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Rank and Rate

Unit 9
Navy Career Paths
But first..Would you rather.... Hike or Kayak?
Play video games or watch Netflix?
Learn pottery or painting?
Play ping pong or tennis?
Be a great cook or a great baker?
Parasail or Skydive?
Unit 9
Rank and Rate
US Navy

What are the ranks in the Chilean Navy? Are they similar?
US Navy Staff Corps Insignias US Navy Enlisted Chevrons
Enlisted members of the Navy start at the
Reading rate
______________ of seaman recruit. Ratings
Comprehension are assigned to _____________ with
specialized jobs. Officers are naval
Fill in the following words: authority
members in positions of ________________.
authority, command, occupations, rate, Some officers, called line officers, are
rating badges, sailors command
responsible for ________________. Other
officers hold particular _________________
in the staff corps. Rank devices and
rating badges
___________________ show a sailor’s status.
Match the definition to the correct term

1. Rate A. A V-shaped badge showing

2. Rating rate
3. Officer B. Someone in a position of
4. Enlisted command
5. Chevron C. An enlisted member’s position
6. Pay grade D. Serving below officer level
E. A level of naval responsibility
F. A particular job or specialty
Read the sentences and choose the correct word or phrase

1. A captain has a higher ( chevron / rank ) than an ensign.

2. Dr. Lewis joined the ( staff corps / rating ) as a medical officer.

3. The promoted officer earned another stripe for her ( rate / rank device ).

4. The seaman’s ( pay grade / rating badge ) bears the symbol of a radio

5. Every ( officer / line officer ) is trained for unit command.

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