Nurse Duty in The Ward

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After completion of the lecture you will able to
1. Make expressions and reports related to
nursing activities in the ward
2. Describe your activities related to nursing
3. Write a care plan for certain patient.
 Telling daily activities when you practice
in a ward or in out patient
department (OPD)/Polyclinic or in
clinic/Community Health Centre

 Describe your dailiy activities as a nurse.

I work as qualified nurse in Sardito Hospital at
medical ward . When I am in the morning
duty, firstly I am join in hand over /offering
shift to listen the nursing report from previous
Shift (night shift). After that I start prepare
for bed making. Many activities conducted in
the morning shitf such as giving medication to
the patient, wound dressing, taking/checking
vital sign, and making report.
Make sentences that describes the nursing
care or nursing intervention during practice
in a Hospital. (30 minutes)

After that present in front of class.

Writing a nursing care plan
 Patients name

 Health Problem/Complain

 Symptoms

 Actions to be taken
1. Patient’s Identity : Nina, 8 year old, Female

2. Health Problem/Complain :
- Frequent diarhea

3. Symptoms :
- Diarhea 8 times a day
- Pale
- Vomiting
- High temperature
- Extreme tiredness
4. Action to be taken :
- Colaboration with physician to giving Intra
venous/IV therapy : Crystaloid ( normal
saline 0.9 % or ringer lactat )
- Monitoring vital sign 2 hourly
- Encourage patient to drink a plenty of
- Give antipiretic, antibiotic as physician
Task 2
• Take one case

• Make Nursing care plan

• Stay Strong
• Stay Positive
• Keep Nursing

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