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numerical modelling
Denis Scholz, Klemens Seelos, Luca De Siena
• Today
– topics
• Rest of semester
– you work on it in groups of two
– Visit your supervisor as often as needed
– Hint: don’t start only two weeks before the end of
the semester…
• July 2, 9:15-12:00
– Final presentations of the topic (with code,
explanation of problem you solved & results)
– This gives the final grade
Themes for Geostatistics: Seminars
1) Development of a function for age-depth modelling

• Develop a function to calculate age-depth models for a climate archive (speleothem,

sediment core, etc.) based on given ages and errors
• The function should allow different ways of fitting the data (e.g., linear, polynomials,
splines, ect.)
• The uncertainty of the age model should be claculated by a Monte-Carlo simulation
• Age models should be presented graphically

• Daniel Moos & Tobias Renner

2) Development of an algorithm for Wiggle-Matching

• Develop an algorithm to wiggle-match two climate curves with dating uncertainties,

which show the “same” climate signal
• Individual wiggles should be selectable by clicking on the curves
• The age model should be graphically “updated” during each iteration
• Correlation coefficients should be calculated and updated during each iteration
3) Isotope-geochemical modelling using the R package “phreeqc”

• Develop an algorithm/function to solve a given isotope-geochemical problem using the R

package “phreeqc” (e.g., carbonic acid system)
• The function should be user-friendly
• Results should be presented graphically in R
• Must be done by a group, who has attended my “Isotope Geology” course
Themes for Geostatistics: Seminars
• Kozzatz & Medingeraniel Moos & Tobias Renner
• Merfels & Pinjic
• Fleisch & Güngördü
Themes for Geostatistics: Seminars
De Siena
Office hours on Thursday,
(7) Radiative Transfer Theory for seismic intensity

• Reproduce the part of the paper related to RTT, performing a MC simulation.

• Can you reproduce the envelopes in the paper? Can you down-scale to sample?

• Moser & Baselt

(8) Seismic mapping via attenuation and scattering

• Request seismic waveforms and meta data from a data centre (e.g. IRIS) either at
regional or at local scale.
• Build a code that maps (2D) peak delays and coda attenuation in the area
• Compare the maps with existing velocity models, geology and geomorphology of the
• Bensing & Schuler
(9) Methane seepage

• Schröder & Zamor

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