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Copyright, patents and

What are they and who do they protect?

Presented by

Kalsoom Khan FA17-BBA-021

Amir Riaz FA17-BBA-029

M.Hussain FA17-BBA-075

Abdul Jabaar FA17-BBA-111

Learning objectives
By the end of the session you should be able to:

 Have confidence explaining the different types of

business protection

 Give examples of companies that use this protection and why

So firstly what is
Property is anything
 If you have the right to something because you
purchased it, was given it or it come to be your
control in any other way

 We think of possessions as tangible items

 We sometimes think of property as a house,

mainly because that will normally be the most
expensive item we buy
Law and general
 There are penalties for stealing
 Both legally and socially
 If I take something of yours, you would see me
doing it, watch.
 You may tell the police .

I’m Hussain
and sorry for
stealing your
Intellectual Property (IP)
 Just because something is
not tangible
 It does not mean we do
not own it
 Have you ever had a good
idea and somebody has
tried to pretend it was their
A symbol, word, or words legally registered
or established by use as representing a
company or product.

Trademark law in Pakistan is governed by the

Trademarks Ordinance, 2001.
Example Trademarks

Almost every brand logo you

can think of has a
Why do you need to
register your trademark:
Registering your unique trademark with IPO
Pakistan will give you legal protection
against all those who might seek to take off
or copy your brand after your success. For
this reason, it is important to register
Trademark can be:

• A word or name
• A logo
• A slogan
• A design
In certain cases, this can
be extended to…

• A colour scheme

• A smell

• A sound
Trademark or Trade name:

A trade name is slightly different to a trademark. A trade name

refers to the name of the business or company, where a

trademark refers to products/services. However, a trade name can

be used as a trade mark if it is used to help distinguish between

products and service.

Function of a trademark:

• It identifies the goods / or services and its origin.

• It guarantees its unchanged quality.

• It advertises the goods/services.

• It creates an image for the goods/ services.

Who can apply for
Any person which can be individual, company, or legal entity

claiming to be owner of the trademark can apply. The application

for trademark can be filed within few days and you can start

using “TM” symbol

• Copy means: a single specimen of a particular book,
record, or other publication or issue.

• Right means:
a moral or legal entitlement to have or do something.
Definition of Copyright

“The exclusive right given by law for a certain term of years

to an author, composer etc. (or his assignee) to print, publish

and sell copies of his original work” (Oxford English

IMPORTANCE of Copyright

• Protect the creator of a work.

• Promote the progress of useful arts and


• Maintain law and order in the society.

• To protect individual’s rights.

Kinds of Copyright Act

Literary Sound Recording

Kinds of Copyright

Music and paintings

Kinds of Copyright Act

Drawings and
Kinds of Copyright

Dramatic Works and Performances

Importance of Copyright
& why we need:
Copyright is important because it protects the holder of the

copyright from being taken advantage of, and ensures that that

person is the only person who has the right to make money off of it.
Importance of Copyright
& why we need:
For example, if copyright law did not exist, I could take any song or movie, put
my name on it, and start selling it and making money. The people involved in
that song or movie would not be able to tell me to stop and would not ever see
any of the money I am making from that. Does that sound fair? No. It sounds
fine to steal from a big corporation, but the same copyright laws that protect
them also protect you from getting your song/video/art/etc. stolen and used for
someone else's profit.
What can be Protected:
Literary Works
(not just the Grapes of Wrath)
both in print and digital form
Computer Software
(technically considered to be a literary
Pictorial, Graphic and

Sculptural Works
Paintings, drawings, carvings,
photos, clothing designs, etc.
Pantomimes and Choreographic Works
composition of dance, movement & patterns
Dramatic Works

plays and musicals

protected by copyright?
procedures, methods,
system, concepts, etc.
Copyright law in Pakistan
In Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the first law on copyright was the
Copyright Act, 1914. It was modeled after the U.K. Copyright Act,
1911. The Copyright Ordinance, 1962 replaced the earlier Copyright
Act of 1914. However, in order to extend the scope of protection to
new material and to ensure stringent enforcement of copyright, the
Copyright Ordinance, 1962 was amended by the Copyright
(Amendment) Act, 1992
Copyright Ordinance 1962
According to the Copyright Ordinance 1962, copyright is a set
of exclusive rights granted to the owner for a limited time to
protect the particular form, way or manner in which an idea or
information is expressed.
Copyright is the moral and economic right of authors/writers,
publishers, performers and producers. The Copyright Rules
1967 was framed for the proper working of the ordinance
Duration of Copyright in
Copyright Ordinance 1962 provides that in any literary, dramatic,
musical or artistic work published within the life-time of the
author until fifty years from the death of the author and term of
copyright in cinematographic, records and photographs shall
subsist until fifty years from the beginning of the calendar year
next following the year in which the work is published.
Steps for Registration of
• Filing of application
• Examination
• Publication in newspaper (Artistic Work only)
• Opposition, if any
• Issuance of Certificate by Registrar
 What is a patent?

 Patents protect the

features and processes
that make things work.
This lets inventors profit
from their inventions. (http
s Protect how things work,

how its made and what

 Apply to UK Intellectual
Property Office
 Lasts 20 years
 Can sell the rights of the
 Costs £200
Patents must
 new, not known anywhere in
the world prior to filing
 have an inventive step, not
obvious or a simple adaptation or
combination of existing products
 be capable of industrial
application, having a technical

 Normally to do with technology


Any design with new


Why protect a business idea?
 Stop copies
 Retain market advantage
 Stop negative advertising by
lesser or inferior products
trading under your company
 Keep consumer trust in
the products / services you

I think we know enough about it

k write down at least 3 examples
of firms protected by the
 Patent
 Copyright
 Trademark
n Patent
 Copyright
 Trademark
Copyright vs. Patent and
Copyright protects original works of authorship, while a patent

protects inventions or discoveries.

A trademark protects words, phrases, symbols, or designs

identifying the source of the goods or services of one party and

distinguishing them from those of others.

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