Rice Liberalization effects didn’t affect Jerrys’
family that much. His family spends about P450 a week on rice.
-Rice Liberalization doesn’t affect Luz that much but she hopes
that the act will produce high quality and cheaper rice. Her family
spends about P350-450 on rice
3. Do you agree to the rice liberalization act or republic act
-Maricel agreed to the rice liberalization act and believe that
it will make a positive impact on our economy.
-Jerry agrees, but he suggests that the rice importation
should be controlled and the tariff should be use wisely that
will help the farmers.
-Luz agreed to the law, but if they will use the tariff wisely to
help the agriculture.
Conclusion One: The consumers view of rice liberalization
will help the Farmers.
-From the responses of the consumers, rice liberalization aims to
use the tariff to boost the economy of the by using the tariff to help
the Department of Agriculture. The Department of Agriculture
(DA) will help the farmers by giving subsidy and providing
machineries and equipment to be used in farming. According to
Faicol, law states that it should help our local farmers because the
tariff that will be collected will be use to help them provide
machineries and equipment in farming (2019).
Conclusion two: The effects of the implementation of rice
liberalization to the consumers.

The price of rice decreased but the consumers didn’t feel it

in their daily consumption.
Conclusion three: The consumers are in favor
of the Rice Liberalization Act or Republic act
The consumers are in favor of the rice
Liberalization Act. No.11203 because they
believe it will help the agriculture of the
Philippines and will make a positive impact to
the economy.
Succeeding researchers who wish to undertake further studies
concerning the Perception of the People of Kidapawan on Rice
Liberalization Act or Republic act No.11203 are advised to take into
account of the following recommendations given by the researcher:
1.Increase the amount of respondents so that the data to be
gathered will be more accurate.
2.During the interview, add more follow-up questions for the
participants to answer.
3.Conduct an interview in other barangays. 

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