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About International family day

May 15 is celebrated as the International Day of the Family. This day

highlights the importance of families.
The Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly resolution in
1993 and reflects the importance the international community
attaches to families. The International Day provides an opportunity to
promote awareness of issues relating to families and increase the
knowledge of the social, economic and demographic processes
affecting families.
The International Day of Families has inspired a series of awareness-
raising events, including national family days. In many countries, that
day provides an opportunity to highlight different areas of interest and
importance to families. Activities include workshops and conferences,
radio and television programmes, newspaper articles and cultural
programmes highlighting relevant themes
 It was founded by the United Nations General
Assembly in 1993.

 The main purpose is to draw attention over several family


 Nation announce some family welfare scheme on this

particular day .

 All celebrate together with their family .

 It spread the message that the whole world requires

to be like one family by holding discussion and seminars .
Families are of two types

Joint family Nuclear family

In India, the joint family system has been in existence since ancient times. The father is
considered as the head of the family. His wife, sons, daughters-in-law and
grandchildren together constitutes a joint family. The head of the family feels proud of
the great number of members. A major factor that keeps all members, big and small,
united in love and peace in a joint family system in India is the importance attached to
protocol. .
This feature is very unique to Indian families and very special.
Manners like respecting elders, touching their feet as a sign of respect, speaking in a
dignified manner, taking elders’ advice prior taking important decisions, etc. is
something that Indian parents take care to inculcate in their kids from very beginning.

Due to this reason, discipline is another factor given outmost

importance in the joint family system in India. As a rule, it’s the say of the family head
that prevails upon others. Incase of any disagreement, the matter is diligently sorted
out by taking suggestions from other adult members. One usually also has to follow
fixed timings for returning home, eating, etc.
About nuclear family
The nuclear family consists of a man, his wife and their children. Job opportunities
available in the cities become the main cause of the disintegration of the joint family
system. People migrated to the cities in search of jobs. For a number of reasons, a joint
family system could not exist in the cities.
A nuclear family has many advantages. In a nuclear family, the
mother is able to look after the needs of her children well. She can take care of their
personal needs in a much better way than she could in a joint family. The family earns,
spends and saves money for itself. Parents can invest money for the education of their
children. They can put them in good schools and for provide them with better career
opportunities. They can understand one another well. But in joint family system,
children don't get individual attention. Today nuclear family is mostly choose by the
people and this happen due to more job opportunity.
The main message of World Family Day is to 'create an
environment of mutual understanding and unity. It has
been proven today that the whole world can only
progress together if it lives together like one family.‘
The world family is an international day of peace and
sharing celebrated by the citizens of the world. It
is day where individual and families shares food with
friends and make personal pledges of nonviolence , and
spread a message of peace and sharing by ringing bells
or beating drum in hopes of making society and the
world safer place to live.

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