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English IV for Nurse

• By : Albirruni Siregar, Lc
Vice Dean II of STIKes
Al Insyirah Pekanbaru
‫اح التَّ َعل ُّ ِم‬
‫اء اِف ِتتَ ِ‬
‫ع ُ‬‫ُد َ‬
Anatomy Resource Guide for Nursing Students
The human body is a complex system
that is still being studied and examined
today. Disease and cancer are still issues
we face, and some things have not been
completely eradicated even with modern
medicine. Although many scientific and
technological developments have been
made, our knowledge of the body and
how it works remains a mystery in many
aspects. The study of anatomy involves
learning about each part of the body and
why it performs in its own specific way.
Physicians, surgeons, nurses, and
pharmacy technicians must all know and
understand anatomy and how the parts
of our bodies work together in synergy in
order for people to remain healthy.
A Nurse's Guide to the Human Body
When you study all of the
different systems that work
together inside the human body,
you can quickly see that many
things are happening at the
same time to keep you growing,
strong, and healthy. All of the
systems inside the body have
important jobs, and they all rely
on the other systems to keep
things running smoothly. If one
system stops working properly,
the other systems are often
affected, so you need to see a
nurse or doctor as soon as
Allah did not create things
QS. Ali Imran : 191
َ ‫ين يَ ْذ ُكر‬
• ‫ُون هَّللا َ ِقيَا ًما َوقُعُو ًدا َو َعلَ ٰى ُجنُوبِ ِه ْم‬ َ ‫الَّ ِذ‬
ِ ْ‫ت َواأْل َر‬
‫ض َربَّنَا‬ ِ ‫ُون فِي َخ ْل‬
ِ ‫ق ال َّس َما َوا‬ َ ‫َويَتَفَ َّكر‬
ِ َّ‫اب الن‬
‫ار‬ َ ‫ك فَ ِقنَا َع َذ‬ ِ َ‫ت ٰهَ َذا ب‬
َ َ‫اطاًل ُس ْب َحان‬ َ ‫َما َخلَ ْق‬
Who remember Allah while
standing or sitting or [lying] on
their sides and give thought to the
creation of the heavens and the
earth, [saying], "Our Lord, You did
not create this aimlessly; exalted
are You [above such a thing]; then
protect us from the punishment of
the Fire.
The circulatory system includes the heart and blood vessels. The heart’s job is to pump blood through
the body. With every beat of your heart, blood moves away from the heart in arteries and back toward
it through veins. Scientists estimate that your heart beats about 100,000 times every day.
Digestive and Excretory
The digestive and excretory systems work together to take in food, break it down, move nutrients
throughout the body, and eliminate waste from the body. Digestion begins in the mouth as you chew
your food. Muscles move the food down to the stomach, where muscles and stomach acid continue to
break the food down further. When food enters the small intestine, enzymes break it down even more
so nutrients can be transported throughout the body. As food moves into the large intestine, water and
nutrients continued to be absorbed and waste products are pulled into the intestine. From here, waste
moves through the large intestine to be eliminated from the body.
Endocrine System
Your body produces hormones that manage growth, tissue function, reproduction,
mood, sleep, and more. The endocrine system includes the glands that produce
hormones. These glands include the thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary gland, adrenal gland,
pancreas, and reproductive glands. .
Integumentary and Exocrine
The integumentary system is an important system that includes your skin, hair, and fingernails.
Although your skin isn’t very thick, it is your biggest organ. The skin has a very important job,
which is to protect your body from things that could harm it. Your hair and nails help the skin
with this job. Exocrine glands are in your skin. These glands excrete sweat. Your body excretes
sweat to help keep it cool. Sweat can also contain .waste products that your body doesn’t need.
Lymphatic and Immune Systems
The lymphatic system and the immune system work together in the body, sharing some organs. Your
body relies on your immune system to fight off germs and bacteria that could make you sick. If any
germs do get into the body, the immune system attacks them. The lymphatic system includes nodes and
capillaries that move fluid throughout the body. This system is responsible for moving immune cells
around and clearing out debris and other harmful things that could make you sick.
Muscular and Skeletal Systems
Working together, the muscular and skeletal systems have the important job of forming and supporting
the body and enabling movement. These systems include all of your bones as well as joints, tendons,
and cartilage that work together for movement. Along with these structural tissues, you also have
muscles that are soft tissues, providing strength so you can do things like stand, walk, and run.
Nervous System
The job of the nervous system is to send signals throughout the body. Two separate systems
make up the entire nervous system: the central and peripheral nervous systems. The central
nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system includes
. system to all over the body.
the nerves that branch out from the central nervous
Renal/Urinary System
The urinary system is also known as the renal system. This system is responsible for making, storing,
and getting rid of fluid waste in the body. This fluid waste is called urine, and the kidneys make it by
filtering out wastes and extra water that the body doesn’t need. From the kidneys, urine travels
through tubes to the bladder. When the bladder fills, the urine exits the body through the urethra.
Reproductive System
The human reproductive system is in charge of making more humans. Together, the male and
. The male system produces sperm, and
female reproductive systems work to produce babies.
the female system produces eggs. If a sperm fertilizes an egg, the fertilized egg travels to the
uterus, where it will grow into a baby inside a woman’s body.
Respiratory System
To stay alive, you have to keep breathing in oxygen. Oxygen is in the air. You might
not think about it, but every day, you take about 20,000 breaths. Your respiratory
system is in charge of breathing. You take in air through your nose or mouth, and it
passes through your windpipe or trachea to your lungs. From the lungs, oxygen
. pumps it throughout your body.
moves into your red blood cells, where the heart
Anatomy Resource Guide for Nursing
Students A Nurse's Guide to the Human Body

• Eradicated (v) = • rely on (v) =

• Involves (v) =
• Perform (v) =
• Remain (v) =
• Disease (n) =

QS. Ali Imran : 191 Cardiovascular/Circulatory
• Aimlessly (adv of manner) = • blood vessels (n) =
• • Beat (n) =
• move away (v) =
• back toward (v) =
• Vein (n) =
• Scientist (n)
• Estimate (v) =
• Circulatory (n) =
Endocrine System
Digestive and Excretory Systems
• Digestive (v/n) = • Produce (v) =
•  excretory (n) =
• Hormone (n) =
• break down (v) =
• Eliminate (v) = • Growth (n) =
• Digestion (n) = • tissue function (n) =
• Chew (v) =
• Endocrine (n) =
• move down (v) =
• Stomach (n) =
• Gland (n) =
• Muscles (n) = • pituitary gland (n) =
• stomach acid (n) = • adrenal gland (n) =
• break down further (v) =
• reproductive glands (n) =
• Intestine (n) =
•  enzyme (n) =
• to be absorbed (v) =,
• pull into (v) =
Integumentary and Exocrine Lymphatic and Immune
Systems Systems
• integumentary system (n) = • Lymphatic and Immune Systems (n) =
• Fingernails (n) =
• Thick (adj) =
• Exocrine glands (n) =
Muscular and Skeletal
Systems Nervous System
• the muscular and skeletal systems (n) = • Nervous system (n) =
• Cartilage (n) = • entire  (adj) =
• Provide (v) = • the central and peripheral nervous systems (n) =
• spinal cord (n) =


Renal/Urinary System Reproductive System

• renal system (n) = • The human reproductive system (n) =
• Get rid of (v) = • Fertilize (v) =
•  tubes (n) = • the fertilized egg (n) =
• Bladder n) =
• urethra. (n) =

Respiratory System -
• To keep breathing (v) =

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