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Wolves In the North

FMS Delhi

Anushka Kyal
Vishal Tomar
Let’s Understand some important data
points about Gen-Z
Gen Z are fashion aware but will not blindly adopt

79% Will make their own fashion statement to stand out

79% Shop both Offline & Online while

20% Shop only offline

Gen Z will not splurge on big brands and wants money’s worth

77% Claim they thoroughly research before deciding the purchase

26% Choose fastest option for buying if strapped for time

Gen Z respects and adopts socially responsible brands

68% Want to be associated with brands supporting social causes

Source: Hindustan
Need to change positioning from durable to
Results of Primary Research on 50 respondents
What is the first word that comes to What do you look for in an accessories
mind when you hear Titan? brand ?
78% of Gen-Zers prefer to personalize
Product Innovation

 Jewelry – Often worn everyday – introduce charms to personalize bracelets and express
their individuality. All women have their individual stories to tell – a personal collection
of special moments that makes them who they are. They can celebrate these moments
everyday every time

 Can also be a gift to be remembered everyday

 Limited edition products to appeal to different types of people and create buzz

 Allowing making the watch their own by allowing engraving a name , date or a message
that allows the product to be a timeless piece for them

 Tap into individuality of consumers by giving them a chance to create their own
perfumes in the biggest store in metro cities for a short period of time
 Tap into the younger consumers’ need for feeling a part of a group by promoting the
collective spirit of authentic tribes over individual aspirational figures

 Use precision marketing to appeal to different types of audience differently based on

their interest by having product lines for specific ‘tribes’- Cricket tribe, Biker tribe ,
Music tribe

 The interests, attitudes, and activities of these ‘squads’, connect them in their values
of consumption

 Luxury brands in particular, need more authentic influencer marketing in their

strategy to target the consumers of tomorrow that talk about pros and cons and how
the product could be useful for specific needs

 Ensure visibility of product online through SEO, SEM, Sponsored Ads and Display Ads
on Google , Social Media and E-commerce

 Have engaging and shareable content to get organic reach

 Show the product in action like the new smart watch being taken on treks and
demonstrate its strength that no matter what it won’t break or get scratches
Campaign based on local squads & Tribes in India

Cricket tribe Music tribe

Bikers tribe

The campaign allows the brand to incorporate different lifestyles, values, attitudes, and backgrounds to appeal to existing
consumers, but more importantly to win over new ones periodically
What does GenZ look for in an employer?

 An employer that stands for a purpose

 A place where their opinions are valued

 An organization that values fresh talent and

has a startup culture

 A company that is doing exciting things and is

focused on innovating to improve the
consumer’s life

Source: Primary Research

What can Titan
Do to become
employer of
Use Social Media as a means to communicate its vision for the On the current social media pages, there is a lot of Give recognition to good work done by
society and what it is doing to fulfil that vision focus on Competitions organized by Titan , but the employees
page can be used to showcase other aspects of the
organization , include testimonials from current
employees talking about things including but not
restricted to office outlook, dress culture , freedom to
voice opinion , startup culture 
• Have a shadow board
• Indulge in Campus engagement
since it’s the first point of
contact with the corporate for
several students and engaging
them in activities that reflect
Ensure presence of organization in places like the organization culture and
panel discussions where potential employees give the potential employees
Talk about its initiatives for wellbeing of its can know about the exciting things done by the an opportunity to interact with
employees company
the leadership and know more
about the organization

Showcase its position on rankings about “Best

workplaces to work in” on Social Media and

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