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History and

Prepared by; Gayatin, Rhona jane Q.
Taddeo Alderotti
Thaddeus Alderottus
(bet.1206 & 1215
 was Born in Florence Italy,
probably between 1206 and 1215 and died 1295
to a modest Florentine Family.
He was something of a rock star among 13th century
physicians, a brilliant teacher and a skilled medical
His wife adela , they had daughter Mina.
He had natural son , taddeolo who he legitemated.
He received his primary education in Florence.
His courses relied on the works of Hippocrates, Galen and
He was the first organize a medical lecture at the university.
He is also alchemist he is credited with developing fractional
The students of Alderotti taught during his
tenure as professor would become some
of the best doctors and professors of the next

*Gentile da Cingoli- the Logician

*Bartolomeo de Varignana – The Papal Doctor
*Dino del Garbo- commentator of Avicenna
*Turisanus – Commentator of Galen
*Mondino de’ Luizzi- The Anatomist
Alderotti’s philosophy

He incorporated Aristotelian philosophy into

medical teaching and raised the status of
medicine as an academic discipline. He held
that medicine derived its principles from
natural science , and thus natural science and
logic were necessary from foundation in the
study of medicines.

•Consilia medicinalia, modern edition, Nardi Turin, 1937.

•Expositiones in arduum aphorismorum Hippocrates opus,
in subtilissimum Joannite Isagorgarum libellum, Venice,
•Sulla conservazione della salute or libello per conservare
la sanitate (on the preservation of health) latin edition,
G. manuzzi & L. Razzolini, Eds. Florence, 1863
•Developing fractional distillation.
Process of fractional Is the separation of a mixture into its
component parts, or fractions, separating
distillation chemical compounds by their boiling point by
heating them to a temperature at which one or
more fractions of the compound will vaporize.
It uses distillation to fractionate.
How did he formulate his philosophy

He got wildly excited about the medicinal

benefits of distilled alcohol, including its use as
an antiseptic, which to the modern mind seems
like good sense in deed.
AQUA VITAE – had endless uses according to alderotti;
- it could prevent grey hairs and restore youth.
-you could drink it, apply it topically or sniff it.

It could be USED to treat:

•Eye problems
•Tooth ache
•Facial tics
•Certain head aches
•Quartan fever
•Sterility of cold origin
•Plus it has the ability to expel poisons.
Contribution to science
Chemistry and medicines

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