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The Law in Moses’

Read Exodus 1-
Exo 1:5 Joseph was already in Egypt. The total
number of Jacob's descendants was 70.
Exo 1:6 Eventually, Joseph, all his brothers, and that
entire generation died.
Exo 1:7 But the descendants of Israel had many
children. They became so numerous and strong that
the land was filled with them.
Exo 1:8 Then a new king, who knew nothing about
Joseph, began to rule in Egypt.
Exo 1:9 He said to his people, "There are too many
Israelites, and they are stronger than we are.
Exo 1:10 We have to outsmart them, or they'll
increase in number. Then, if war breaks out, they will
join our enemies, fight against us, and leave the
Exo 1:11 So the Egyptians put slave drivers in charge
of them in order to oppress them through forced labor.
They built Pithom and Rameses as supply cities for
Exo 1:12 But the more the Israelites were oppressed,
the more they increased in number and spread out. The
Egyptians couldn't stand them any longer.
Exo 1:13 So they forced the Israelites to work hard as
Exo 1:14 They made their lives bitter with back-
breaking work in mortar and bricks and every kind of
work in the fields. All the jobs the Egyptians gave
them were brutally hard.
Exo 1:15 Then the king of Egypt told the Hebrew
midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah,
Exo 1:16 "When you help the Hebrew women in
childbirth, look at the child when you deliver it. If it's
a boy, kill it, but if it's a girl, let it live."
Exo 1:17 However, the midwives feared God and
didn't obey the king of Egypt's orders. They let the
boys live.
 Exo1:18 So the king of Egypt called for the midwives. He asked
them, "Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?"
 Exo 1:19 The midwives answered Pharaoh, "Hebrew women are not
like Egyptian women. They are so healthy that they have their babies
before a midwife arrives."
 Exo
1:20 God was good to the midwives. So the people increased in
number and became very strong.
 Exo 1:21 Because the midwives feared God, he gave them families
of their own.
 Exo 1:22 Then Pharaoh commanded all his people to throw into the
Nile every Hebrew boy that was born, but to let every girl live.
 Exo 2:1 A man from Levi's family married a Levite woman.
 Exo2:2 The woman became pregnant and had a son. She saw
how beautiful he was and hid him for three months.
 Exo 2:3 When she couldn't hide him any longer, she took a
basket made of papyrus plants and coated it with tar and pitch.
She put the baby in it and set it among the papyrus plants near
the bank of the Nile River.
 Exo2:4 The baby's sister stood at a distance to see what
would happen to him.
 Exo2:5 While Pharaoh's daughter came to the Nile to take a bath, her
servants walked along the bank of the river. She saw the basket among the
papyrus plants and sent her slave girl to get it.
 Exo 2:6 Pharaoh's daughter opened the basket, looked at the baby, and saw
it was a boy. He was crying, and she felt sorry for him. She said, "This is
one of the Hebrew children."
 Exo 2:7 Then the baby's sister asked Pharaoh's daughter, "Should I go and
get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?"
 Exo 2:8 She answered, "Yes!" So the girl brought the baby's mother.
 Exo 2:9 Pharaoh's daughter said to the woman, "Take this child, nurse him for
me, and I will pay you." She took the child and nursed him.
 Exo 2:10 When the child was old enough, she brought him to Pharaoh's daughter,
and he became her son. Pharaoh's daughter named him Moses [Pulled Out] and
said, "I pulled him out of the water."
 Exo 2:11 In the course of time Moses grew up. Then he went to see his own
people and watched them suffering under forced labor. He saw a Hebrew, one of
his own people, being beaten by an Egyptian.
 Exo 2:12 He looked all around, and when he didn't see anyone, he beat the
Egyptian to death and hid the body in the sand.
 Exo 2:13 When Moses went there the next day, he saw two Hebrew men
fighting. He asked the one who started the fight, "Why are you beating another
 Exo 2:14 The man asked, "Who made you our ruler and judge? Are
you going to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?" Then Moses was
afraid and thought that everyone knew what he had done.
 Exo2:15 When Pharaoh heard what Moses had done, he tried to have
him killed. But Moses fled from Pharaoh and settled in the land of
Midian. One day, while Moses was sitting by a well,
 Exo2:16 seven daughters of the priest of Midian came. They drew
water and filled the troughs to water their father's sheep.
 Exo 2:17 But some shepherds came and chased them away. So Moses
got up, came to their defense, and then watered their sheep.
 Exo2:18 When they came back to their father Reuel, he
asked them, "Why have you come home so early today?"
 Exo2:19 They answered, "An Egyptian rescued us from
some shepherds. He even drew water for us and watered the
 Exo 2:20 Reuel asked his daughters, "Where is he? Why
did you leave the man there? Go, invite him to supper."
 Exo2:21 Moses decided to stay with the man. So Reuel
gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses as his wife.
 Exo 2:22 She gave birth to a son. Moses named him
Gershom [Foreigner], because he said, "I was a foreigner
living in another country."
 Exo 2:23 After a long time passed, the king of Egypt died.
The Israelites still groaned because they were slaves. So they
cried out, and their cries for help went up to God.
 Exo2:24 God heard their groaning, and he remembered his
promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
 Exo2:25 God saw the Israelites being oppressed and was
concerned about them.
What circumstances caused the
Egyptians to change their attitude
toward the Israelites? (Exodus 1:1-
Why was this a bad time for Moses, a
Hebrew baby boy, to be born? (Exodus
What circumstances occurred to protect
Moses when he was born? (Exodus 2:1-10)
Moses was definitely born in the wrong place
at the wrong time, from a human point of view.
As a Hebrew boy, he was feared by Pharaoh
and condemned to death.
God intervened and allowed Moses to live,
though surely hundreds of other Hebrew boys
were not protected from the wrath and fear of
the Egyptian
Why did God protect
DidMoses consider himself a
Hebrew, as he was born, or an
Egyptian, as he was adopted?
How do we know?
(Exodus 2:11-13)
What was the result of Moses’
attempt to take the law into his
own hands? (Exodus 2:14-15)
How did others view Moses’
identity, as a Hebrew or as an
What reason do we have to
believe that Moses was confused
about his true identity? (Exodus
Itmust have been confusing for Moses to know that he
was a Hebrew, yet live like Egyptian royalty.
Even though he had the benefits of living in the palace,
he never forgot his roots.
His heart must have ached when he had to witness the
mistreatment of his own people.
Perhaps he even felt guilt over the fact that he had it so
well, while they lived as slaves.
When Moses had the opportunity to set things
straight, he took it.
He made a huge mistake.
Thinking that no one would notice his sin, he
took matters into his own hands.
The belief that he had gotten away with his crime
probably gave him confidence and made him feel like he
had more authority than he actually did.
Instead of relying on God to make the situation better, he
attempted to make things better for everyone by setting
himself up as the “lawman.”
Imagine his surprise and fear when he realized that his
crime was known and he was a wanted criminal.
Moses responded to his predicament by
running away to the Midian desert (Exodus
Isn’t this a natural response–to hide out in
order to avoid punishment?
We can learn from Moses’ example that
taking the law into our hands is never a
good idea.
This truth is made clear in Romans 12:17-19 (NIV):
“Do not repay anyone evil for evil.
Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at
peace with everyone.
Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for
God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I
will repay,’ says the Lord.”
When Moses ran to the land of Midian, he was
mistaken for an Egyptian.
When he married and had a son, he named him
Gershom, which sounds like the Hebrew word for
“an alien there.”
At that time, he must have felt like a man without a
country, that he had ruined his life and would be
forever useless to God and to his people.
As a Christian in a largely
non-Christian culture, in
what ways do you
sometimes feel out of place,
like a foreigner?
Listseveral ways that
you are different,
perhaps even out of
place, from the people
around you.
You may believe that you will never fit in and that
God will never be able to use you to reach the lost
people around you.
In times like this, do not be tempted as Moses was
to develop your own system for correcting the evils
in the world.
Rely on God and trust Him to bring about justice
and to use you in His time and in His way.

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