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psycho genic

Physical pain
that is caused,
increased, or prolonged
by mental, emotional,
or behavioral factors..
People with depression
and anxiety may report
psychogenic pain all over
their bodies, even when
there is no apparent
physical cause..
“Hippocrates” proposed one
of the earliest theories of the perspective that
personality defining four the mind (or the soul)
bodily fluids as responsible for influenced the body
specific personality or began to be regarded
temperament types, as well as as unscientific and
Since for various physical or mental The many influential
illnesses. works during...
ancient Renaissanc Nowadays
times e
(1600 ac)

400 – 300 Renaissance
The association between bc With the advent of (Later) There are specialized
body and mind is well- physical medicine, the sciences in this field..
recognized and accepted, historical view of the
whereas the relation between interaction between
chronic pain and mind and body started
psychopathology continues losing favor in the
to be controversial among seventeenth century.
physicians, philosophers,
and psychologists .

15 25 50
Chaturvedi %
and Michae studies

published studies do not find “psychogenic pain” rare,

although there is not agreement on the frequency of “psychogenic pain,”
and this probably reflects problems in definition, patient selection, or sensitivity of diagnostic criteria..
Psychogenic pain can have serious
consequences and erode your quality of life
and health status. First, people with
psychogenic pain can miss work due to the
pain. Second, people with psychogenic
pain often spend a lot of time visiting with
health care professionals trying to figure
out how to treat the pain. Third,
psychogenic pain can contribute to the
abuse of and dependence on pain
medications (think opioid pain relievers
like Norco or Vicodin)..
It is common for patients to report
stark pain of high intensity, such as a
knife in the back or hot iron wounds.
However, symptoms of pain may
present in any area of the body of
varied intensity ..

02 muscle pain

03 back pain

04 stomach pain
Mouth pain Stomach ache Headache

Many dental patients complain of oral symptoms after dental treatment,

such as chronic pain or occlusal discomfort, for which the cause
remains undetermined.

These symptoms are often thought to be mental or emotional in origin,

and patients are considered to have an “oral psychosomatic disorder”.

Representative medically unexplained oral symptoms/syndromes

(MUOS) include burning mouth syndrome, atypical odontalgia..
Mouth pain Stomach ache Headache

Atypical facial pain

Clinical features Diagnosis
Female > male 1-clinical examination
Maxilla > mandible -full mouth x-ray -maxillary sinus x-ray
-percussion of teeth
2-lab examination
-CBC -test of diabetes mellitus

Treatment :-assure the patient that he didn't have cancer or

dangerous illnesa -refer the pain to the emotional stress
-avoid dental or surgical procedure..
Mouth pain Stomach ache Headache

Burning mouth syndrome

Clinical feature Diagnosis
-Female > male -clinical examination
- in lips, tongue and cheeks should be done before
-pain relieved by eating, diagnosis ..
drinking or chewing If the pain is unilatral
-oral mucosa appears normal .. examine cranial nerves to
remove neuropathic
Treatment source of pain ..
- mild burning pain :Patient assurance
-sever burning pain : tricyclic
antidepressent drug (TCA) ..
Mouth pain Stomach ache Headache

A controlled study of 30 children with recurrent abdominal pain and 30

pain free children failed to show any statistically significant differences
between the groups on a variety of psychological variables thought to be
associated with psychogenicity.

A psychogenic basis has often been assumed as the cause in diagnosis of

recurrent abdominal pain when clinical examination and laboratory tests
show no organic or medical reason.

We emphasise that establishing a psychogenic cause is only indicated

where there is positive evidence for psychological factors such as family
or school stress,characteristics, or modelling of family pain behaviour..
Mouth pain Stomach ache Headache

An attempt has been made to identify what is commonly

referred to as “psychogenic headache” and to differentiate
between the most frequently encountered psychiatric disorders
where headache is the main symptom.

These disorders include anxiety reactions, conversion reactions

and depressive reactions.

While it is recognized that psychogenic factors often play a

major part in migraine headaches and vascular headaches and
possibly cluster headaches..
Exclusion psychological
The diagnosis of psychogenic pain is
made only when all other causes of This type of pain can have many
pain are ruled out. A person with different psychological triggers including
psychogenic pain disorder will the following:
complain of pain that does not match Beliefs
his or her symptoms. Medical doctors Emotions
and mental health specialists working Fears
together are often most helpful to Mental illness like depression or
those with this disorder.. anxiety..
Because we don't understand psychogenic pain that well,
this condition can be very difficult to treat. Often, mental
health professionals work with physicians to treat this
condition. Here are some possible treatments for
psychogenic pain:

Psychotherapy Antidepressants

Non-narcotic painkillers ( acetaminophen or ibuprofen)

Psychogenic disease is a name given to
physical illnesses that are believed to arise
from emotional or mental stressors, or from
psychological or psychiatric disorders. It is
most commonly applied to illnesses where a
physical abnormality or other biomarker has
not yet been identified..

Psychogenic psychosomatic
usually implies that used in a broader way to describe
psychological factors illnesses with a known medical
played a key causal cause where psychological
role in the factors may nonetheless play a
development of the role :
illness. (e.g., asthma can be exacerbated
by anxiety).
Psychogenic shock
Psychogenic shock causes fainting, probably by
initiating dilation of the blood vessels that perfuse
the muscles..

In this type of shock, blood pressure

falls, the skin becomes cold and
sweaty, and the pulse rate increases. A
decrease in the amount of blood that is
supplied to the brain leads to light-
headedness and loss of consciousness..

A person who is suffering from psychogenic shock

should be placed flat or even with the head slightly
lower than the rest of the body in order to restore a
good flow of blood to the brain and to bring about
recovery from the fainting..

by giving up
the will
to live..
Severe trauma might trigger some people's anterior
cingulate circuit to malfunction..
this usually follows a psychological trauma
Five Stages
and can be considered a way of coping..
This very passive state is marked by
withdrawal from social interaction,
1 Social withdrawal
emotionlessness, indifference, and self- a person in this state exhibits serious
absorption.. melancholy and lack of energy, as if
Apathy 2 they no longer wish to preserve
themselves. This goes along with not
this is when a person not only severely putting forth efforts towards much of
lacks motivation, but also has almost no anything, especially bathing..
emotional response to the point of no
wanting to speak.." The mind essentially 3 Aboulia
goes on stand-by” .. this state is reached when a person is
conscious but is in such profound
apathy that even extreme pain like from
Psychic akinesia 4 getting hit will prompt no response. A
 this final stage involves the person's person in psychic akinesia would not
complete giving up and subsequent only not bathe but often just lie in their
disintegration. someone who reached this own waste..
stage "might be lying in their own excreta
and nothing - no warning, no beating, no
5 Psychogenic death
pleading can make them want to live “..

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