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Destruction of RBC

 NADPH serves the RBC

– Maintaining the pliability of the cell
– Maintaining membrane transport
of ions
– Keeping the iron in Hb in Fe++
rather than Fe+++ state

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Destruction of RBC
 As the cells become old
– Metabolic processes become
progressively less active
 Membrane become fragile
 Ruptures easily especially

– During RBC passage through spleen

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Destruction of RBC
 When RBC membrane rapture
– Released Hb is phagocytosed by
macrophages RES
 Hb is split into
– Globin and haeme
 Haeme ring is opened to give
– Free iron
• Transported in blood by Transferrin
– Porphyrin protion

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Destruction of RBC
 Porphyrin portion of the haeme
– Converted into biverdin
– Biliverdin is further converted into
 Bilirubin
is gradually released from the
macrophages into plasma
– Free bilirubin is bound to plasma proteins

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 Anaemia means deficiency of RBCs
which can be due to
– Too rapid loss of RBCs
– Slow production of RBCs
 Types
– Blood loss anaemia
– Aplastic anaemia
– Magaloblastic anaemia
– Haemolytic anaemia
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Blood Loss Anaema
 After haemorrhage
– Body replaces plasma within 1 to 3 days
 This leaves low conc of RBC in plasma

 RBC can return to normal within 3 to 6 weeks

 In chronic blood loss

– An individual cannot absorb iron rapidly enough
to cope with HB synthesis
 RBC are formed with little Hb

– They are pale (Hypochromia)

– They are small in size (Microcytosis)
• Microcytic hypochromic anaemia
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Aplastic anaemia
 Due to lack of function of bone
– Exposure to gamma radiation,
certain industrial chemicals,
excessive X-rays, certain drugs

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Megaloblastic anaemia
 Due to lack or deficiency of vitamin
B12, folic acid
– Required for DNA synthesis
 Deficiency of these leads to
– Slow reproduction of erythroblasts in
bone marrow
 They become large with odd shapes
– Megaloblasts (have fragile membrane)
easily rapture
• Development of anaemia
• Megaloblastic anaemia
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Haemolytic anaemia
 In this condition normal number
of RBC is being formed but
– They have abnormalities which
make their membrane fragile
 They rapture easily as they go through
the capillaries
– Hence life span greatly reduced
• Anaemia develops

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Haemolytic anaemia
 Examples
– Hereditary spherocytosis
 RBCare small and have spherical
– They are easily ruptured as they pass
through the spleen pulp
• Haemolysis

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Haemolytic anaemia
 Sickle cell anaemia
 RBC contain abnormal type of HB known as
  Chain of Hb are abnormal
– Valine is substituted for glutamic acid at
one point
 When it is exposed to low O2
– It precipitates into long crystal inside the
– Which elongate the cell into a sickle shape
– Fragile membrane
• Breakdown of RBC –(Haemolysis)

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 Affect a child of
– Rh negative mother married to Rh
positive man
 Rh positive RBC in foetus
– Attacked by antibodies from Rh negative
 Antibodies make the cell fragile
 Rapture
– Haemolysis
– Anaemia

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Adaptive Changes in

13 Anaemia Oct 9, 2020

 Deficiency of haemoglobin
 Red blood cells may be deficient

– In number
– In haemoglobin
– In both number & Hb

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 There is fall in all three RBC
– Red cell count
– Haematocrit
– Blood Hb level

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 The Hb level
– Most often used to diagnose or
exclude anaemia in patients
 Normal values
– 15 gm/100 ml of blood
– Slightly higher in men than in

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 Wide variation
 Values below

– 11 gm/100 ml in women
– 12 gm/100 ml in men
 Suggestive of anaemia

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 Hgb level also depend on
– Plasma volume
 Factors that  plasma vol
  Hgb level
 Factors that  plasma vol
  Hgb level

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Binding of O2 to Hgb
 Under ideal conditions
– 1 gm of Hgb
 Combine with 1.39 ml O2
 In the normal human body
– 1 gm of Hgb combine with 1.34 to 1.36 ml
of O2 (Huffner’s number)
 Small fraction of Hgb is in an inactive form

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O2 Carrying Capacity of
 Maximum amount of O2 that can be
bound by the Hgb
– 1 gm of Hgb combine with 1.34 ml O2
– Amount of Hgb available = 15 gm Hgb/100
ml of blood
 15*1.34 = 20.1 ml O2 / 100 ml blood
 This is the O2 carrying capacity of blood

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Oxygen Flux
 Total amount of O2 transported
by blood per minute
– O2 flux = C.O*(arterial O2 content)
– O2 flux = 5000*(20/100)
– O2 flux = 1000 ml O2 /min

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Oxygen Flux
 Under normal condition
– 250 ml of O2 is utilized (25% of O2 flux)
 Thus circulating blood loses 25% of its Oxygen
 Venous blood is approx 75% saturated with O2
 The 75% of the un-extracted O2 forms “reserve”

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Oxygen Flux
 Determined by
– Cardiac output
– Hgb concentration
– Saturation with O2

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Effects of Anaemia
Oxygen Flux vs Hgb concentration


ml O2/CO (5L/min)


O2 Flux


16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
Hgb gm/100ml

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Effects of Anaemia
 Line “A”
O2 Carrying Capacity per CO – Normal level of
1200 tissue O2
1000 extraction 250
800 C ml/min
ml O2/CO(5ml/min)


B  Line “B”
200 – Twice the
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
normal level
Hb gm/100 ml

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Effects of Anaemia
 Line “C”
O2 Carrying Capacity per CO – Three times
1200 normal level

800 C
ml O2/CO(5ml/min)


16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
Hb gm/100 ml

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PO2 vs Quantity of O2 Bound
to Hb
97% sat ; 19.4 ml O2

 Thus under normal
O2 content ( ml O /100 ml blood)

5 mls
– When Hgb = 15
– About 5 ml O2/100

75% sat, 14.4 ml

12 O2
ml blood are
transported from
8 lungs to tissue


20 40 60 80 100
PO2 (mm Hg)
Oct 9, 2020 Anaemia 27
PO2 vs Quantity of O2 Bound
to Hb
97% sat ; 19.4 ml O2

 In anaemia Hgb
O2 content ( ml O /100 ml blood)

5 mls
= 7.5 gm/dL
16 – Less than 5 ml
O2/100 ml

12 blood will be
< 5 mls
from lungs to

20 40 60 80 100
PO2 (mm Hg)
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Effects of Anaemia
 For a given fall in O2 partial
– Anaemic blood release less O2 to
tissues than normal blood
 Effects of anaemia
– Arises from the lack of O2 to tissues
& the compensatory changes to

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Effects of Anaemia
 Anaemia usually develops slowly
– Give time for compensation
 Thus a patient with severe
– May have few complaints
 The  circulating Hgb
– Accounts for the pallor of anaemia

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Tissue Hypoxia
 Tends to be slight in mild
– Covered by the compensatory
 In severe anaemia
– Tissue hypoxia  markedly

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Skeletal Muscles
 Functions is impaired
  PO leads to anaerobic
– Accumulation of lactic acid
 Muscle weakness & fatigue
 Stimulation of respiration

 Breathlessness during exertion

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 In severe anaemia
– Heart muscle hypoxia
 Angina pain
– Cardiac muscle weakness
 Reduced exercise tolerance
– Breathlessness on exertion
– Heart failure

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The Brain
  Arterial O2 content
– Renders the brain more sensitive to
any reduction of blood flow
 Light headedness
 Fainting attacks

 Lethargy

 Headaches

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Peripheral Nerves
 Hypoxia of peripheral nerves
– Tingling sensations
 Paraesthesia

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 Hypoxia of GIT
– Loss of appetite
– Abdominal discomfort

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Liver Hypoxia
 Impaired liver functions

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 In anaemia there is
  O2 carrying capacity
  In O2 delivery to the tissues
 The body compensates for this by
  In O2 extraction by tissue
– Peripheral vasodilatation
  In cardiac output

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 Tissue hypoxia causes
– Release of erythropoeitin by the
  stimulation of erythropoiesis by
the bone marrow

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Decrease Hgb-o2 Affinity
 Hypoxia
 O2 extraction of anaemic blood by
  Conc of deoxy-Hgb in RBC
– Stimulates production of 2:3DPG
– Shifts Hgb-o2 dissociation curve to
the right

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Decrease Hgb-o2 Affinity
 This allows for more O2 off-
loading at the tissues

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 Hypoxia in tissues causes
– Vasodilatation of resistance vessels
 Leads to  in TPR
 The  BP initiates reflex
  Sympathetic discharge

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 The increase in sympathetics
leads to increase in
– HR
– Force of contraction of heart
– Myocardial contractility
 All this tend to cause
–  in cardiac output

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 The pulse pressure increases
– The  force of contraction of the
 Raises the SBP
– The  in TPR causes a  in DBP
 Hence the pulse pressure rises

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 The  in HR &  pulse pressure
– Known as hyper-dynamic
circulatory states
 Haematocrit is decreased
– This decreases blood viscosity

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 Hence the  in CO &  viscosity
  Velocity of blood flow
  Turbulence
– Leads to abnormal heart sound
 Heart murmurs

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 Any type of stress
– Infection, illness
– Produce more severe effects
 Body is working at
– A disadvantage due to hypoxia
 Sudden blood loss
– Dangerous in anaemia
 During child birth

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