Literary Arts: Group 1

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• Deals with ideas, thoughts, and emotion of
man, It is the story of man.
• Latin root “literatura/litteratura” (derived itself
from “littera”: letter or handwriting). Came
from French phrase “belles-letters” which
means beautiful writing
• Literature, in its broadest sense, consisting of writing.
More restrictively, it is writing as an art form, or any
writing deemed to have artistic or intellectual value.
Two Main Division of Literature
Form Written in Written in stanza
paragraph form Or verse form
Language Expressed in ordinary Expressed in metrical,
language rhythmical and figurative
Appeal To the intellect To the emotion
Aim To convince, inform, Stir- the imagination and
construct, imitate, and set an ideal of how life
reflect should be
– Consist entirely of dialouges in prose, and is
meant to be acted on stage.
– short literary composition. The author shares
some of his thoughts, feelings, experiences, and
- something invented, imagined, or feigned to be
A. Novel – Long fictitious narrative with a
complicated plot
B. Short Story – Fictitious narrative compressed into
one unit of time, place, and action.


Biography – story of certain person’s life
Autobiography – Written account of man’s life
• Diary – A daily written record.
• Joural – A magazine or periodical especially of a
serious nature.
• Letter – A written message
Literary Genres

A. Fiction – is an imaginative reaction and re-creation

of life. Includes short stories and novels.
B. Poetry – Derived from the Greek word “Poesis”
meaning “Making or Creating”
C. Essay – To try to do, perform, or deal with
D. Drama – A piece of writing that tells a story and is
performed on stage
Elements of Literature
• Authors use literary elements to make their
writing more interesting.

• Setting
• Plot
• Characterization
• Conflict
• Point of view
• Theme
• Tone
• It is the skeletal framework of the story wherein the
events are arranged in a meaningful sequence.
• A casually related sequence of events.

Narrative order – The sequence of events.

o Chronological
o Flashbacks
o Time Lapse
• Exposition – layout of the materials of the story or
• Complication – rising action where the major
conflict of the story are presented.
• Climax – the peak of the story or action where the
dilemma is face by the main character.
• Resolution – falling action.
• Denouement – ending/conclusion.

• The locale (place) or period (time) in which the

action of a short story, play, novel, or the motion
picture takes place.
• The generalization about human
life/character that a story explicity or
implicity embodies a philosophical truth.
• The representation of a human being:
Persons involved in a conflict.
Types of Characters
• Round Character – fully developed character, with
many traits – bad and good – shown in the story.
• Flat Character – known as the stock or the stereotype
character who does not grow up and developed.
Kinds of Characters
• Protagonist - the main character
• Antagonist – villain
• The narrative voice in the story.
• Writter’s feeling and attitude towards his
• The dilemma faced by the main character.
Types of Conflict
• Person vs. Self
• Person vs. Society
• Person vs. Person
• Person vs. Nature
• Person vs. Supernatural
• Person vs. Machine or Technology
Types of Literary Arts
• Literary work in which special intensity is given to
the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of
distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as
a genre of literature.
• Is any writing in speech in its normal
continous form, without a rhythmic or
visual line structure of poetry
•Comedy •Mythopoeia
• Drama • Romance
•Epic •Satire
•Erotic •Tragedy
• Nonsense • Tragicomedy
• Lyric
Major forms
• Poem
• Drama
•Short story
Fable Sonnet

Short Story Poem

• SHORT STORY – A prose narrative which
concentrates on a uniform or single
• novel-a fictitious prose narrative of book length,
typically representing character and action with some
degree of realism.
• Poem-a piece of writing that partakes of the nature of
both speech and song that is nearly always rhythmical,
usually metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal
elements as meter, rhyme, and stanzaic structure.
• Drama-a play for theater, radio, or television.
-an exciting, emotional, or unexpected series
of events or set of circumstances.
• A novella is a work of written, fictional, narrative
prose normally longer than a short story but shorter
than a novel. The English word "novella" derives
from the Italian novella, feminine of novello, which
means "new". The novella is a common literary genre
in several European languages.
History of Literary Arts
• The history of literature follows closely the development of
the civilization. When defined exclusively as written work,
Ancient Egyptian Literature, along with the Sumerian
Literature are considered as the world’s oldest literatures.
• The primary genres of the Literature of Ancient Egypt –
didactic text, hymns, and prayers, and tales – were almost
entirely written in verse.
• In Ancient China early literature was primarily focused on
philosophy, historiography, military science, agriculture
and poetry.
History of Literary Arts
• In Ancient India, ‘Literature originated from stories
that were originally orally transmitted. Early genres
included drama, fables, sutras and epic poetry.
• In Ancient Greece –classical Greece genres included
philosophy, poetry, historiography, comedies and
• In the Age of Reason philosophical tracts and
speculations in history and human nature integrated
with social and political developments

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