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Multi-Instance EBS to OTM Integration

How to setup and operate multiple EBS instances to a

single OTM instance

Deepak Morey & Bhavesh Panchal

Deloitte Consulting India Pvt. Ltd.
Dec 9, 2011

Introduction 3

Single Instance EBS Configuration Review 8

Multiple Instance EBS Configuration 12

Scalability, SOA 11g and Additional Considerations 21

Contact Information 25
Standard EBS-OTM Integrated Environment

The standard integration between EBS and OTM consists of the following
applications and supports a single-domain configuration.

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Limitations with current configuration

Hardware costs


Business Limitations

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Multiple EBS Instances to a Single OTM Instance

Integrating multiple instances of EBS (or any ERP) to a single instance of OTM
can overcome the mentioned limitations.

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Functional Benefits of Multiple Domains for Shippers and
Logistics Providers
Integrate with

Allows for
within different

security to limit
visibility from
Single source Allows one customer
Utilize GTM to the next
of transportation

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across multiple
transportation and trade to
divisions of the
and trade separate itself
across from the ERP
business units strategy

Single Instance EBS Configuration Review
Oracle EBS Setup

EBS System Profiles define the behavior of EBS. In terms of OTM, they identify
specific instance and domain EBS will be connected to. There are two types of
profiles to set up here, WSH Profiles and OTM Profiles.

The WSH: BPEL Domain name

defines which BPEL domain will
talk to EBS.

Defines the domain in OTM that

will receive information from

This is the integration user

name password at the domain
level for OTM.

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This is the integration user name
id at the domain level for OTM.

BPEL Configuration

The BPEL domain configuration contains BPEL processes which will be interacting
with EBS and OTM.
 Each BPEL process is code which transforms the data between EBS and OTM.
 There are multiple BPEL processes which perform specific tasks.

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OTM Configuration

OTM External Systems defines the external systems that OTM will send data.
 For SOA, the external system defines the BPEL process to which it sends data.

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Multiple Instance EBS Configuration
Multiple Domain Application Overview

Multiple instances of EBS will be connected to OTM via SOA. The configuration
will require multiple domains within SOA and OTM.

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EBS System Profile Modifications

Modify the EBS System Profiles to point to each BPEL Domain and OTM Domain.
 EBS Instance 1 is pointed to OTM Domain 1 and BPEL Domain 1
 EBS Instance 2 is pointed to OTM Domain 2 and BPEL Domain 2


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SOA Integration Modifications

There are required modifications at the SOA level to enable the integration from
multiple instances of EBS to a single instance of OTM.
 Oracle SOA Suite Enterprise Manager
– Create two JNDI names, one for each Oracle EBS Instance
 BPEL Domain 1
– All the BPEL processes should refer JNDI 1, to connect to database of EBS 1
 BPEL Domain 2
– All the BPEL processes should refer JNDI 2, to connect to database of EBS 2

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BPEL Modifications

Ensure the following BPEL processes are configured properly to ensure

integration between the correct EBS instance to the associated OTM domain.

1. WshReceivePShipmentFromOtm - Should point to specific EBS JDNI to update

planned shipment from OTM for the deliveries.
2. WshSendDlvyToOtmService - Should point to specific EBS JNDI to get the
delivery information from the EBS.
3. WshSendItemRefDataToOtm - Should point to specific EBS JNDI to get the item
information from the EBS.
4. WshSendLocRefDataToOtm - Should point to specific EBS JNDI to get the
location information from the EBS.
5. WshSendRefDataStlToOtm - Should point to generic OTM web service for sending
carrier information to OTM.
6. WshSendTripToOtmService - Should point to specific EBS JNDI to get the Actual
Trip information from the EBS.

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7. WshSendTxnToOtmService - Should point to generic OTM web service for
sending delivery/actual shipment information to OTM.
8. Additional BPEL processes based on custom requirements 

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OTM Configuration

Configuring OTM to integrate to multiple instances of EBS will vary depending on

the reasons for the architecture.
 Shippers integrating a single instance of OTM to multiple ERP production
 Shippers integrating a single instance of OTM to multiple non-production ERP
 3PL’s integrating a single instance of OTM to multiple customer ERP

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Integrated Solution Diagram for Shippers with Multiple
ERP Instances in Production
- Service providers, locations, orders and
shipments in the sub domain.
- External systems for outbound integration
pointing to the proper BPEL domain should be
in the sub domain

EBS Prod 1

Common configuration of
EBS Prod 2

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rate offerings, rate
records, and power data
can be setup in the
master domain.

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Integrated Test Solution Diagram for Shippers with a
Single ERP Instance

- All the master data should be mirrored in

both the domains



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Integrated Solution Diagram for 3PL’s
- Service providers, locations, orders and
shipments in the sub domain.
- External systems for outbound integration
pointing to the proper BPEL domain should be
in the sub domain

Common configuration of

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rate offerings, rate
records, and power data
can be setup in the
master domain.

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Scalability, SOA 11g and Additional
Scalability of Solution

 More than two EBS instances can be integrated with a Single OTM instance on
a single SOA Suite.
– The limit of total EBS instances that could be integrated depends on the hardware
capacity of servers on which the SOA Suite and OTM applications are installed.
 Could be scaled for the integration on clustered environment of SOA and/or
scalability enabled environment of OTM with the following changes:
– Set the URL of SOA Suite and/or OTM instance in round robin based load balancing
with a physical load balancer at the entry.
– The URLs do not change in the case of content switch based load balancing. The load
is distributed from the first server based on the incoming/outgoing traffic dynamically.

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Extending this approach from 10g to 11g

 11g offers more capabilities to improve this approach.

 There are two ways to achieve this on 11g
– Have two managed servers each server having the same composites but pointing to
two different JNDIs from two managed servers
– Utilize two partitions in the same managed server having the same composites but
pointing to two different JNDIs from two partitions
 Customization is required on EBS concurrent requests to point to composites.

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Additional Considerations

 Outages of the SOA Suite will result in downtime of all the integrations for all the
EBS instances.
 Proper care should be taken in customization/deployment of BPEL processes as
they are different for different domains in SOA Suite.
 Performance impact on SOA suite during heavy load of transactional
processing. This is generally not a problem because in this approach we will not
be mixing PROD integration with DEV or TEST integration.

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Never mix integration of PROD with DEV or QA

EBS Prod


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Q & A

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Thank You!

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Contact Information
Contact Information

Consulting Resources

Dan Sedore
Senior Manager - VCE

Bhavesh Panchal
Manager - VCE

Deepak Morey
Senior Consultant - VCE

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Vijay Sai Somisetti
Senior Consultant - VCE

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