IBM Security Identity Manager (ISIM) Guide For Service Now Access (WPP)

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IBM Security Identity Manager(ISIM) Guide for

Service Now access (WPP)

Ver 1.0

Shiva Teja Bathina,

About ISIM

 IBM Security Identity Manager (ISIM) is an User ID Management Tool, the strategic
IBM product for identity and access management.

ISIM provides the following functionalities:

 Primary Control like Add Account, Delete Account, Transfer Account

 Secondary Controls like Revalidations (Continued Business Need (CBN))
 Credential Handling

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ISIM Overview

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ISIM – Interface
Link to Access ISIM:-

Login using IBM Intranet


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Steps to obtain Service Now access
1. SNOW Access is a Two step
Request , first is Access Request and
then Account Request.
Account Can be requested only after addition of
Roles (after Final Approval).
2.Login to ISIM using the Link
3. Click on “Request Access” on the
ISIM Home screen.

5 IBM Confidential
Steps to obtain Service Now access
 1. Search for “CBR_GB-WPF_AccessControl”

6 IBM Confidential
Steps to obtain Service Now access
 1. Click on “CBR_GB-WPF_AccessControl”

7 IBM Confidential
Steps to obtain Service Now access
 Enter the Brief justification and Click on Request Access.

To Support WPP

8 IBM Confidential
Steps to obtain Service Now access

1. Request will be submitted and

Approval Email Will be
triggered to the Line Manager.
2. Post Line Manager Approves
the request another Approval
Mail will be triggered to the
DPE or Global Lead for Final

9 IBM Confidential
Steps to obtain Service Now access
1. To View Requests navigate to Home page and click on “View My Requests”

10 IBM Confidential
Steps to obtain Service Now access

The Request will be with Line manager , post

Line manager approval it will trigger email to
the DPE for final approval of Role addition.

11 IBM Confidential
Steps to obtain Service Now access
Click on “Request Account” on the ISIM Home screen.

12 IBM Confidential
Steps to obtain Service Now access

1. Search for “GB-WPF-EREG:WPPDOM”.

13 IBM Confidential
Steps to obtain Service Now access

Click on


14 IBM Confidential
Steps to obtain Service Now access

Click on “Individual”.

15 IBM Confidential
Steps to obtain Service Now access
1. User ID should be your Employee ID.
2. Click on Next.

16 IBM Confidential
Steps to obtain Service Now access
1.Please select a Password that complies to ITSC104.
2.This Would be the SNOW Login Password.

Characters not allowed: @^&*()_+-={}|[]\*;'<>?Il

Maximum length: 16

Minimum unique characters: 2

Restricted to characters: oO0123456789ABCDEFGHJKL

Minimum alphabetic characters: 1

Required characters:
Disallow user ID: True

Minimum numeric characters: 1

Disallow user ID(with Case-Insensitivity): True

Maximum repeated characters: 2

Reversed history length: 13

Minimum length: 8

Repeated history length: 13

Disallow user name: True

Disallow user name(with Case- True


17 IBM Confidential
Steps to obtain Service Now access

Enter the Brief justification

and Click on Request


To Support WPP Account.

18 IBM Confidential
Steps to obtain Service Now access

Request will be submitted and

Approval Email Will be triggered only
to the Line Manager.

19 IBM Confidential
Steps to obtain Service Now access
1. To View Requests navigate to Home page and click on “View My Requests”

20 IBM Confidential
Steps to obtain Service Now access

To View Account Requests Click on

User Data Change

Details for the Account Requests

can be found here.

21 IBM Confidential
Steps to obtain Service Now access

 After Account Request is approved within 24-48 Hours AD account will be created after the
 Once AD Account is created user will be able to login to SNOW using

User ID:- (IBM Email ID)

Password:- specified in slide 17

22 IBM Confidential
Contacts and Useful links

ISIM Education Link

ISIM Tool Issues Support :- SSIM PAN-IOT Support/France/IBM


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