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Objectives of HRP
• To recruit and maintain the HR of
requisite quantity and quality
• To predict the employee turnover and
make the arrangements for
minimizing turnover and filing up of
consequent vacancies.
• To meet the requirements of the
programmes of expansion,
diversification etc.
• To anticipate the impact of technology
on work, existing employees and
future human resource requirements.
Objectives of HRP
• To appraise the surplus or shortage of human
resources and take actions accordingly.
• To maintain pleasant industrial relations by
maintaining optimum level and structure of
human resource.
• To minimize imbalances caused due to non-
availability of human resources of right kind,
right number in right time and right place.
• To make the best use of its human resources;
• To estimate the cost of human resources
Objectives of HRP
• Bridge the gap from where the
organization is and to where it wants to
reach: The HR personnel must endeavor to
study the HR gap and tries to bridge it
through various HR initiatives like
recruitment and selection, training and
development, retrenchment, lay-off,
outsourcing the HR activities
• Ensure optimum use of manpower and
capitalizes on the strength of HR: The
organization can have a reservoir of talent at
any point of time. People skills are readily
available to carry out the assigned tasks, if the
information is collected and arranged
Objectives of HRP
• Forecast future requirements and provides
control measures about availability of HR
inventory: The HR personnel must develop
HRIS to keep track of the manpower
inventory and employee turnover. If, for
example, the organization wants to expand its
scale of operations, it can go ahead easily by
looking into the Human Resource Information
System (HRIS). Advance planning ensures a
continuous supply of people with requisite
skills who can handle challenging jobs easily
Objectives of HRP
• Forecast future requirements and provides
control measures about availability of HR
inventory: The HR personnel must develop
HRIS to keep track of the manpower
inventory and employee turnover. If, for
example, the organization wants to expand its
scale of operations, it can go ahead easily by
looking into the Human Resource Information
System (HRIS). Advance planning ensures a
continuous supply of people with requisite
skills who can handle challenging jobs easily
• Help determining and designing
recruitment and induction
program: HRP helps HR managers to
determine what kind of induction the
organization will require at such a
date. If he has a ready HR plan, he
will have fairly good idea what kind
of people are being recruited and at
what position. Thus he can
successfully plan the induction level.
• Anticipate
by looking into the issues relating to
right sizing: HRP means rightsizing the
people by anticipating the manpower
redundancies, surplus and obsolesces
• Determines training needs and works
as a foundation for management
development programs: If manpower
falls short, external recruitment is not
always the issue. Through training and
development programs, skill level of the
existing workforce can be enhanced to
accomplish organizational objectives.
• Help in making out the cost of
manpower if there is a new project
being taken up: In cases of expansions
or opening of a new factory, fro
example, the organization would
naturally require more human resources;
hence a budgetary allocation can be
made in advance for this upcoming
corporate strategic move. Planning
facilitates preparation of an appropriate
manpower budget for each department or
division. This, in turn, helps in
controlling manpower costs by avoiding
shortages/excesses in manpower supply.
• Help in making out the cost of
manpower if there is a new project
being taken up: In cases of expansions
or opening of a new factory, fro
example, the organization would
naturally require more human resources;
hence a budgetary allocation can be
made in advance for this upcoming
corporate strategic move. Planning
facilitates preparation of an appropriate
manpower budget for each department or
division. This, in turn, helps in
controlling manpower costs by avoiding
shortages/excesses in manpower supply.

• Assist in productivity
bargaining: For example, if a
firm is going fully automated, it
can negotiate for lesser workers
as required for the same amount
of the job by using the
manpower predictions regarding
the same. It can offer higher
incentives (VRS) to smoothen
the process of voluntary layoffs.
• Help in assessing accommodation
requirements: A good HRP can assist in
solving many problems of the firm. For
example, suppose the question is to
outsource an activity or not? The
organization has HRIS and HR manager
knows the distribution of workflow and
the present available staff who can
accomplish these activities. If it is
realized there is no one available for the
job in the organization, and training cost
is coming out to be more or in some cases
the skill is not going to be of much use,
then such activities may be subcontracted
or outsourced.
• Prepare people to meet future challenge:
The competent personnel of the organization
can be picked up, mentored and kept ready to
bear the responsibility of leading positions in
future. All MNCs have such policies and
programs where a “hot list” of promising
candidates is assessed and assisted
continuously for future management
positions. Wipro Infotech, for example, is
continuously conducting Leadership
Development Programs as part of the
Management Development Programs to
prepare the forerunners of the organization to
take future responsibilities. This selection is
possible only through a thorough HR plan.
• .

• It helps in checking labour

* Manpower shortage –other
resource cannot be put into
best use
* Manpower excess-Additional
* HRP will helps in correcting
the imbalance before it
becomes unmanageable

• It helps in checking labour

* Manpower shortage –other
resource cannot be put into
best use
* Manpower excess-Additional
* HRP will helps in correcting
the imbalance before it
becomes unmanageable

• To meet expansion and

diversification needs of the
When an organization try to
expand or diversify or modernize
HRP will not only ensure that the right
number of people is available in
desired position but as it ensure that
people of desired skill are available to
handle the challenging job

• Training development
There will constant changes in the
training and development need of the
employees depending on the
organizational changes

HRP help in designing the training

program that satisfies the need of
the organization as well as
individuals such that highly skilled
workforces are available in the

• Fulfils individual need of the


It helps to satisfy the

individual need like
promotion transfers, salary
encashment and better benefits

• Helps Formulation of Budgets.

By anticipating the human resource

requirement of the organization ,the
organization can anticipate the cost
associated with such human resource in the
form of salary and benefits.This helps in
the formation of human resource budget of
various department

• To check joblessness.

When exercising for right size

of employees in the
organization some job may
become a redundant in future,
hence an proper HRP will help
in checking the job loss and
provide for alternate
employment in consultation
with various parties and

• HRP not only helps in

forecasting the future need of the
organization but also help to
anticipate the vacancy arising in
the future
• It is cost effective as it helps in
controlling the imbalance that
occurs through the shortage
/surplus of manpower which
otherwise become expensive

• Training programs will be

effective as the manpower gaps
arising either to surplus/shortage
is determined in advance that
helps in better designs of
training programs
• It help to make strategic
decisions regarding recruitment
and training in case of shortage
and excess manpower

• Through HRP idle arising out of

vacancy can be reduced and
overall performance of the
company can be improved

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