RCS212: OOP2: Writing A Graphical User Interface Programs

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RCS212: OOP2

Writing a Graphical User Interface

• Object Oriented Programming, Part 2 (OOP2) –RCS212 is a
course that takes over from OOP course – RCS102.
• In RCS102 we built the basics and foundations of OO
programming, in RCS212 we are going to built the blocks
on top of this foundation.
• In this course we will concentrate on building Real – World
Java Applications that are user-friendly by using Graphical
User Interface (GUI).
• This course is more practical than theory thus students are
encouraged to write many Java Applications to orient
themselves with real world Java development tools.
Course Outline
• Multithreaded Programming: How to write a program with
many threads/processes
• Introduction to GUI: Swing Vs AWT, Top level Containers,
• Layout Managers & Absolute positioning: Flow Layout, Grid
Layout, Border Layout, Box Layout, Gridbag Layout, using
absolute positioning
• Introduction to Event-Driven Programming: Event and Listeners
• Different Swing Components: Button, Menu, Text boxes, list,
progress bar, etc
• Applets
• Drag & Drop approach
• Java Application Deployment
• This is a three units course:
– 2L + 1 P
• Timetable:
– Wed: 12 – 14 (Practical), R90
– Thu: 7 – 9 (Lecture), R91
• Assessment
– 2 Tests @ 10 Marks = 20 Marks
– 2 Assignments @ 10 Marks = 20 Marks
– 1 Final Exam @ 60 Marks = 60 Marks
• Books
– Internet Source: Many but mainly:
– Herbert Schildt (2005), McGraw-Hill, Java Beginner’s Guide 3rd Edition

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