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Question 1
1. Task – Requirements of the task
2. Format of the report
3. Interpretation of information in the visuals
4. Comparison of information and link between the visuals
5. Grammar
a. Verb tense – Simple Present and Simple Past Tense
b. Conjunctions – Coordinating & Subordinating Conjunctions
c. Sentence structure
6. Vocabulary – ‘Trend’ Words
1. Interpret, analyse and synthesize information
given in the visuals
2. Link the information between the visuals
3. Use only the information presented in the
4. Write the report in not more than 200 words
Format of the report
• Title
• Introduction
• Overview
• Analysis
• Synthesis
• Conclusion
Outline of the report
I. Title
(refer to the question and headings of the visuals)
II. Introduction
A. What do all the visuals show?
III. Overview / Overall Trend
A. How are the visuals linked?
B. Is there a cause and effect relationship between the
information in the 2 visuals?
C. Does Visual 1 influence / affect Visual 2 or vice versa?
D. What is the overall ‘pattern’ / trend of the visuals?
IV. Analysis (Comparison of the key features)
A. Key Feature (Subject Reference/ Items being discussed)
B. ‘Trend’ Word (Language of Comparison)
C. Data (E.g. Figure / Number / Percentage, etc.)
D. Time Frame (E.g. Year, Month, Week, Day, etc.)

1. Subject Reference must be correct. (What is to be analysed?)
2. An analysis must have a ‘trend’ word / language of comparison.
3. A complete analysis must have *all the 4 characteristics (A – D)
mentioned above. (*Some questions need only A – C)
Examples of ‘Trend’ Words / Language of Comparison
1.To show movement: (for graphs & charts)
increased gradually surged soared skyrocketed
increased threefold doubled shot up rose slightly
decreased tremendously dropped dipped plummeted
remained unchanged plunged levelled climbed

2.To show the amount / ranking / rating / level / position: (for tables,
graphs & charts)
the highest the most more than the top spot
the lowest the least less than reached an all-time high
higher than lower than the largest the biggest
the maximum the minimum the smallest only (meaning: no other)
except for all every
V. Synthesis (Link between info in Visual 1 and Visual 2)
A. Cause and Effect
B. Reason
C. Consequence
D. Result
E. Outcome
F. Correlation

Note: Sometimes a synthesis may be an unexpected outcome.

Example: Although Pizza House had the most number of
promotional activities (3) in Week 2, its sales was the
lowest among other restaurants at only RM 3000.
Examples of Words Used to Synthesize Information

because due to resulted in enabled

as caused affected therefore
so thus consequently hence
though although even though when
Link between information in Visual 1 and Visual 2
Visual 1   Visual 2   Link
A + A → S
A + D → S
D + A → S
A + ALS → S
ALS + A → S
VI. Conclusion

A. Restate the overview

B. Give the overall trend / pattern
C. Highlight the most significant trend / pattern
Requirements of the task
1. The task requires the candidates to analyse, synthesize and
organise information from the visuals into a coherent piece of
writing within 200 words
2. Accuracy and conciseness of information as well as correctness
language of reporting and logical connection of information
between the two visuals are expected in the report
3. The candidates are required to give a complete introduction of
the two visuals displayed followed by a clear, appropriate
overview that shows the link between the information in the two
4. When presenting the report, the candidates are to be selective
and analytical so as to highlight and compare all significant
5. In terms of language, the candidates are to observe of the
mechanics of report writing and to write the report in a formal
tone using accurate and appropriate language, as well as precise
and apt words
6. The report must not only be clear, concise, coherent and
cohesive, but it must also be written within the specified
number of words (i.e. 200 words)
MUET (Writing)

march 2016

Question 1
Question 1

Study the visuals below. Using only the information

provided, analyse the number of heart attack cases
among men and women. In your answer, you are to
link the information presented in both visuals.
You should write 150 to 200 words.
(40 marks)
Figure 1: Number of Heart Attack Cases among Men and Women
Figure 2: Activities Performed by Men and Women (2011-2015)

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015


Complete office work √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √  

Attend meetings   √ √   √   √      

Manage staff problems             √      

Meet clients √   √   √   √   √  

Attend to children   √   √   √   √ √ √

Note: M = Men, W = Women

Figure 1: Number of Heart Attack Cases among Men and Women (2011-2015)

Title - Number of Heart Attack Cases among Men and Women and the
Activities Performed by them (2011-2015)

Introduction - Figure 1 shows the number of heart attack cases among men and
women while Figure 2 displays the activities performed by them
from 2011 to 2015.
- Figure 1 and Figure 2 depict the number of heart attack cases
among men and women and the activities performed by them
respectively from 2011 to 2015.
Overview 1. Generally, the number of activities performed by men and women
influenced the number of heart attack cases among them.

2. Overall, the type of activities performed by men and women affected

the number of heart attack cases among them.

3. When men and women performed more activities, the number of

heart attack cases among them was mostly higher.

4. There is a correlation between the number of heart attack cases

among men and women and the number of activities performed by
them in most of the five years.
Key Features 1. In 2011, the number of heart attack cases among men was the
(Analyses & lowest at 320 because the men did the least number of
Syntheses) activities (2) which were ‘completed office work’ and ‘met
clients’. (2A & 1S)
2. When the number of activities performed by men was the least
(2) in 2011, their number of heart attack cases was the lowest
at 320. (2A & 1S) However, their number of cases was still
higher than that of the women (150 cases) who performed more
activities than them (3). (2A & 1S)
3. The number of heart attack cases among men increased rather
gradually from 320 in 2011 to 450 in 2013, but it shot up to 600
cases in 2014 which was the highest of the five years. (3A)
Key Features 4. When men carried out 3 activities in 2013, the number of heart
(Analyses & attack cases among them was at 450; (D) however, with the
Syntheses) addition of the activity ‘manage staff problems’ in 2014, the
number of cases surged to 600. (1A & 1S)
5. The number of heart attack cases among women decreased
from 150 in 2011 to 100 in 2012 probably because the number
of activities performed by them had dropped from 3 in 2011 to 2
in 2012. (2A & 1S)
6. The number of heart attack cases among women remained
unchanged at 100 from 2012 to 2014 when the number and
type of activities performed by them were the same (‘complete
office work’ and ‘attend to children’) in those years. (2A & 1S)
Key Features 7. Of the five years, the number of heart attack cases among
(Analyses & women was the lowest at 80 in 2015 most likely because
Syntheses) women performed only one activity, ‘attend to children’, in that
year. (2A & 1S)
8. The total number of heart attack cases among men (2250) was
higher than that of the women (530) in the five years. (1A)
Conclusion 1. In conclusion, the number of heart attack cases among men and
women in the five years was influenced by the number of
activities performed by them.
2. Overall, the men had higher number of heart attack cases
compared to women although the type of activities performed by
them may be the same.
3. When men and women performed fewer activities, the number of
heart attack cases among them was mostly lower.
Heart Attack Cases Among Men and Women
Title √
and Activities Performed by them (2011-2015)

( Figure 1 shows the number of heart attack cases among men

and women while Figure 2 displays the activities performed by them
from 2011 to 2015.)(Generally, the number of activities performed by
Overview √
(Linked) men and women influenced the number of heart attack cases
among them.)
( In 2011, the number of heart attack cases among men was
A √ √√ √
S the lowest (320) probably because they performed the least
number of activities (2) namely ‘complete office work’ and ‘meet

)(Their number of cases increased gradually to 380 in 2012
A √√ √
S A and 450 in 2013 although they performed the same number of

A activities (3) in those years.)(In 2014, the number peaked at 600
S √√ √
A cases when men did the most number of activities (4).)
( As for the women, their number of heart attack cases was the
A √ √√ √
S highest at 150 in 2011 possibly because they performed the most
A √√ √
A number of activities (3) in that )
year. (When they performed the same
S number of activities (2) from 2012 to 2014, the number of cases
A remained√constant at 100.)(In 2015, the number dropped
√ √
to its lowest
A √√ √
S A at 80 as they did only one activity - ‘attend to children’.)
Conclusion ( In conclusion, when men and women performed more
activities, their number of heart attacks was mostly higher.)
(200 words)
Title – Apt
Intro – Complete (Mentions the 2 visuals)
Overview – Clear, accurate and complete (Shows a link between the two visuals)
A – 13
S– 6
Conclusion – Accurate and appropriate
Ability to highlight all the significant info accurately and effectively
Analyses and synthesizes info accurately and effectively
Presents info in an organised manner
Uses accurate language
Has appropriate and varied structures and vocabulary for the task
The report is precise and concise

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