Co - Curricular Activities

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Co-curricular activities are those activities that are outside of
but usually complementing the regular curriculum. 

Extracurricular activities are defined as those school-

based activities that are not tied to the curriculum.

Co-curricular activities can be performed individually or in

groups, inside or outside the classroom depending on the
nature of the activity.

Psychologists too recommend co-curriculum activities to help all-

round development. A balanced set of activities will ensure all-round
Co – Curricular Activities

1. Lifelong learning
2. Seminars
3. National and International Conferences
5. Paper contests
6. Professional Society Activity
Lifelong Learning

“Continual learning and increased knowledge will

promote personal growth, allow to connect with a
broader range of people and keep the mind active,
which can have many health benefits including
reducing the chance of getting Alzheimer's.”
Life Long Learning

Lifelong learning is the "ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated" pursuit

of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. It enhances
social inclusion, active citizenship, personal development , self-
sustainability, as well as competitiveness and employability.

Lifelong learning can enhance our understanding of the world around

us, provide us with more and better opportunities and improve our
quality of life. There are two main reasons for learning throughout life:
for personal development and for professional development.
Lifelong Learning

*According to the definition, life long learning is “the activity of seeking

out new knowledge or developing a skill, and participating in
educational activities over the course of a person’s entire life” (Anon
March 9, 2004,

* In other words, life long learning is the process of one educating itself
from his/her early childhood till his/her late senior years.
How to adopt lifelong learning in your life?

1. Recognize your own personal interests and goals

2. Make a list of what you would like to learn or be able to do
3. Identify how you would like to get involved and the resources
4. Structure the learning goal into your life
5. Make a commitment
Examples of lifelong learning
* Developing a new skill (eg. sewing, cooking, programming, public
speaking, etc)
* Self-taught study (e.g. learning a new language, researching a topic of
interest, subscribing to a podcast, etc)
* Learning a new sport or activity (e.g. Joining martial arts, learning to
exercise, etc.)
* Learning to use a new technology (smart devices, new software
applications, etc.)
* Acquiring new knowledge (taking a self-interest course via online
education or classroom-based course)
Benefits of lifelong learning

1. Renewed self-motivation
2. Recognition of personal interests and goals
3. Improvement in other personal and professional
4. Improved self-confidence
A seminar is a form of academic instruction, either at an academic
institution or offered by a commercial or professional organization. It
has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring
meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which
everyone present is requested to participate.

Purpose of a Seminar

A seminar may have several purposes or just one purpose. For

instance, a seminar may be for the purpose of education, such
as a lecture, where the participants engage in the discussion of
an academic subject for the aim of gaining a better insight into
the subject.
Benefits of Attending Seminar
Attending a seminar has numerous benefits, including improving
communication skills, gaining expert knowledge, networking with
others and renewing motivation and confidence.

Organization of a Seminar
Seminars are learning and teaching arrangements which allow for
active participation of participants, and they are usually conducted in
small groups. Seminar concentrates on delivering the information and
discussion of the pertinent issues. Preparation phase involves planning
for the event.
Qualities of good seminar talks
Seriously, NEVER EVER go over time. This is really important. ...
Contingency (emergency) plans.
Don't assume compatibility with others ...
Important ideas go first. ...
Frequently recall your logical flow. ...
Speak with enthusiasm. ...
Speak clearly. ...
Introduce your topic well

Give the necessary information but be careful

not to include large amounts of extraneous
material. Visual aids are particularly important
here to grab your audience's attention. If you
have a photo, and interesting thought or
catchy phrase, use it here.
National and International Conferences
* National conferences are organized inside the Country and mostly
the participants are from inside the country. The National conferences
mostly organized by the Universities and Colleges.

* International conferences are basically with a larger audience with

the participation from across the globe. These conferences are
organized by learning societies, Research Organizations, Collages,
Universities, Professional Bodies, Scientific Publishers Etc.

* International conferences are considered to be higher in the rank

than National conference. In such conferences you can get good
opportunity for collaboration, career up gradation with the people
other than your country.
Difference between national and international conference 
The International Conference is a unique forum bringing together from the different
countries, people can participate and share their work, research.  Research and
innovation help the country to grow faster and the efficacy of the research and
innovation has been gagged at different conferences that may be national and

Many Nonprofit Organizations and Institutions have been organizing various

Conferences at difference parts of the world. The research activity of any Country
could be known from the number National and International Conferences organized
per year.

According to a study, more than thousand Various International and National

Conferences are being organized in India every year. This brings a new era for the
Research scholars, Students, Professors, Industries to find new technologies and
getting a to expose their works.
 Announcement of new knowledge.
 Exchange of information and experience.
 Education.
 Formulation of problems and situations.
 Fact-finding and reporting
 Negotiation and policy formulation
 Status and ceremonial congregation
Paper contests

▣ Presenter should be in their formal clothing during the presentation

▣ The final presentation should be in Power Point slides format and

has to be in English
▣ Maximum total presentation time is 20 minutes with 15 minutes of
paper presentation and 5 minutes of Q&A
▣ Late attendance during the day of the event will receive 10 points

▣ On the day of the events, the candidates are required to bring along
with them the following:
▣ One soft copy (on CD or USB) of their essay and presentation
▣ 4 hard copies of their essay
▣ You are allowed to bring cue card to note/ remind you of important
points for your paper presentation. DRESS CODE must be.

▣ The presentation consist of two parts: First, the participant will

present their paper without interruption for 10-15 minutes. Participant
may start speaking when green card is held up. Time warnings will be
given at the following intervals: A knock on the table will be sounded
when 10 minutes has elapsed 2 knocks on the table will be sounded
when there is 5 minutes remaining. Continuous knocking will be
sounded if the 15 minutes time limit has reached . Next, the judge will
question the participant on their oral presentation for 5 minutes.

▣ The judging criteria will generally consist of:

a) Depth, significance and originality of subject matter
b) The paper portion of the competition will constitutes 50%
of the final score, while the oral presentation for the
remaining 50%.

▣ The judging panel will consist of three judges,

Professional Societies

A professional association (also called

a professional body, professional organization, or professional society)
seeks to further a particular profession, the interests of individuals
engaged in that profession and the public interest.

Many professional, or disciplinary, societies were founded to support

the single disciplines for which they are named. ... Their influence
flows from their continuing and highly visible functions: to
publish professional journals, to develop professional excellence, to
raise public awareness, and to make awards.
*An engineering society is a professional organization for engineers of
various disciplines. Some are umbrella type organizations which
accept many different disciplines, while others are discipline-specific.

* Benefits of joining a professional association

#1 Continuing education. ...
#2 Job prospects. ...
#3 Mentoring programs. ...
#4 Networking opportunities. ...
#5 Access to resources. ...
#6 New perspective. ...
#7 Professional development. ...
#8 Getting your name (and your firm's) out there.
Benefits of Joining a Professional Body

Professional Recognition. Most institutions have an assessment

process that applicants must pass before they are granted
membership. ...
Information and Advice. ...
Networking Opportunities. ...
Magazines. ...
Career Development. ...
The Cost.
Members join a membership organization because
they believe in the cause it stands for and depend on
you to advocate for their beliefs and rights. Whether
it is at a town hall meeting or lobbying on Hill, the
collective is stronger than the individual.

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