Presentasi Bahasa Inggris

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Pajri Al Inggrit

Zukri Kelompok Larasati


Gerunds is forms of verbs that act like nouns. They can follow
adjectives and other verbs, gerunds can also follow prepositions
• To form gerunds, use the base

Verb + ing

(dont forget the rules for spelling of ing form of verbs)

Ex. I enjoy learning English

• To form negative gerunds use

Not + Gerund

Ex. Not speaking English well is my biggest problem in this country

• Gerunds used as subject of the sentence
Ex. Dancing is fun

• Gerunds used as objects

Ex. He enjoys working with with children

• Gerunds used as object of the preposition

Ex. I am thinking about taking the children to Mexico

• Common preposition combinations followed by gerunds

By + Gerund

Ex. You get good grades by studying hard

Go + Gerund

(Recreational activities: camping, dancing, sightseeing, swimming, skiing, fishing,

Ex. I will go fishing with you tomorrow
Verbs Followed by a Gerund
• admit • escape • quit
• advise • excuse • call
• appreciate • finish • report
• avoid • forbid • resent
• can't help • get through • resist
• complete • have • resume
• consider • imagine • risk
• delay • mind • spend (time)
• deny • miss • suggest
• detest • permit • tolerate
• dislike • postpone • waste (time)
• enjoy • practice
Verbs Followed by a Preposition and a Gerund
• admit to • feel like
• approve of • forget about
• argue about • insist on
• believe in • object to
• care about • plan on
• complain about • prevent (someone)
• from
concentrate on
• refrain from
• confess to
• succeed in
• depend on
• talk about
• disapprove of
• think about
• discourage from
• worry about
Infinitive forms of verbs that act like nouns.
They can follow adjectives and other verbs
• To form infinitives use
To + base form of the verb

Ex. I want to dance

• To form negative infinitives use
Not + infinitive

Ex. He decided He decided not to go not to go to the party.

• Infinitives in the subject position • Infinitive with too and enough
Ex. To live in the United States is my
dream infinitive too + adjective or

• Infinitive in the object position Ex. She is too young to vote

Ex. Inggrit wants to go abroad with Adjective or adverb +
her parents enough + Infinitive
Ex. They are old enough to vote.
• infinitive of purpose
Ex. I came here in order to learn
Verbs Followed by an

• agree • consent • have • offer • start

• aim • continue • hesitate • ought • stop
• appear • dare • hope • plan • strive
• arrange • Decide • hurry • prefer • swear
• ask • deserve • intend • Prepare • threaten
• attempt • detest • leap • proceed • try
• be able • dislike • Leave • promise • use
• beg • expect • like • propose • wait
• begin • fail • long • Refuse • want
• care • forget • love • remember • wish
• choose • get • mean • say
• condescend • happen • neglect • shoot
Verbs Followed by an Object
and an Infinitive
• advise • dare • let • promise

• allow • direct • like • remind

• ask • encourage • love • require

• beg • expect • motivate • send

• bring • forbid • order • teach

• build • force • pay • tell

• buy • have • permit • urge

• challenge • hire • persuade • want

• choose • instruct • prepare • warn

• command • invite
• lead
• leave
Gerund and Infinitive
Verbs followed by a gerund or infinitive with little to no change in
meaning. Some of these verbs are: begin, can’t bear, can’t stand, hate,
like, love, prefer, propose, start, intend, bother

Example :
1. It started to rain / It started raining
2. He began talking / He began to talk
3. They continue smoking / They continue to smoke
Some other verbs are followed by an infinitive or a gerund with a difference
in meaning. Some of these verbs are : forget, remember, stop, try, regret, quit.

Stop + gerund
Budi stops smoking
Stop + infinitive
Budi stops to smoke
Convertsation Gerund and Infinitive
A: I miss talking with my best friend. I remember going with him
B: Why did you stop talking ?
A: We celebrated turning 30 at the same time , but then he got a new job
and moved to a new city
B: I remember hearing that. Have you talked to him recently ?
A: Yes, but I regret not calling him more often
B: I imagine being far apart is difficult
A: It is. I enjoy spending time with him!
any question??
Change the words in the blanket into gerund or infinitive form
1. Diana enjoys ………... to music (listen)
2. They don’t mind ………. the washing up (do)
3. His name is not easy ……….. (remember)
4. Sandy is really good at ………... (sing)
5. We waited ………… a movie ticket (buy)
6. The doctor encouraged his patients ……… healthy food
7. My house is easy ……… (find)
8. Rangga is interested in ………. An artist (become)
9. Ria is saving money ……… some novel books (buy)
10. When I met my mother I couldn’t help ……. Her (hug)
11. My brothers hobby is ……….. (eat)
12. Tara helped Niha ………….. Her homework (do)
13. I’m sick of …………. Pizza everyday (eat)
14. It is fun ………….. The net for more information (surf)
15. My father advised me ………….. A doctor as soon as
possible (see)
16. I don’t feel like ……………. Biology today (study)
17. Weni got Tera ……………. Her car (wash)
18. …………… sport every day is good for your health (do)
19. In holiday, they decided …………… a cottage in Bali (rent)
20. She pretended ………. angry (be)

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