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What are the 5 aspects of Total


Military Defence
Civil Defence
Economic Defence
Social Defence
Psychological Defence
Social defence

Social Defence is the protection, care and

support to certain marginalized population group
through a systematically organized and coherent
efforts both by Government and Civil Society.
Rationale: The society’s “response”, to defend
itself from the threat of crime and deviance pose
to the balance between organisation and
•Social defence is a part of deviant behaviour management system and of
rule-making and enforcing rule conformity.
•Social defence is a system which aims not at punishing a fault but at
protecting society against criminal acts.
•The intention of social defence is designed to ‘neutralize’ the offender,
either by his removal or segregation from the group, or by applying remedial
or educational methods.
•the process is based on scientific understanding of the phenomenon
•It aims to protect society from crime generating factors and forces, Thus, the
social defence approach is not only at perfecting the system that deals with
offenders but also at forestalling conditions that generate criminality.
Vulnerable groups
• Drug Abuse
• Old Age
• Beggary
• Trafficking
• Prisoners
• Transgender 
Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance

• Narcotics Control Bureau

• Scheme of Prohibition and Drug Abuse Prevention -1985-86
• Scheme for Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs)
Counselling and Awareness Centres
 Treatment-cum-Rehabilitation Centres
 De-addiction Camps
Awareness Creation Programmes
 Workplace Prevention Programmes
Care for Older Persons
• National Policy for Older Persons (NPOP) 1999
• Grant is given for running old age homes, day-
care centres, mobile Medicare units
• Non-institutional services for older persons.
• prevention
• control
• reformation
• rehabilitation
• reintegration
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