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Module 03 -- Data Abstraction using C

“Act in haste and repent at leisure; Code too soon and debug forever.”
--Raymond Kennington

Data Abstraction
• In much the same way procedural abstraction lets one think about
a series of computational steps as an abstract unit, data
abstraction lets one think about collections of data as abstract
entities. This could be useful for:
– grouping related pieces of information together.
– understanding and specifying what meaningful operations can be
performed on the data.
– enforcing certain restrictions on the use of the data.
– separating the implementation from the abstraction itself, so:
• we can change the internal representation
• we can change the implementation without changing the abstract behaviour
• others can use the abstraction without needing to understand the internal

Data Abstraction (cont’d)
• The result of procedural abstraction is a procedure.
• Similarly, the result of data abstraction is an abstract data type
• In object-oriented languages (like Java), ADT's are
implemented as classes.
• In a structured language (like ANSI C), ADT’s are implemented
using structures, functions, storage classes and multiple source

Data Abstraction (cont’d)
• An abstract data type (ADT) consists of:
1. An interface -- a set of operations that can be performed
2. The allowable behaviours -- the way we expect instances of the ADT to
respond to operations.
• The implementation of an ADT consists of:
1. An internal representation -- data stored inside the object's instance
2. A set of methods implementing the interface.
3. A set of representation invariants, true initially and preserved by all methods
• We will revisit the ADT’s later once we have explored more of the
necessary features of the C programming language; starting with

Structured Data Types
• Structures are built from basic data types
• Arrays
• No bounds checking in C
• Text strings
• Structs
• User-defined types using typedef
• Nested structs
• Structs as parameters
• Arrays of arrays and arrays of structs

Structures built from basic data types
• it is possible to construct more complex (i.e. structured) data
types from the basic types
• the 2 main structured types in C are:
– arrays - where each element is of the same type
– structs - where each element (known as a member) can be of a different
• these simple building blocks allow us to model complex real life

A simple one-dimensional array:
Array declaration - subscript is
float table[5]; the number of elements in the
int i = 1; j = 2;
table[2] = 3.24
table[i] = table[2] + 1;
table[i+j] = 18.0;
table[--i] = table[j] - 2;

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4]

table 1.24 4.24 3.24 18.0 ???
No bounds checking in C
• C does not check for array boundary violations
table[5] = 12.2; /* syntactically legal */
table[-1] = 0.78;/* but not semantically */

[0] [1] [2] [3] [4]

0.78 2.24 4.24 3.24 18.0 ??? 12.2

memory has been corrupted!

• it is the programmer’s responsibility to ensure that a program

does not access outside an array’s limits
Text strings
• there is no explicit data type in C for a text string
• C defines a string to be:
an ASCII-NUL (‘\0’) terminated array of char so...

‘H’ ‘e’ ‘l’ ‘l’ ‘o’ ‘’ ‘w’ ‘o’ ‘r’ ‘l’ ‘d’

is just an array of char … but …

‘H’ ‘e’ ‘l’ ‘l’ ‘o’ ‘’ ‘w’ ‘o’ ‘r’ ‘l’ ‘d’ ‘\0’

is an array of char which is also (i.e. contains) a string

Text strings - arrays of char
There is an extensive library of functions within C for
manipulating strings (see <string.h>)

char *strcpy(char *destn, char *source);

copies source to destn
int strcmp(char *str1, char *str2);
compares str1 with str2 all of these depend on
char *strcat(char *str1, char *str2); their parameters (arrays of
concatenates str2 on to str1 char) being terminated
with an ASCII-NUL (‘\0’)

… and many others … see also Standard Library Function examples …

• a struct in C is a complex data type, like an array, except each
element can be of a different type
• each element, known as a member, has its own name (not a
subscript) and its own type
• a member can itself be a structured type
• corresponds to the “record” structure in other languages

struct studentRecord structure tag (optional)
char stNum[STNUM_LEN];
int ass1, ass2, exam;
float total;
char grade;
struct members

We can then declare variables of this type by:

struct studentRecord student1, student2;

• alternatively, variables can be declared with the struct
struct studentRecord
char sNum[9];
int ass1, ass2, exam;
float total;
char grade;
} student1, student2;

• … but we’ll see a better way soon ...

• once variables have been declared, we reference individual
members using the ‘dot’ (.) operator:

strcpy(student1.stNum, “2012345X”);
student1.ass1 = 75; = student1.ass1 * 0.15 +
student1.ass2 * 0.25 +
student1.exam * 0.6;
if ( < 50) student1.grade = ‘N’;

User-defined types using typedef
• the typedef statement allows us to assign a user-defined name
to a type definition - e.g.

typedef int Time; we now have a type name Time

Time hrs, min, secs;
declares variables hrs, min and
secs of type Time (i.e. int)

• this is most commonly used with structs to simplify data type

names and to build more complex structs of structs ( … of
structs … )

User-defined types using typedef
the recommended way …

typedef struct studentRecord

char sNum[9];
int ass1, ass2, exam;
float total;
char grade;
} StudentType;

StudentType student1, student2;

Nested structs
typedef struct dateStruct
int day;
int month;
int year;
} DateType;
type name DateType
typedef struct studentRecord
char stNum[9];
DateType birthdate;
} StudentType;
nested struct

type name StudentType

Nested structs
Again we just use the (repeated) dot notation:
simpler, clearer declaration
StudentType student1; of variable’s type
strcpy(student1.stNum, “2012345X”); = 6;
student1.birthdate.month = 2; a “dot” (.) for each
student1.birthdate.year = 1955; level of nesting

Structs as parameters
• consider function calculateGrade() which uses values of some
members of student to calculate values for other members
- i.e. student is an in-out parameter:

int main(void)
StudentType student;

Structs as parameters
void calculateGrade(StudentType *student)
(*student).total=(*student).ass1 * 0.15

+ (*student).ass2 * 0.25
+ (*student).exam * 0.4;

• even the inventors of C saw this as an “ugly” notation and so

gave us an alternative ...
Structs as parameters
void calculateGrade(StudentType *student)
student->total = student->ass1 * 0.15 +
student->ass2 * 0.25 +
student->exam * 0.4;

• The so-called arrow-operator is just an alternative (though more

pleasing) syntax for de-referencing members of structs via
pointers to a struct
Arrays of arrays
• multi-dimensional arrays are easily managed in C
• it is best to view a 2-D array as an array of arrays - this
generalises to n-D arrays

int matrix[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS];

for (i=0; j < NUM_ROWS; j++)

for (j=0; j < NUM_COLS; j++)
matrix[i][j] = i * 1000 + j;

Arrays of arrays

#define LINE_LEN 80
#define NUM_LINES 3

char poem[NUM_LINES][LINE_LEN] =
{ “This message transmitted on 100% recycled electrons.”,
“ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI!”,
“To iterate is human; to recurse, divine.” };

• a 2D array of char … or alternatively ...

• an array of strings

Arrays of structs
• we can also easily have arrays where each element of the array
is a struct

StudentType student[10];

strcpy(student[i].stNum, “9912345A”);
student[i] = 12;
student[i].birthdate.month = 11;
student[i].birthdate.year = 2002;

Arrays as parameters
• arrays can only be call-by-reference parameters, never call-by-
• … because of the unique relationship between array names and
pointers in C …
• … our next topic ...

Declaration Fun :-)
static electricity;
short circuit;
struct by_lightning;
struct dumb by[sizeof assignment];
double entendre;

• Not recommended for actual source code !

• See also:


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