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Descriptions in Narrative
Orientation Checklist
 Who
a n Why is
h e m e detail
t do e s import
W h a s k s , ant wh
n h e a describ en
wh e r s t o r y ing “w
i s y o u your st here”
w h e r e ory beg
“ s e t ? ” ins?
In A Few Moments…
o What can you see?

o How would it smell?

o What might it feel like?

o What would it taste like?

o What sounds might you hear?

Creating the Setting
The house was brown and yellow.

The house was yum.

Creating the Setting
What could I have done better?
Creating the Setting
Focus on one part of the
house… Think of how you
would describe it to
someone who cannot see it!
Try to use as many
adjectives as you can.

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