Titan Elevate

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1. Number of influencers with insta following of 1M)
On the go sales
( youtube/sharechat/snapchat/Desi version of tiktok)
Share option for 2nd opinion – especially a good way
connect in lockdown
2. Concept of facemask , but on whole body to imagine onself
wearing the same apparel/watch/jewellery etc.)
Flow :
1. Characteristics of GenZ
2. Problem Statement
3. Not only vizualization, the app will accurately determine the 3. Solution
size of the apparel/gadget for the individual, thus(a), reduction 4. Advantages
in rejection and backward logistic ( as most e-commerce in
apparel segment face(b) Non physical visits by consumers, thus
being in current trend of social distancing and not encouraging
actual trials in this pandemic situation, but still accelerating
This sales will anyway be backed by influencers

4. You can plan a gift by clicking her photo and done

Titan Elevate 7.0
‘True Gen’ : Generation Z
The cohort every brand wants to capture. But there are challenges:
With GenZ, there is a shift in consumer behaviour trends because….

1. They Prefer to spend on experiences:

3 out of 4 millennials also judge the way they purchase, and not mere owing the product

2. Motivation behind buying a product has shifted:

• Consider social responsibility while making purchases
• Follow either own instincts or go with opinion of peers
‘True Gen’ : Generation Z
The cohort every brand wants to capture. But Why?
The size of this cohort is HUGE

According to a 2019 Bloomberg report, Gen Z made up for 32

percent of the global population, with India’s Gen Z population
at 472 million.

And this is a Test of brands

So, its high time we create value for this set of consumers ….
And Capture it efficiently as well!!
‘True Gen’ : Generation Z
Now how this idea enables and enhances us?

Well for starters this helps in

• Reduction in rejections and backward logistics which is by far the most seen in the apparel industries
• On the go sales – Gen Z are all about multitasking and are digital natives, this idea is surely grab their attention and
help them make a decision quite early rather than the tradition apparel and jewellery viewing
• The 2nd most important aspect here after size fitting is the 2nd opinion and the share button would enable that and
during this pandemic can be a great way to connect.

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