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Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Prinsip Biosintesis
2. Prekursor metabolit
3. Fiksasi CO2
4. Biosintesis karbohidrat
5. Biosintesis Asam amino untuk protein
6. Biosintesis lipid
Catabolism & Anabolism
Konstruksi sel
1. Prinsip Biosintesis
• Large molecules are made from small molecules
• Many enzymes do double duty
– Many enzymes are used for both catabolic and anabolic processes, saving additional materials and
energy. For example, most glycolytic enzymes are involved in both the synthesis and the degradation of
• Some enzymes function in one direction only
– catabolic and anabolic pathways are never identical, although many enzymes are shared.
• Anabolic pathways are irreversible
– To synthesize molecules effi ciently, anabolic pathways must operate irreversibly in the
direction of biosynthesis
• Catabolism and anabolism are physically separated
– In eucaryotic cells, catabolic and anabolic pathways can be localized into distinct cellular
• Catabolism and anabolism use different cofactors
– Usually catabolic oxidations produce NADH, a substrate for electron transport.
In contrast, when an electron donor is needed during biosynthesis, NADPH
serves as the donor.
Biosynthesis (Anabolism)
o Reducing power:
o Central (Amphibolic) Metabolic Pathways:
 Amphibolic = dual porposes
 Critical methabolic intermediates  biosynthetic functions
Central amphibolic pathways
2. Prekursor Metabolit
• Merupakan senyawa yang digunakan untuk
menyusun senyawa lain didalam sel
• Rangka karbon digunakan sebagai substrat
awal yang dipakai untuk menyusun monomer
dan building block untuk menyusun
3. Fiksasi CO2
Four different CO 2 -fixation pathways have been
identified in microorganisms.
• Most autotrophs use the Calvin cycle/Calvin-Benson
cycle/the reductive pentose phosphate cycle.
• The Calvin cycle is found in photosynthetic eucaryotes
and most photosynthetic bacteria. It is absent in some
obligatory anaerobic and microaerophilic bacteria.
Autotrophic archaea also use an alternative pathway
for CO 2 fi xation.
Carbon dioxide fixation:
1. Calvin cycle
• the Calvin cycle occur in the chloroplast
stroma of eucaryotic autotrophs.
• In cyanobacteria, some nitrifying bacteria, and
thiobacilli (sulfuroxidizing chemolithotrophs),
the Calvin cycle is associated with inclusion
bodies called carboxysomes
Fiksasi CO2 yang lain:
The reductive TCA cycle

• Kebalikan dari TCA Oksidatif

• Digunakan oleh: chemolithoautotrophs (e.g.,
Thermoproteus and Sulfolobus, two archaeal
genera, and the bacterial genus Aquifex ) and
anoxygenic phototrophs such as Chlorobium,
a green sulfur bacterium
Fiksasi CO2 yang lain:
Hydroxypropionate pathway

The Green non-sulfur bacteria:

 Chloroflexus:
 H2 and H2S : electron donor
 2CO2  acetyl-CoA pyruvate  glucose 
cell materials
C4 pathway
Heterotroph & autotroph:
• CO2 fixation  C4 pathway
• PEP or Pyruvate  oxaloacetate amino acid
or nucleic acid
• First product: oxaloacetate (4 C)
Assimilation of Organic C1 compounds

o Methanotroph: bacteria that use CH4
o Obligate aerobe (O2)
o Obligate C-1 utilizer: methane & methanol
CH4 + O2 + NADH2 CH3OH + H2O + NAD+
 Ribulosa monophosphate cycle

o Type I: Methylomonas & Methylococcus

 Methanol  formaldehyde  Hexulose-6-P  Fructose-6-P 
Ribulose-5-P + G-3-P

 Serine pathway:
o Type II: Methylosinus

 Methylotrophy: C-1 other than CH4

• Pseudomonas
• Bacillus
• Vibrio
4. Carbohydrate Biosynthesis
 Non-carbohydrate   Glucose

Glyoxylate cycle:
 Fatty acids (lipid)  carbohydrates
Polysaccharide biosynthesis
• Peptidolgycan
5. Biosintesis Asam Amino
• The addition of nitrogen to the carbon chain is an important step in amino acid
biosynthesis. Ammonia, nitrate, or N 2 can serve as the source of nitrogen.
• Ammonia can be directly assimilated by the activity of transaminases and either
glutamate dehydrogenase or the glutamine synthetase–glutamate synthase
• Nitrate is incorporated through assimilatory nitrate reduction catalyzed by the
enzymes nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase
• Nitrogen fixation is catalyzed by nitrogenase. Atmospheric molecular nitrogen is
reduced to ammonia, which is then incorporated into amino acids
• Microorganisms can use cysteine, methionine, and inorganic sulfate as sulfur
sources. Sulfate must be reduced to sulfide before it is assimilated. This occurs
during assimilatory sulfate reduction
• Some amino acids are made directly by the addition of an amino group to a
precursor metabolite, but most amino acids are made by pathways that are
more complex. Many amino acid biosynthetic pathways are branched. Thus a
6. Biosintesis Lipid
• Fatty acids are synthesized from acetyl-CoA, malonyl-CoA,
and NADPH by fatty acid synthase. During synthesis, the
intermediates are attached to the acyl carrier protein.
Double bonds can be added in two different ways.
• Triacylglycerols are made from fatty acids and glycerol
phosphate. Phosphatidic acid is an important
intermediate in this pathway.
• Phospholipids such as phosphatidylethanolamine can be
synthesized from phosphatidic acid by forming CDP-
diacylglycerol, then adding an amino acid.

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