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 This plan is carried out due to the health emergency

 The intention is to capture an education with the current circumstances

 The curricular proposal of this guide arises with the objective of facilitating the
adaptation of educational processes.
Main objective
 Maintain the continuity of the training processes of the students in the different offers, modalities and
Pedagogical Elements 3.1 Curriculum for the emergency

 This learning curriculum is selected in the context of the emergency, that is, taking
into account the situations that may concern students, their environment and the
community depending on the period that is lived
Idea central Objetivos de aprendizaje Valor semanal Contenidos de soporte
Information about Covid-19 Students will understand that various Responsibility, empathy, respect Take care of myself and take care of
social changes, others.
How has it been for me, living in this
What changes do I see, hear, feel?
Coexistence Students will understand that working Solidarity, tolerance, coexistence, What changes do I see in my family?
cooperatively favors the practice of respect, peaceful conflict resolution How was it before, how is it now and
values ​and the construction of skills how do I want it to be afterwards?

Ideas that changed the world Students will understand that the Students will understand that To suppose: If I were a superhero or
worldview is constantly changing interculturality contributes to the superheroine…. What power would it
construction of a diverse and inclusive have to improve the world?
Democracy Students will understand that Empathy, solidarity, tolerance, Choose 3 friends from your class.
collective decision and participation management of tensions and emotions, Write their names in your notebook
decision making and, next to each one, write what is
their best quality. What project would
you do with them to prevent people
from catching any disease?

Care of nature Students will understand the dynamics Responsibility, decision making, care, What's your favorite animal? What
between the environment and living citizenship characteristics does it have?
things How do you help nature?
Interculturality Students will understand that Interpersonal communication skills, How are each of my family members
interculturality contributes to the assertive communication, empathy, different? How are we equal?
construction of a diverse and inclusive emotion management,

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