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Module 1:

Computer Assembly
The scope of this module grants it to
be utilized in numerous diverse learning circumstances.
The dialect utilized recognizes the differing vocabulary level
of understudies. The lessons are organized to take after the
standard arrangement of the course. But the arrange in which
you perused them can be changed to correspond with the reading
material you're presently utilizing. The module is separated into five
lessons, namely
The module is composed of one lesson with the following
Types and parts of computers

Computer operating systems

Computer systems design
Computer assembly procedures
Power ON self-test and basic-input-output-system (BIOS)
configuration procedures
What is Computer?
A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or
data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. You may already
know that you can use a computer to type documents, send email, play
games, and browse the Web. You can also use it to edit or
create spreadsheets, presentations, and even videos.
Computer Parts and its Functions

1. System case
The system case, some of the time called the chassis
or enclosure, is the metal and plastic box that
houses the most components of the computer. Most
people don’t consider it a really critical portion of the
computer. Whereas the case isn’t as basic to
the framework as when required.
The case encompasses a part to play in a few vital areas:

1.1. Structure – The case must give a strong auxiliary system for these

components to guarantee that everything fits together and works well

1.2. Protection – The case secures the interior of your framework from

the exterior world, and vice-versa. 1.3. Cooling – Components that run
cool final longer and provide much less inconvenience to their owner that
face outside a PC’s case, so you'll be able charge your computer, plug in
a screen, or interface a mouse.

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