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Aesthetics Architects GO Group decided to model the

MMAs new office in Qatar MMA Office Building upon
taking inspiration from the way these plants deal with the
desert climate. Qatar is barren, covered by sand, and
receives and average annual rainfall of 3.2 inches. An
excellent example of desert architecture, MMA’s new
building is designed to be very energy efficient and
utilizes sunshades on its windows. Depending on the
intensity of the sun during the day, the sunshades can
open or close to keep out the heat when it is too much.
This is similar to how a cactus chooses to perform
transpiration at night rather during the day in order to
retain water.
The Aldar Headquarters designed by MZ Architects has a
distinctive and innovative design: a semispherical building
comprising two circular convex shaped facades linked by a
narrow band of indented glazing. This iconic fully glazed
structure is completely circular in elevation and curved in all other
directions. The circular skyscraper flaunts its form across the open
waters and land, like a pearl resting on the sand shores . Inspired
by the clam shell which has deep meaning for Abu Dhabi with its
seafaring heritage, as well as the symbolism of the geometric
round shape, the architects imagined two giant circular curved
walls of glass mirroring an open clam shell.

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