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Tutorial for rolling stock analysis

MARCH 2012
0. Rolling stock analysis – Summary

• A. Script explanation

• B. SOFiSTiK output

• C. Results analysis and checks

• D. Treatment of results in Excel

• E. Application

March 2012
0. Example

• Geometrical and mechanical characteristics

• Deck in prestressed concrete on two supports

• Length of span= 23,6m
• A= 12,014 m2
• Iy= 10,59 m4 Iz= 147,7 m4 It= 26,64 m4

March 2012
0. Example
• Material characteristics
• FCK= 40 MPa
• Young Modulus= 36000 MPa

• Limit condition
node 1 :
u1x= u1y= u1z=0 (displacements) 1
1x= 1z= 0 (rotations) 2
node 2 
u1y= u1z= 0 (displacements)
1x= 1z= 0 (rotations)

• Damping characteristics
• =1 % for Prestressed concrete
Δ  =0.0187L-0.00064L^2/(1-0.0441L-0.0044L^2+0.000255L^3)=0,09 %
 tot= 1+0,09= 1,09 %

March 2012
0. Example
• Loads
• DL= calculated by Sofistik
• SIDL= 250 KN/m
• LL= HSLM load from Eurocode

March 2012
0. Criteria to be satisfied for dynamic analysis

• Maximum Acceleration of deck

• 3,5m/s² for railway on ballast

• 5m/s² for railway without ballast

• Maximum deformation of deck

• L/600 when one way is charged

• Comparison between
• Dynamic analysis results
• Static analysis results with 

March 2012
A. Script explication: variables
• Maximum 256 characters in a line

• $ is for commentaries (in the line)

• $$ means the next line is continuing this line

• Variables defined by:

- LET#variable value $ for local variables
- STO#variable value $ for global variables

• Variables are called this way: #variable

March 2012
A. Script explication: Modul tree

Þ Parameters definition
Þ Definition of structure (sections, materials,
elements, load)

Þ Static analysis for DL and SIDL

Þ Dynamic analysis: modal analysis

Þ Dynamic analysis for moving loads

(definition of live loads, results)

March 2012
A. Script explication: Template parameters
Definition of parameters


SIDL, Time step and

train parameters


CAUTION To calculate A and B parameter, the first vertical frequency and

maximum frequency have to be calculated. So modal analysis should have
run one time before!

March 2012
A. Script explication: PROG AQUA-SOFIMSHA

Definition of materials

Definition of cross section

Definition of geometry

Edge : Train load line

!!! With edge one defines the train load line

March 2012
A. Script explication: SOFILOAD- DYNA
Definition of the applied loads

Calculation of the effects of the

applied loads

Calculation of the eigenvalues

Mass 0 : delete all masses

Mass -2 : add SIDL mass (LC 2)
DL is considered by default

MCON 1= diagonal matrix

March 2012
A. Script explication: calculation of Rayleigh
damping parameters A and B

TMX = TMY = TMZ = A * ρ * L + SIDL * L

= 12,014 *2,5*23,6+25*23,6 = 1298,83 t
Þ Ok !
RMX = *(Iy+Iz)*L= 25*(10,585+147,7)*23,6=9338,8 tm2
Þ Ok !

RMY = RMZ = 1/12*M*L^2

=1/12*1298,669*23,6^2=60275,6 tm2
Þ Ok!

March 2012
A. Script explication: calculation of Rayleigh
damping parameters A and B

In this case, to calculate Parameters A and B for Rayleigh Damping, one considers:
f1=7,422 Hz
f2=30 Hz
A= ξ*4*π*f1*f2/(f1+f2)=0,011*4*π*7,422*30/(7,422+30)= 0,822
B= ξ/ π/ (f1+f2)= 0,000094

March 2012
A. Script explication: SOFILOAD- Live load train
Train A1 to A10 from Eurocode
Definition of the trains

Definition of the axis

Loop for Eurocode train

definition :
LC from 101 => train HSLM A1
to 110 => train HSLM A10

March 2012
A. Script explication: SOFILOAD- Live load train
Train A1 to A10 from user definition
Local variable for wheel load
User define train

of the CAUTION !!! Distance between axle load has
train to be negative, to not loaded the deck

Center of
the train
Loop for all

Back of

March 2012
A. Script explication: DYNA

MCON 1 : Diagonal matrix

SPEEDPAR : global variable
on speed
#1 : local variable for loop

#V, #V(1), #TT :

Loop local variable for calculation
for #train= length of train
A1 to
Loop Parameters of the step wise integration
for LC : load case considered
speed CONT : Load case applied

#LC : local variable for LC number results

#LC : local variable for LC number results
HIST : results for Z displacement depending of time
HIST : results for acceleration depending of time
#LC : local variable for LC final name for acc
HIST : results for acceleration depending of time
#LC : local variable for LC final name for displ
HIST : results for displacement depending of time

March 2012
A. Script explication: DYNA

Vector SPEEDPAR definition:

{0, 1, 2}= {#Vmin, #Vmax, #inc}= {144, 483, 3}
#i = 1
#SPEED = (483-144)/3 =113
(number of loop according to number of speed considered)
#V = 144 + #SPEED * 3 (speed)
Loop #V(1) = #V /3,6 (speed in m/s)
for #TT = 1,5* (L+Ltrain)/#V(1)(total time of passage of train)
train Parameter of Theta-Wilson
Number of time steps Time step = 1,5*(23,6+400)/#V(1)
A1 to method of integration
A10 Parameter of the step-wise integration
Load case considered
Rayleigh damping parameters Load case applied on line 10 with V= V1 (m/s)
#LC 1000+300*1+2*#SPEED
#nname 1*1000+#V
Output all point of beams in Ursula
(only acc and displ max & min)
Output mid span section in function of time
.out file

1,5 factor in #TT enlarges viewing time to control damping

after train leaved the bridge
March 2012
A. Script explication: DYNA
LOOP 0 9 => from TRAIN A1 to TRAIN A1
10 Trains* 113 Speeds = 1130
LOOP 0 113 from 0 to 113 => from speed 144 Km/h to speed 483 Km/h cases !

LOOP 1 TRAIN A1 (i=1)
LOOP 0 (for speed 144 Km/h) LOOP 1 (for speed 147 Km/h)
LET#V 144 LET#V 147
LET#V(1) 144 /3,6=40 LET#V(1) 147 /3,6=40,8
LET#TT 1,5*(23,6+400)/40=15,88 LET#TT 1,5*(23,6+400)/40,8=15,57
STEP #TT /#STEP= 15,88/0,001=15880 #STEP=0,001 STEP #TT /#STEP= 15,57/0,001=15570
LC 101 ( it corresponds at A1 train) #STEP=0,001
CONT NR 10 V 40m/s LC 101 ( it corresponds at A1 train)
CONT NR 10 V 40,8m/s
LET#LC 1000+300*1+2*0=1300 RESULTS STORAGE
LET#nname 1*1000+144=1144 LET#LC 1000+300*1+2*1=1302
HIST U-Z 1 25 1 LCST 1300 LET#nname 1*1000+147=1147
HIST A-Z 1 25 1 LCST 1300 HIST U-Z 1 25 1 LCST 1302
LET #fname ‘az12_#nname.out’= ‘az12_1144.out HIST A-Z 1 25 1 LCST 1302
HIST A-Z 12 LCST 1300 dump ‘az12_1144.out LET #fname ‘az12_#nname.out’= ‘az12_1147.out
LET #fname ‘uz12_#nname.out’= ‘uz12_1144.out HIST A-Z 12 LCST 1302 dump ‘az12_1147.out
HIST U-Z 12 LCST 1300 dump ‘uz12_1144.out LET #fname ‘uz12_#nname.out’= ‘uz12_1147.out
ENDLOOP HIST U-Z 12 LCST 1302 dump ‘uz12_1147.out

March 2012
A. Script explication: DYNA
LOOP 0 9 => from TRAIN A1 to TRAIN A1
10 Trains* 113 Speeds = 1130
LOOP 0 113 from 0 to 113 => from speed 144 Km/h to speed 483 Km/h cases !

LOOP 1 TRAIN A1 (i=1) LOOP 2 TRAIN A2 (i=2)
LOOP 113 (for speed 480 Km/h) LOOP 0 (for speed 144 Km/h)
LET#V 480 LET#V 144
LET#V(1) 480 /3,6=133,33 LET#V(1) 144 /3,6=40
LET#TT 1,5*(23,6+400)/133,33=4,76 LET#TT 1,5*(23,6+400)/40=15,885
STEP #TT /#STEP= 4,76/0,001=4760 #STEP=0,001 STEP #TT /#STEP= 15,885/0,001=15570 #STEP=0,001
LC 101 ( it corresponds at A1 train) LC 102 ( it corresponds at A2 train)
CONT NR 10 V 133,33m/s CONT NR 10 V 133,33m/s


LET#LC 1000+300*1+2*113=1526 LET#LC 1000+300*2+2*0=1600
LET#nname 1*1000+480=1480 LET#nname 2*1000+144=2144
HIST U-Z 1 25 1 LCST 1526 HIST U-Z 1 25 1 LCST 1600
HIST A-Z 1 25 1 LCST 1526 HIST A-Z 1 25 1 LCST 1600
LET #fname ‘az12_#nname.out’= ‘az12_1480.out LET #fname ‘az12_#nname.out’= ‘az12_2144.out
HIST A-Z 12 LCST 1526 dump ‘az12_1480.out HIST A-Z 12 LCST 1600 dump ‘az12_2144.out
LET #fname ‘uz12_#nname.out’= ‘uz12_1480.out LET #fname ‘uz12_#nname.out’= ‘uz12_2144.out
HIST U-Z 12 LCST 1526 dump ‘uz12_1480.out HIST U-Z 12 LCST 1600 dump ‘uz12_2144.out

March 2012
A. Script explication: DYNA
• Speed from 144 Km/h to 480 Km/h with step of speed of 3 Km/h (113 speeds use for calculation)
• LC from 1300 to 1526 (results in URSULA)
• File .out from ‘az12_1144.out’ to ‘az12_1480.out’ ‘uz12_1144.out’ to ‘uz12_1480.out’

• Speed from 144 Km/h to 480 Km/h with step of speed of 3 Km/h (113 speeds use for calculation)
• LC from 1600 to 1726 (results in URSULA)
• File .out from ‘az12_2144.out’ to ‘az12_2480.out’ ‘uz12_2144.out’ to ‘uz12_2480.out’

• Speed from 144 Km/h to 480 Km/h with step of speed of 3 Km/h (113 speeds use for calculation)
• LC from 1900 to 2126 (results in URSULA)
• File .out from ‘az12_3144.out’ to ‘az12_3480.out’ ‘uz12_3144.out’ to ‘uz12_3480.out’

• Speed from 144 Km/h to 480 Km/h with step of speed of 3 Km/h (113 speeds use for calculation)
• LC from 2200 to 2426 (results in URSULA)
• File .out from ‘az12_4144.out’ to ‘az12_4480.out’ ‘uz12_4144.out’ to ‘uz12_4480.out’

• Speed from 144 Km/h to 480 Km/h with step of speed of 3 Km/h (113 speeds use for calculation)
• LC from 2500 to 2726 (results in URSULA)
• File .out from ‘az12_5144.out’ to ‘az12_5480.out’ ‘uz12_5144.out’ to ‘uz12_5480.out’

March 2012
A. Script explication: DYNA
• Speed from 144 Km/h to 480 Km/h with step of speed of 3 Km/h (113 speeds use for calculation)
• LC from 2800 to 3026 (results in URSULA)
• File .out from ‘az12_6144.out’ to ‘az12_6480.out’ ‘uz12_6144.out’ to ‘uz12_6480.out’

• Speed from 144 Km/h to 480 Km/h with step of speed of 3 Km/h (113 speeds use for calculation)
• LC from 3100 to 3326 (results in URSULA)
• File .out from ‘az12_7144.out’ to ‘az12_7480.out’ ‘uz12_7144.out’ to ‘uz12_7480.out

• Speed from 144 Km/h to 480 Km/h with step of speed of 3 Km/h (113 speeds use for calculation)
• LC from 3400 to 3626 (results in URSULA)
• File .out from ‘az12_8144.out’ to ‘az12_8480.out’ ‘uz12_8144.out’ to ‘uz12_8480.out

• Speed from 144 Km/h to 480 Km/h with step of speed of 3 Km/h (113 speeds use for calculation)
• LC from 3700 to 3926 (results in URSULA)
• File .out from ‘az12_9144.out’ to ‘az12_9480.out’ ‘uz12_9144.out’ to ‘uz12_9480.out

• Speed from 144 Km/h to 480 Km/h with step of speed of 3 Km/h (113 speeds use for calculation)
• LC from 4000 to 4226 (results in URSULA)
• File .out from ‘az12_10144.out’ to ‘az12_10480.out’ ‘uz12_10144.out’ to ‘uz12_10480.out

March 2012
A. Script explication: DYNAR
DYNAR is used to visualize response of bridge (acceleration and displacements

To change output UNIT (mm and mm/s2)

To choose colour and line type of diagram

10 Trains * 113 Speeds = 1130 diagrams !

March 2012
B. SOFiSTiK – output- URSULA

March 2012
B. SOFiSTiK – output- file.out

List of out files

for acceleration List of out files
Results in output file for displacement
Results in output file
Tps - acc
Tps - displ
March 2012
C. Result analysis and check
• First vertical natural frequency (Eurocode)

δ0 = 5/384* q*L^4/(EI)=
= 5/384*(12,014*25+250)*23,6^4/(36*10^6*10,585)*10^3
n0= 17,75/5,83^0,5 =7,35 Hz
Þ Ok !

March 2012
C. Result analysis and check

• Static displacements of trains at mid span (i. e. load train A1)

a1 =5,40625 a2=3 a3=3,525 a4=2

March 2012
C. Result analysis and check

• Resonant speeds
For simply supported bridges, the resonant speed may be estimated by (
2) :

For A1 train:
d =18 m
λ= 18/1=18
v1= 18*7,422*3,6=480 Km/h

March 2012
D. Treatment of results in Excel

For each time step and speed step Sofistik calculate acceleration and
displacement. To have max displacement and max acceleration, and
resonance speed Excel has to be used!
For example:
• For train load A1, one has 113 files .out (from speed 144 Km/h to 480 Km/h)
• A macro in Excel allows to import files.out (from az12_1144 to az12_1480)

Acceleration max
and min for mid
Button to import file.out in span section and
Excel to have in the same resonance speed
page acceleration (in one
section) in function of time for
each speed and
for each train

Time [s] Acceleration in function of time for

144 km/h speed for one train

March 2012
E. Application 1: train with eccentricity and
torsional inertia of mass
• => let’s go to application !
• A deck with characteristics below is considered
• Span length=55m
• Inertia of mass of dl and SIDL is considered
• Eccentricity of train (2,6m)
• Only HSLM train A1 is considered

March 2012
E. Application 1: train with eccentricity and
torsional inertia of mass


SIDL, Time step and

train parameters


March 2012
E. Application1: train with eccentricity and
torsional inertia of mass

March 2012
E. Application1: results check

• First vertical natural frequency (Eurocode)

δ0 = 5/384* q*L^4/(EI)=
= 5/384*(13,692*25+281,7)*55^4/(36*10^6*32,82)*10^3
= 62,93mm
n0= 17,75/62,93^0,5 =2,24 Hz
Þ Ok !

March 2012
E. Application1: results check
• Resonant speeds
For simply supported bridges, the resonant speed may be estimated by (
2) :

For A10 train:

d =18 m
λ= 18/1=18
v1= 18*2,25*3,6=146 Km/h

March 2012
E. Application 2
• => let’s go to application ! (Model)
• Create a train and analyze the results in flexure :
– Axles : 170kN, => 170/2kN spacing 1,435m transversally
– A1 = 3.52m, H = 2.5m, C = 13.2m and A2 = 4.6m

– 1 lane centered in deck axis

– length of train=132.2 m
– Speed max 90 km/h
• Deck in prestressed concrete on two supports
• Length of span= 23,6m
• A= 12,014 m2
• Iy= 10,59 m4 Iz= 147,7 m4 It= 26,64 m4
• E= 36000 MPa
March 2012
E. Application 2: parameters


SIDL, Time step and

train parameters


March 2012
E. Application 2: USER TRAIN

CAUTION !!! Distance between axle load has

to be negative, to not loaded the deck

March 2012
E. Application 2: DYNA


CAUTION !!! In this case there only one loop

for speed

March 2012
E. Application 2: results check
• First vertical natural frequency (Eurocode)

δ0 = 5/384* q*L^4/(EI)=
= 5/384*(12,014*25+250)*23,6^4/(36*10^6*10,585)*10^3
n0= 17,75/5,83^0,5 =7,35 Hz
Þ Ok !

March 2012
E. Application2: results check
• Resonant speeds
For simply supported bridges, the resonant speed may be estimated by (
2) :

For real train:

d =13,2 m
λ= 13,2/4=3,3
v1= 3,3*7,422*3,6=88,17Km/h

March 2012
Thanks for your attention !

March 2012

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