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 “He was critical, very eager to learn and very

easy to teach. If he wanted to learn

something he would put his mind and heart
to it and would not stop until he learned it.”
 His innate ability to learn easily meant that
he could catch up or even learn in advance
than other students. This often made him the
butt of jokes.
 While under the Municipal school Rizal got
the taste of his first school fight. Normally,
our hero would hold his temper but the other
boy, much bigger and taller than him made
the mistake of insulting his parents.
Remarking that his mother was stupid and his
father was a dwarf. Rizal won that fight.
Hindi unano yung
Tatang ko at Hindi
bobo yung Nanang ko!
 One biographer recalls that” In UST Rizal had a
teacher that compared the bone structures of
the Spaniards and the Filipinos pointing out the
inherent disability of the people in the islands,
how unfit we are for knowledge, how meant for
slavery, Rizal raised his had and asked…
 “Professor, if the indios, as you call them, are
only meant for labor, why is it that Spain lost her
colonies in Mexico, to natives who are much
 The response of the professor? Rizal was sent
outside the room and given detention for
“impertinence” and “arrogance”.
 Rizal, having enjoyed education early on,
came to UST much more eager to learn. Yet
what he experienced there inspired in him to
do more research about education.
 The educational straight jacket that
enveloped UST made Rizal disgusted with
Dominican Education.
 In UST, students learn by rote memorization,
they are judged as to how much they can
learn according to the color of their skin, the
wealth that they had and their lineage.
 UST inspired Rizal so much as to the cancer
of education that the wrote 2 chapters in the
Noli Me Tangere to point it out.
 Rizal was also involved in a lot of fist fights
and challenges to duel because he would
often react with the way the Spanish and
Mestizo students would insult the Filipinos.
 A Chronicler recounted “that there was not a
day when Pepe was not challenged to fight”.
 How many among us feel like we are still in
the olden days? In the days of educational
straight jacket?
 Ateneo on the other hand was an educational
institution that resulted to growth.
 Rizal admired the Jesuit and there “radical”
system of education.
 It was an institution that was color blind.
 In order to merit recognition you had to be
really smart.

 Rizal was so impressive that he became the
smartest kid in class in a matter of month and
was never bested by anybody-both by the
natives and by the Spaniards.
 Later he used this set up as well to teach
practical nationalism in dapitan.
 Rizal made it a point to learn something new
 It was said that he can finish three books in
one sitting.
 He made it a point to learn languages. (10
words per day)
For example: He mastered the German
language in just a month.
 If Rizal was alive today, what would he say
about the type of education that we have?
 What about the educational system?
 Who would Rizal prefer as a teacher? Or
What type or teacher would Rizal want?

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