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Rooms Division - Front-office

RDM 1129
• Students presentation

• Nationality?

• Academic background?

• Any work experience in Hotels?

• Why are you studying hotel management?

• Where do you see yourself in the future?

Rooms Division – Front-office
Three main components make up this course:
• Front Office Operations
• Customer care
• Applied front office techniques.

- The course considers the role of customer care within the hotel and
particularly within the Front Office environment.
- A communication and cooperation between the Front Office and other hotel
departments is stressed.
- Students will have the opportunity to develop practical knowledge and skills
required of operational staff in Front Office.
Rooms Division – Front-office
Learning outcomes:

• Identify the functions Rooms Division Front Office within the Guest
• Recognize the staffing requirements, services, procedures, as well as
terminology, pertaining to the Front Office.
• Demonstrate an insight into guest and staff relations, appreciate the
role of customer care in guest retention, and develop the relevant social
skills utilized within the customer/service relationship.
• Gain first-hand knowledge and understanding of the tasks of Front
Office staff in a practical environment.
Rooms Division – Front-office
Lessons plan:

W13 - Presentation.
- Rooms Division Dept. and FO area. Terminology.
- Introduction to Reservations/Pre-arrival stage.

W14 – Continuing with Reservations/Pre-arrival stage.

W15 – Check-in/ Arrival stage and occupancy.
W16 – Check-out/ Departure stage.
W17 – Concierge and Reviews. FO practical lessons:
- @Demo Reception
- 2 sessions per week
(1 practical session + 1 creativity session)

- working groups
Rooms Division – Front-office

Assessment type:

• FO practical exam (W18): 40%

• Final exam (W19): 60%

• Passing grade: 6
Rooms Division – Front-office
Required reading

• Front-office Booklet
• Baker, S. Bradley, P.Huyton, J (2010) Principles of Hotel Front
Office Operations 2nd Ed. UK: South- Western Cengage Learning

Additional Reading
Handouts & articles
Rooms Division – Front-office

Daily grooming
• Men:
• Daily shaving
• Business dress code in theoretical lessons and FO practical lessons.
Always with tie & jacket.
• Short hair
• Name tag always visible

• Women:
• When long hair: kept tied up neat
• Small earrings
• Business dress code in theoretical lessons and FO practical lessons.
• Name tag always visible
Rooms Division – Front-office


• Mobile phones
• Food
• Drinks
Rooms Division – Front-office

• Take notes in class

• Do all the exercises in class

• If you have a doubt, ask all the posible questions that you might
have in class

• Pay attention in practical lessons

• Practice again outside class

• Ask for a tutorial if you have problems with a subject, do not

wait till the end of the semester!


• Maximum Absences: 9

• Late arrival considered when class list is already read, not

when still reading.

• Notify your teacher whenever you will be absent.

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Thank you for your attention.

Enjoy your semester!

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