Prof. Dr. Nargis Akter Southeast University.: Submitted To

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Submitted To:-

Prof. Dr. Nargis Akter

Southeast University.

Submitted By:-
Khaza Nazmul Haque
Mehedi Hassan Rahat
Md Fazle Rubby
Soft Skills.
Technical skills and data literacy are obviously important in
this age of AI, big data, and automation. But that doesn't mean
we should ignore the human side of work skills in areas that
robots can't do so well. The work of humans is going to
become altogether more, well, human. With this in mind, what
skills should employees be looking to cultivate going forward?
Here are nine soft skills that I think are going to become even
more precious to employers in the future.
1. Creativity
Robots and machines can do many things, but they struggle to compete
with humans when it comes to our ability to create, imagine, invent, and
dream. With all the new technology coming our way, the workplaces of
the future will require new ways of thinking making creative thinking
and human creativity an important asset.

Why is creativity an important skill?

Being creative helps you become a better problem solver in all areas of
your life and work. Creativity helps you see things differently and better
deal with uncertainty. Studies show that creative people are better able to
live with uncertainty because they can adapt their thinking to allow for
the flow of the unknown.
2. Analytical (critical) thinking
As well as creative thinking, the ability to think analytically will be all
the more precious, particularly as we navigate the changing nature of the
workplace and the changing division of labor between humans and
machines. That's because people with critical thinking skills can come up
with innovative ideas, solve complex problems and weigh up the pros
and cons of various solutions – all using logic and reasoning, rather than
relying on gut instinct or emotion.

Is critical thinking a soft skill?

The ability to think logically about a problem in order to solve it is a
valuable soft skill. Employers prefer job candidates who can demonstrate
a history of using critical thinking skills. They want to have employees
who can solve problems quickly, but more importantly, they want ones
who can solve them effectively.
7 Steps To Improve Your Analytical Thinking Skills:-
If you think your analytical thinking skills need some brushing up or you
just want to improve it, here are some strategies you can do.

•Be Observant
•Read Books
•Learn How Things Work
•Ask Questions
•Play Brain Games
•Practice Your Problem Solving Skills
•Think About Your Decisions
3. Emotional intelligence

Also known as EQ (as in, emotional IQ), emotional intelligence describes a person's
ability to be aware of, control, and express their own emotions – and be aware of the
emotions of others. So when we talk about someone who shows empathy and works
well with others, we’re describing someone with a high EQ. Given that machines can’t
easily replicate humans’ ability to connect with other humans, it makes sense that those
with high EQs will be in even greater demand in the workplace.

Is emotional intelligence a soft skill?

Emotional intelligence or EQ is an individual's “ability to recognize, understand,
manage, and reason with emotions.” This soft skill is becoming more sought after by
employers. With today's focus on company culture and teamwork, emotional
intelligence is a critical component to building high performing teams.
Five main components to Emotional Intelligence:
•Self-awareness. This is the ability to recognize and understand personal moods,
emotions and drives and the effect of them on both self and others.
•Internal motivation.
•Social skills.
Mehedi Hassan Rahat.
4. Interpersonal communication skills
Related to EQ, the ability to successfully exchange information between
people will be a vital skill, meaning employees must hone their ability to
communicate effectively with other people – using the right tone of
voice and body language in order to deliver their message clearly.

What are interpersonal skills?

•Active listening.
5. Active learning with a growth mindset
Someone with a growth mindset understands that their abilities can be
developed and that building skills leads to higher achievement. They're
willing to take on new challenges, learn from their mistakes, and actively
seek to expand their knowledge. Such people will be much in demand in
the workplace of the future because, thanks to AI and other rapidly
advancing technologies, skills will become outdated even faster than
they do today.
How does growth mindset help learners?
Growth mindset is the belief that one's intelligence can be grown or
developed with persistence, effort, and a focus on learning. Individuals
with a growth mindset believe they are capable of learning nearly
anything if they work hard and accept failures and challenges as
opportunities to grow.
6. Judgment and decision making
We already know that computers are capable of processing information
better than the human brain, but ultimately, it's humans who are
responsible for making the business-critical decisions in an organization.
It's humans who have to take into account the implications of their
decisions in terms of the business and the people who work in it.
Decision-making skills will, therefore, remain important. But there's no
doubt that the nature of human decision making will evolve –
specifically, technology will take care of more menial and mundane
decisions, leaving humans to focus on higher-level, more complex
5 Steps to Good Decision Making
•Step 1: Identify Your Goal. One of the most effective decision making
strategies is to keep an eye on your goal.
•Step 2: Gather Information for Weighing Your Options.
•Step 3: Consider the Consequences.
•Step 4: Make Your Decision.
•Step 5: Evaluate Your Decision.
Avro Abir.
7. Leadership skills
The workplaces of the future will look quite different from today's
hierarchical organizations. Project-based teams, remote teams, and fluid
organizational structures will probably become more commonplace. But
that won't diminish the importance of good leadership. Even within
project teams, individuals will still need to take on leadership roles to
tackle issues and develop solutions – so common leadership traits like
being inspiring and helping others become the best versions of
themselves will remain critical.

5 Essential Leadership Skills and Practices

•Team development.
•Strategic thinking and acting.
•Ethical practice and civic-mindedness.
8. Diversity and cultural intelligence
Workplaces are becoming more diverse and open, so employees will
need to be able to respect, understand, and adapt to others who might
have different ways of perceiving the world. This will obviously improve
how people interact within the company, but I think it will also make the
business’s services and products more inclusive, too.

9. Embracing change
Even for me, the pace of change right now is startling, particularly when
it comes to AI. This means people will have to be agile and cultivate the
ability to embrace – and even celebrate – change. Employees will need
to be flexible and adapt to shifting workplaces, expectations, and
required skill sets. And, crucially, they'll need to see change not as a
burden but as an opportunity to grow.
1. The Past is Past
Most people who have been working at a place for a long time will have developed habits,
comfort zones, and tricks of the trade. It is hard to let go of certain things, especially when they
are guaranteed to work. Yet, times are changing and there is always something new to learn. By
letting go of the past and looking forward to change, it will allow you to open your mind to new
ideas. Being open to new ideas can potentially help you along in your career. During the course
of my recruiting career, I have noticed some commonality among people with successful careers.
You guessed it. One of the common threads is that they understand change is part of the
landscape and they find ways to make it work.
2. Flexibility
This is an advantage in which both employer and employee can reap the benefits. For employees,
chances to grab new opportunities will arise. Whether they are new positions or different work
assignments for your current employer. For employers flexibility creates balance in the
workplace. By adapting quickly to changes such as these, it will reduce stress for everyone and
create a more efficient workplace.
3. Hire Motivated People
Change can mean letting go of people. It is important to evaluate workers on the quality of their
work, versus the quantity of time they have spent working. People who refuse to adapt to change
are easily weeded out when changes occur. This opens up the positions for people who will be
valuable additions to the workplace. Spending time and resources to motivate the unmotivated is
not something most successful hiring managers want to engage in. By hiring motivated people
from the start, the job will be done efficiently and done well.
more important addition to any employer.
4. Communication
Change or no change, communication remains key. However, change
does call for better communication. Whether there is an army of workers,
or a small group it is crucial that every single member gets the memo. In
any operation, one little cog doing the wrong thing can stop the
efficiency of the production as a whole. Do not let anyone get left behind
due to lack of understanding of what change entails.
5. Maintain A Positive Attitude
This is the final and most important rule to abide by. When dealing with
change, there can be a lot of resentment and refusal to adapt. Whether
you are the boss, or the newest member always remember to be positive.
By thinking of all the things that could go wrong, you stop yourself from
seeing all the new possibilities.
Change can be scary, but it is change that allows us to grow. In the
workplace, change is the key to staying on top. Embracing change will
make you an even.
Thank You.

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