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Denali National Park and




¢Ôocated in the Alaska
Range²mountain chain
about 600 miles long
¢Alaska Range formed 5
million years ago by the
movement of geologic
¢National park contains
¢Denali (the highest
peak in North America)
and its neighboring
peaks, are carved from
granite rocks
Natural History

° A majority of the park is

vast expanses of tundra,
although it does include a
few wooded areas
° The areas of tundra are
considered either moist or
° Over 450 species of
flowering plants fill the
park, and many rely on fire,
giving the park a very
complicated fire history
Natural History


° Ôong winters are followed by ° There are 37 mammal species

short growing seasons recorded in the park and preserve
 Dall sheep, Caribou, Moose, olves
° Generally, summers are (rare), Grizzly bears, fox, weasel,
wolverine, lynx, etc.
usually cool and damp, but
° |irdlife is varied and interesting
can be very unpredictable  Plovers, gyrfalcons, mew gulls, and snow
° Mountains block water to buntings are among the 156 species of
birds recorded at Denali
north thus«
° Spring, summer, and fall is a busy
 Drier climate and huge time during which animals must
temperature fluctuations to the garner most of their annual food
North supplies
 South receives transitional ° inter challenges wildlife with frigid
maritime continental climates, temperatures and the cessation of
with moister, cooler summers and plant growth (food is scarce)
warmer winters
Can you guess the wildlife?

| |
¢Denali National Park
and Preserve is over 6
million acres large

¢Formerly known as
Mount McKinley
National Park from 1917
until the park was
expanded and renamed
in 1980

¢Interesting Fact: It is
larger than the State of
Management and Ôaws/Protocol
° In 1980, Alaska National ° Denali National Park has
Interest Ôands two areas designated as
Conservation Act National Preserves, which
(ANIÔCA) was signed, permit subsistence and
expanding the national State of Alaska
park system in Alaska by hunting/trapping
over 43 million acres ° State harvests are regulated
° Denali National Park and by State game laws passed
Preserve is managed as by the Alaska |oard of
three distinct units: Game
 Denali ilderness ° Federal subsistence
 Denali National Park harvests are regulated by
additions federal regulations passed
 Denali National Preserve by the Federal Subsistence
hy is it Important to Preserve?
° Denali is home to a variety
of Alaskan birds and
mammals, including a
healthy population
of grizzly bears and black
° Denali homes a mix a
habitats that include forest
at the lowest elevations,
tundra at middle
elevations, and glaciers,
rock, and snow at the
highest elevations.

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° Alaska Range¶s perpetually snow

covered flanks glaciers ° None.
° Open tundra expanses dotted
with small lakes and ponds
° Turbid glacial rivers
° At lower elevations in the park
the boreal forest, a mixed spruce
forest with aspen and birch,
winds its way up into valleys and
along river corridors
° The interior mountains support
complex and diverse habitats
resulting from variation in
elevation, geology, slope, and

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° Degradation by the pollution of ° Adopt regulations that define "traditional

activities" in parks and other conservation areas
motorized vehicles as utilitarian activities necessary for sustaining a
 ATV¶s and snowmobiles, which will traditional rural way of life, not including
cause both noise and air pollution recreational activities or the use of motorized
vehicles as an activity
° Insufficient funds given to the ° Establish a set of specific principles and
national park guidelines regarding reasonable regulation of
motorized and non-motorized transportation to
 Alaska national parks count for two- protect the full range of natural and other values
thirds of all national parklands, in 1999 of the parks
received a mere $43 million out of a ° Define private inholders' right of access to their
total Park Service budget of $2 lands without requiring a host of new roads or
billion²3 percent of the budget for 66 railroads through the parks
percent of the land base; moreover, the ° Adopt permanent regulations to decide highway
Alaska region has fewer employees right-of-way claims, under federal law, that
recognize valid, existing roads but preclude
than Yosemite or Yellowstone development of trails and footpaths into
° Overhunting of species thousands of miles of new roads through parks
and wilderness
hy visit?

° Denali National Park and Preserve is a beautiful

expanse of land that hosts a variety of nearly pristine
habitats and ecosystems that ranges from clear lakes
and colorful tundra to the rugged, towering glacial
snows atop the Alaska Range, which provides home
to a myriad of species. In short, Denali National Park
and Preserve exemplifies interior Alaska's character
as one of the world's last great frontiers for
wilderness adventure.

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