6 Problems of Educational System

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Issues of the

Submitted by: Alexander Arandia

“We are we
Excellence then,
is not an act, but a

Table of

Industrial Age

No Autonomy

0 1.
IAL No Room for
AGE How We Learn


The video pointed out that one of the problems the educational system is that the values instilled in
schools are values that were needed during the industrial age. Industrial age took place more than a
century ago. Developments were rapid. According to History.com, it started when the steam engine was
invented. The video stated that values of strictly following routines and orders is not important to the
technological age. However, it did not discussed that it was because of industrial age governments were
pushed to set up public school and that they will have learning standards. However, I believe that
industrial age values is still important. Routines, and following directions is des not only apply to schools. It
necessary in work places. Organizational skills is important and training children this skill will also assist
students how the manage life as adults sooner. Beside, the video said that leaders agreed to it, however,
they are not seeing the real dilemma in the educational system
Table of

Industrial Age

No Autonomy

0 2.

No Room for

No Auton

omy How We Learn


Another, problem the video pointed out is that schools do not teach autonomy to the students. I disagree.
Students are actually given freedom. They are given choices whether to study or not, to fail and create
mistakes. I have seen that education now has holistic approach in teaching. It strives nurture the different
areas of learning. I can see changes in the educational system. Students can choose to participate in
different activities in school. Autonomy should not mean lax in school discipline. There must always be
decorum to follow. Students actually have the control. They are given different opportunities in schools.
The video claimed that students gets bored and demotivated in class. Yes, that might be true. But, schools
are not the only responsible for that.But, how about those students who are motivated. There is always
two sides of the coin. Schools are doing their part. But, as a teacher, I believe the peoples behavior and
attitude are also changing. Students are actually getting out of control and it is not that they don’t have
Table of

Industrial Age

No Autonomy

0 3.

No Room for
Inauthen Passion

tic Learning How We Learn


According to Steve Revington authentic learning is real life learning. It is a style of learning that
encourages students to create a tangible, useful product to be shared with their world. He said that they
are real life tasks, or simulated tasks that provide the learner with opportunities to connect directly with the
real world. As a part of the educational system, I have seen efforts of teachers and the schools to provide
authentic learning experience. Hands – on activities, fieldtrips, excursions, and prom nights and balls are
some of the ways schools are exposing students to real- life. Socialization, creating projects, and
immersions creates a vibe and eyes to the real world. I guess, those who do not work in the educational
system is unable to see these things happenings. Knowing facts is important in understanding. We can’t
apply the theories if we don know the theories. Knowing how and when to use facts is another skill that
takes times to be learned. One can’t jump into conclusions if he does not know the specifics and details.
Students maybe asked to memorize but, it is a part of learning.
Table of

Industrial Age

No Autonomy

0 4.
No Room
F or No Room for
Passion How We Learn


Its our passion that drives us through life, and attitude that allows us to take it all on. Our primary goal
should be to hang on to our passion, and maintain the proper attitude. All that we do, and all that we make
out of our life in this world comes from our passion to make these things happen, and bring our dreams
alive.But, it would take time for someone to really know what is his passion. In schools, guidance
counsellors help students find the best careers for them. In the schools that I see, there are career weeks,
where students are exposed to different professions. From early years of school up to high school,
students are exposed to this. In schools there are also different clubs they can join. There is drama,
sports, singing, painting, arts and crafts etc. Robotics is also part of the education curriculum as schools
try to keep up with the technological advancements. There are also electives like sewing and nursing. Not
schools may not cater to all everything, but, students can choose what they are inclined to.
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Industrial Age

No Autonomy

0 5.

No Room for

How We Passion

Learn How We Learn


There were many studies conducted to figure out the exact reasons why students fail despite the larger
influence of modern educational technology. Lack and perseverance, the absence of preparation and
effort, and poor time management. In a study conducted by Cherif, et. al (2013) they found out that
students fail in college because they are not motivated. They do not have a self – drive to pursue their
education. If the subject or task is difficult for them they just give up. And, I don’t think teachers and
schools train them to give up. They don’t see the importance of gaining as much knowledge they have in
school, even those subjects that mistook would not help them to succeed. It has also shown that laziness
and study habits played roles in their failures. Schools have embraced new strategies and approaches in
teaching and learning. They devised plans to improve motivations by adapting PBIS, and also teaching
strategies like differentiated instructions. Most teachers are creative in teaching. However, it is given that
there are those who fall short and needs extra. But, really and truly, it takes an entire village to raise a
Table of

Industrial Age

No Autonomy

0 6.

No Room for
How We Learn

Teachers are equipped with general principles, pedagogy and management strategies used for classroom instruction.Meaning schools
don not and should not only use lectures to teach because teachers have array of teaching methods that they will use depending on what
fits in their classroom demographic and subject areas. According to Perrott (1982) in almost all lessons or learning sequences, the teacher
has to present information and ideas. He has to introduce topics, summarize the main points of the learning activity and stimulate further
learning. All these activities require the use of lecture-explanation techniques. Just like any other teaching methods it has its own
advantages and disadvantages and is not suitable for all subjects and topics. Therefore, it is not true that lecture is the only method of
teaching used in schools. Moreover, teaching methods may also be different depending on the schools philosophy, its mission, and vision.
A study from IOWA University found out that demonstrations, discussions, laboratories, projects, contests, using real objects and
supervised experience were rated as the most used teaching methods and tools by teachers of agricultural education. The most effective
teaching strategies in the secondary agricultural education programs were laboratories, demonstrations, contests, using real objects,
discussion and supervised experience and that the least effective strategies were distance programs, learning contracts, Intemet,
television and case studies. On the other hand, the Journal of Elementary Education stated that play way method was found to be more
effective than demonstration and conventional methods suggesting that children learn best through play because of the age. Hence,
schools are actual using variety of teaching methods to teach and does solely rely on lectures. Schools also constantly have professional
development trainings that update teachers’ pedagogy and provides insights to the new trends in education.
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