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AR/VR Technology in


Kristen Bilney
Background Information:
● Title of the Project: AR/VR Technology in
Grade Level: Kindergarten (ages 5-6).
Content Area: As an international baccalaureate
candidate school, all content areas are integrated within
our transdisciplinary themes. Though this pilot project
will primarily focus on science, social studies, and
social/emotional learning.
Number of students: 21
Pilot Idea
➔ Integrate AR/VR technology in my classroom to
foster authentic learning experiences.

➔ With VR headsets, students could take a virtual

field trip to explore areas of their choosing.

➔ With the Merge cube, students could access apps

to explore different emotions and feelings.
The 4 Big Shifts
Student Authentic Technology
Agency Work Infusion
- AR/VR technology will support higher level

Higher learning by having students make connections

and apply their new knowledge to real world
experiences. Students will be collaborating

Level and communicating effectively to share their

experiences and new information gained
through the new technology (McLeod &
Learning Graber, 2019)
- Students create learning experiences that are
meaningful and differentiated for their
specific need. They are accessing their prior
knowledge to engage in an environment
where transdisciplinary skills will be
presented in a variety of ways.
- Students are in control of what, how, who
with, and why they learn (McLeod & Graber,
2018). They will have the opportunity to
Student explore different topics and create projects in
the way that will best showcase the

Agency information they have gained. They are

differentiating for themselves which makes
learning more personalized and meaningful.
- Students will be able to heighten their
experiences through the use of AR/VR
technology. They will have access to virtually
visit and view places around the world from
inside our classroom. These experiences will
allow students to complete work in better
and/or different ways than was possible
before (McLeod & Graber, 2018).
My Weakest Big
AR/VR technology would support
student agency amongst my
students in many ways. Instead of
Student me lecturing my students as a whole
group, merge cubes and VR

headsets could allow students to take
ownership of their learning by
having the freedom to explore
numerous topics at their own speed
(Peterson, 2018).
AR/VR technology would not only provide new
technological resources in the classroom, but it
would also foster student agency by allowing
students to have control over what and how they

are learning (McLeod & Graber, 2019) . “Instead
of students interacting and watching web content,
they become surrounded by the content, which
allows them to wander freely in and around it..
students are able to interact, engage and experience
what they are learning in the classroom (Danhoff,
2017). While nothing can replace a real life field
trips, virtual reality does provide an opportunity for
a new level of immersion to a place students have
never been before (Korbey, 2014).
Deeper Learning

Master core academic content

Think critically and problem solve
Work collaboratively
Communicate effectively
Learn how to learn
Develop academic mindsets
Technology Integration Model:

Technology Integration Model:

Project Goals:
By the end of this pilot project idea, students will be able to...

Communiciate, Have a voice in Utilize AR/VR Create

collaborate, and what and how technology to meaningful
problem solve they learn. engage in higher projects that relate
effectively. level learning. to the real world.
Student activities:
● Unit of Inquiry: How The World Works
Length of Unit: 5 Weeks
Student tasks: Students will use VR
headsets to explore different animal
habitats with Expeditions app.
Student assessments: Students will
recreate the habitat using materials from
our classroom, home, and our school
makerspace to share with their classmates.
Student activities:
● Unit of Inquiry: How We Organize
Length of Unit: 6 Weeks
Student tasks: Students will a merge
cube with the Moment AR app to identify
and learn about different feelings and
Student project/assessments: Students
will create a wixie page to share a time
where they felt ‘X’ emotion and with a
voiceover share one way to regulate their
Student activities:
● Unit of Inquiry: Who We Are
Length of Unit: 4-5 Weeks
Student tasks: Students will use VR technology to
take a virtual field trip to another place in the world of
their choosing. They would explore the similarities
and differences of their culture to the place of their
Student assessments: Students will create a venn
diagram on a wixie page indicating similarities and
differences of the culture they explores to their own.
They will have the choice to use voiceover, words,
pictures, or a video to share their findings.
Student activities:
● Unit of Inquiry: Where we are in time and
Length of Unit: 5 Weeks
Student tasks: Students will utilize technology
of their choosing to research different types of
transportation from the past and present.
Student project/assessments: Students will
pick a type of transportation and build it to
share with the class its ability, function, and
example of when/why the transportation would
be accessed.
Social Studies:
➔ K2.A.1- identify similarities and differences in people’s

characteristics, habits, and living patterns to describe how they
meet the same human needs
➔ K4.A.3- explain how technology affects the way people live,
work, and play

K5.A.1- distinguish among past, present, and future time
➔ K5.A.2- compare daily life and objects of today to long ago

Speaking & Listening

➔ CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.K.1- Participate in collaborative
conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics
and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups
➔ CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.K.4- Presentation of Knowledge
and Ideas

Retrieved from
ISTE Standards
● 1c: Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and
improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a
variety of ways.
● 3c :Students curate information from digital resources using a
variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts
that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
● 3d:Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world
issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and
pursuing answers and solutions
● 6d: Students publish or present content that customizes the
message and medium for their intended audiences.
● 7c: Students contribute constructively to project teams,
assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively
toward a common goal.

Retrieved from

Animal Habitats. [Image]. Retrieved from:

Chaja, K. (El_chakka) (2018, March 2). Hey all! I'm the creator of "Moment AR" an app for the #mergecube for professionals
in special education. I am now working on an #education app for the Mergecube and would love to hear educator's wants,
thoughts, needs. Retweet, RT. [Twitter Post]. Retrieved from
Danhoff, C. (2017, November 25). AR and VR: A Look in Today’s Classroom. Retrieved from

Erickson, L. (2019, March 29). See How SAMR Works in Real Classrooms. [Image]. Retrieved from

Korbey, H. (2017, July 14). Will Virtual Reality Drive Deeper Learning? Edutopia. Retrieved from

McLeod, S. & Graber, J. (2019). Harnessing technology for deeper learning. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
Peterson, S. (2018, July 30). 4 Big Shifts That Can Personalize the Learning Journey. EdSurge. Retrieved from
RyanMcGuire. (Transportatio). [Image]. Retrieved from

Yuri_b. (Map Of The World). [Image]. Retrieved from

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