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Age and Gender that has the Highest

Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

•Suicide is a significant social and

psychological public health problem that
alarmingly accumulates in regional
proportions all over the world for decades.
•Suicide is the second leading cause of
death globally among people 15 to 29 years
of age, according to the 2014 global report
on preventing suicide by the World Health
•The suicide rate has been going up for the
past 21 years, among the young and adults.
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Statement of the Problem

 Which among the two genders has
the most suicidal rate?
 On what age has the highest suicidal
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Significance of the Study:

To the Parents: They might help their
children to reduce the likelihood to commit
To the Teachers: Through their
assessment they might able to create a fitting
social environment for their students who have
suicidal tendencies.
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Significance of the Study:

To Individuals: They may
accompany each other so that they can’t
think about committing suicide and to
keep their minds away from the thought
of suicide.
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The researchers chose to collect data that

shows which among the two genders and in
what age has the highest rate of suicide in
the Philippines. The study focused on the
two genders with the ages of 15-30.
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

The researchers assumes that
males will have the highest rate of
suicide and people ages 15-30 years
old are most likely to commit
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Research Design
The researchers utilized the case
study method that aims to study
another research to determine the
age and gender of those who
committed suicide.
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Data Gathering
Independent data
An article in entitled
"International Suicide Statistics" that was
conducted last March 2002 was chosen to be
part of the independent variable in this
research. This article was about the suicide
rates in the whole world, there are list of each
country stating the suicide rates per males and
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Data Gathering
Independent data
Philippines are at the 82nd spot out
of the 100 countries listed. Philippines
have the rate of 2.5 for male and 1.7
rates for female, with total rates of 2.1
in the year 1993.
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Data Gathering
Independent data
An article written by Hazel Delgado Planco
entitled "SUICIDE: A note to every Filipino"
was also a part of our dependent variable and
was written last September 2014. It was said
that the Philippines has the lowest suicide rate
in the Western Pacific Region, having the rate
of 3.59 for males and 1.09 for females. The
data that was gathered in this article were based
from the findings last 1996.
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Data Gathering
Independent data
Another dependent variable was an article
written by Carmela Lapeña entitled
"SPECIAL REPORT: Suicide and the Pinoy
Youth“. Suicide is the second leading cause
of death among people ages 15-29 years old
base from World Health Organization. The
estimated number of suicide in the year 2012
was 2, 558 and 2009 of it were males and
550 were females.
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Data Gathering
Independent data
There is a 13.5 percent increase in suicide
rate for both sexes from 2.6 in 2000. For
females, there is a 13 percent decrease from
1.4 in 2000 to 1.2 in 2012while on the other
hand the males have 24.4 percent increase
from the 3.9 in the 2000 to 4.8 in 2012
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Data Gathering
Independent data
An article written by Kathleen De Villa
entitled " In the Know: Suicide cases in the
Philippines" was chosen to be the dependent
variable in this research. It was stated there
that out of the 2, 053 cases of suicide the
highest age bracket was within 20-24 years
old. And among the 342 individuals that
aged 20-24, 279 of it were males and the
rest 63 were females.
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Data Gathering
Dependent data
The independent variable in this research
was written by Maria Theresa Redaniel, David
Gunnell, and May Antonnette Lebanan-Dalida.
The article was entitled “Suicide in the
Philippines: time trend analysis (1974-2005)
and literature review”. The result of the
research shows the changes in rate in every 5
year period age groups.
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Data Gathering
Dependent data
People ages 15-34 have the highest
peak, followed by 65 years and older. In
the gear 1995 still the highest rate was
from young men aged 15-24. While in
female, still 15-24 years old have the
highest peak throughout the study.
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Data Gathering
Dependent data
Also from the same research it was stated
that in males, rates in all four age groups
increased from 1984 up until the present. The
highest rates in most of the periods were men
15-24 year old and followed by 65 and
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Figure 1




Male Female
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Figure 2






Male Female
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Figure 3



Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Figure 4
Ages 20-24



Ages 20-24



Male Female
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Figure 5
Changes of age-specific
rates in each 5 year
period across age
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Figure 6

Increased rates in all

four age groups
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Table 1
Comparison of Gender of Suicide Rate

1993 (International Suicide Statistics) (Suicide in the Philippines: time

Male: 2.5% trend analysis)
Female: 1.7% Male: 1.25%
Female: .80%

1996 (SUICIDE: A note to every (Suicide in the Philippines: time

Filipino) trend analysis)
Male: 3.59% Male: 2.25%
Female: 1.09% Female: .90%

2012 (World Health Organization) (The International Handbook of

Male: 2.9% Suicide Prevention)
Female: 2.9% Male: 21.8%
Female: 21.8%
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Table 2
Comparison of Age Brackets of Suicide

1984 (Suicide in the Philippines: time trend (Suicide in the Philippines: time trend
analysis ) analysis)
Age: 15-24 Age: 15-24

2012 (SPECIAL REPORT: Suicide and the (Suicide in the Philippines: time trend
Pinoy Youth) analysis)
Age: 15-29 Age: 15-19

2013 (In the Know: Suicide cases in the (The International Handbook of
Philippines) Suicide Prevention)
Age: 20-24 Age: 15-29
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

World Health Organization (WHO)
reported that suicide was accounted for 1.4%
of global mortality, making it the 15th leading
cause of death across age groups in 2012.
Statistics also indicates that suicidal
prevalence ranked as the second leading
cause of death among young adults aged 15-
29 years with corresponding 8.5%
proportion of global mortality.
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

In the Philippines, the estimated number
of suicides in 2012 was 2,558 (550 female,
2009 male), according to the same report.
Meanwhile, the age-standardized suicide rate
(per 100,000) in 2012 was 2.9 for both sexes
– a 13.5 percent increase from 2.6 in 2000.
For females, there was a 13 percent decrease
from 1.4 in 2000 to 1.2 in 2012. For males,
there was a 24.4 increase from 3.9 in 2000 to
4.8 in 2012.
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

We the researchers therefore concluded that
males have the highest suicidal rate within the
age of 15- 29 year old compare to the females.
This was based on our independent variable.
Because males are more likely to carry out
suicidal acts than females but females are more
likely to have suicidal thoughts. Adolescence is
a period of life where most teenagers struggle
with issues such as independence and knowing
their identity and responsibilities.
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Based on all the data that we gathered, the
gender of suicide victims, males have the
highest rate than the females. Because all of the
data shows that the males always have the
highest rate compare to females. Base on the
table 1, it shows that all throughout the data
gathered, males are consistent in having the
highest rate in both dependent and independent
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Ages 15-29 and 20-24 were the age brackets
that were mention in our independent variable
base in our table 2. Comparing to the dependent
variable that is from 15-29 years also, they all
fall into the age bracket of 15-29. So we can
say that the highest rate of age that commits
suicide is on age of 15-29.
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Have quality time with their children so
they can talk about the problems of their
children and give treatment for being
depressed and to have knowledge about this
in order to deal with any problems.
Be biblical on advising about suicide to
convince them that suicide is not the
solution for any problem and that’s not the
right thing to do.
Age and Gender that has the Highest Rate of Suicide in the Philippines

Open their hearts and minds for help
coming from others and be ready for
solution that they may use to any
problems that they may encounter.


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