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Theories of Human Behavior

1. Ecological Systems
- the focus of this theory is on how persons
interact with their environment.
Main Concepts:
- Persons are in continual transaction with their
- Systems are interrelated parts or subsystems
constituting an ordered whole
- Each subsystem impacts all other parts and
whole system

- Systems can have closed or open boundaries

- Systems tend toward equilibrium.

- Some theorists are: Parson, Merton, Germain

and Gitterman.
2. Family Systems
- The focus of this theory is on how the family
system affects the individual and family
functioning across the life-span
Main Concepts:
- Individual functioning shapes family functioning
and family systems can create pathology within
the individual.
- Boundaries, roles, communication, family
structure influence family functioning.
- Some theorist are: Bowen, Satir, Minuchin,
Carter and mcGoldrick

1. Cognitive, Behavioral and Social Learning

- The focus of this theory is on how individuals
develop cognitive functioning and learn through
acting on their environment.
Main Concepts are:
- Imitation and reaction to stimulation shape
behavioral learning.
- Knowledge is constructed through children
physically and mentally acting on objects.
- Intelligence is an evolutionary, biological
adaptation to environment.
- Cognitive structure enable adaptation and

- Some theorist are: Pavlov, Skinner, Watson,

Piaget, Bandura and Beck
- The focus of this theory is on how internal and
external forces shape life development, generally
by life stages
Main Concepts are:
- Human development occurs in defined and
qualitatively different stages that are sequential
and may be universal.
- Individual stages of development include specific
tasks to be completed and crises to be managed.
- Time and social context shape and individualize
the meaning of life stages.

- Theorist involve in this theory is Erikson.

• What is the similarity of this three theory?
Explain your answer.
• Which of the two theory in systems of theory is
more powerful in developing behavior? Cite an
example as your explanation.
• What are the stages on Erikson theory?
DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m.
NOTE: Write the lesson on your notebook and
answer the activity on your notebook as well.

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