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Basic Food Groups

Go, Grow, and Glow

Go Foods
 GO FOODS- “Go” foods, for starters, are called as
such because they provide energy to keep kids
active and on the go, hence the name "go“ are
taken. Examples of this type of food group are
bread, rice cereals and other foods that primarily
provides carbohydrates.
Children lacking in this food group may tire easily
and feel weak.
Grains are Go foods; they help you run, jump and play all
day, rich in Carbohydrates.
Some examples are:

Sweet Potatoes

Rice Cereals


Grow Foods

-GROW FOODS- “Grow” foods, on the other

hand, help build bones and teeth, strengthen
muscles, and improve mental functions. Under
this category are protein-rich foods such as
meat, eggs, fish, and dairy products such as
milk. Therefore, grow foods are foods that
enhances growth development.
Milk and meat & beans are GROW foods; they help you to
grow big and strong, rich in Vitamins
Some examples are:


Yogurt Chicken Meat


Egg Pork
Glow Foods
 GLOW FOODS-  “Glow” foods help strengthen the
body’s immune system to give protection against
sickness and diseases. Glow foods also enhances the
quality or the "Glow" of our skin. Vegetables belong to
this group as well as fruits that are filled with vitamins A,
C, E, B-6, zinc, and folic acid, like apples,
oranges, dalandan, bananas, avocados, papayas, and
pineapples. To make children appreciate eating these
foods, parents can present them in an interesting
manner, such as by cutting them into unique shapes or
playing up the colors to liven up the dishes.
Fruits and vegetables are Glow foods; they help you have
shiny hair and sparkly eyes, rich in Protein.
Some examples are:

Squash Carrots and eggplants

w/ beans

Bitter Gourd
or Ampalaya



Corn or Maize

Kang-kong Lettuce
Have A Good and Godly Day!

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