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Business Communication

Uddhav Kulkarni – 2019118 Sec. B

Public Speaking skills & Writing skills

Following are the tips for public speaking: •10 C’s of Business Communication
1. Proper eye contact to be maintained with each
and everyone in the audience. 1.CLARITY: Speak clearly
2. The voice should be loud enough and clear, the 2.CONCISENESS: Deliver your words by weight
words should be clearly spaced. Voice 3.CORRECTNESS: Correct use of language
modulation is important to keep the audience
engaged 4.COHERENCE: Correct order of your words
3. Always structure your speech in a logical 5.COMPLETENESS: Speak meaningful complete sentences
manner, like explain the situation first, then 6.CREATIVITY: Use metaphor to bring creativity
explain the complications of the situation, ask
the relevant question and then provide solution 7.CONSIDERATION: Consider the situations
for those questions 8.COMPETENCE
4. Keep enough pauses to let the audience 9.CONFIDENCE: Speak with courage
understand the concept and think on it.
5. Speaking styles: Frozen style, Formal style, 10.
CREDIBILITY: Use reliable information while speaking
consultative style, casual style, Intimate style.
Email Writing Tips

Make Good Use of Subject Lines: A newspaper headline has two functions: it grabs your attention, and it summarizes the article, so that you can decide
whether to read it or not. The subject line of your email message should do the same thing. You may want to include the date in the subject line if your
message is one of a regular series of emails, such as a weekly project report. For a message that needs a response, you might also want to include a call to
action, such as "Please reply by November 7.“ Eg. Bad subject line: Meeting Good Subject Line: PASS Process Meeting - 10 a.m. February 25, 2014

Keep Messages Clear and Brief: Emails, like traditional business letters, need to be clear and concise. Keep your sentences short and to the point. The body
of the email should be direct and informative, and it should contain all pertinent information
Don't Overcommunicate by Email: One of the biggest sources of stress at work is the sheer volume of emails that people receive. So, before you begin
writing an email, ask yourself: "Is this really necessary?“ Also, email is not as secure as you might want it to be, particularly as people may forward emails
without thinking to delete the conversation history. So avoid sharing sensitive or personal information in an email

Be Polite:People often think that emails can be less formal than traditional letters. But the messages you send are a reflection of your own professionalism,
so a certain level of formality is needed.

Check the Tone:When we meet people face-to-face, we use the other person’s body language. Email robs us of this information, and this means that we can't
tell when people have misunderstood our messages. Your choice of words, sentence length, punctuation, and capitalization can easily be misinterpreted
without visual and auditory cues, example, Emma might think that Harry is frustrated or angry, but, in reality, he feels fine
Negotiation Skills

Tactics in negotiation 
• Extreme demands followed up by small, slow concessions.
• Commitment tactics.
• Take-it-or-leave-it negotiation strategy
• Inviting unreciprocated offers
• Trying to make you flinch
• Personal insults and feather ruffling
• Bluffing, puffing, and lying
• Threats and warnings
• Belittling your alternatives
• Good cop, bad cop

• Semiotics, also called semiology, the study of signs and sign-using

behavior. Semiotics are frequently used in advertising to signify an
advertiser's message through the use of signs or symbols. A sign can be
better understood as a signifier, or a symbol that signifies something
There are two main parts to any sign:
1. Signifier: This connotes any material thing that is signified, be it an
object, words on a page, or an image.
2. Signified: The concept which the signifier refers to. This would be
the meaning that is drawn by the receiver of the sign.
• Connotation and Denotation are two principal methods of describing
the meanings of words. Connotation refers to the wide array of positive
and negative associations that most words naturally carry with them,
whereas denotation is the precise, literal definition of a word that
might be found in a dictionary.
Storytelling Techniques

Trickster Start
• Tricksters often appear as pranksters or mischief-makers. In stories for adults and young adults, tricksters can also have a
sinister side
• Trickster start gives an illusion that something is happening to get attention, and it may or may not happen

• In a monomyth, the hero is called to leave their home and sets out on a difficult journey. They move from somewhere they
know into a threatening unknown place
• Using the monomyth to shape your presentation can help you to explain what has brought you to the wisdom you want to
share. It can bring your message alive for your audience

The Mountain
• The mountain structure is a way of mapping the tension and drama in a story. It's similar to the monomyth because it helps
us to plot when certain events occur in a story
• It's different because it doesn't necessarily have a happy ending. The first part of the story is given to setting the scene, and is
followed by just a series of small challenges and rising action before a climactic conclusion

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