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What can you remember about the

previous discussion?
clearly structured
formal Structure
introduction, body,
and conclusion
include Texts
information from include a list of
credible sources references
(properly cited)
Content and Style of
Academic Texts

• concepts and theories are

related to the specific
discipline they explore
• exhibit all the properties of
a well-written text
In general, authors
observe the following
when writing academic
precise and
state accurate
provide facts
words while
and evidence critical
from credible questions jargon and
sources and issues colloquial
Before you read an
academic text, ask
yourself the
Why am I
reading this
What information
or pieces of
information do I
What do I want
to learn?
Here are some
general purposes
for reading an
academic text.

• To better understand an
existing idea
• To get the ideas that can
support a particular writing
• To gain more information
• To identify the gaps in
existing studies
• To connect new ideas to
existing ones
Critical Reading

• reading academic texts requires

focus and understanding
• help identify the key arguments
presented by the author and
analyze concepts presented in
the text
Determine which type of
academic text (article, review,
thesis, etc.) you are reading.
Determine and establish your
purpose for reading.
Identify the author’s purpose
for writing.
Predict or infer the main idea
or argument of the text based
on its title.
Identify your attitude towards
the author and the text.
State what you already know
and what you want to learn
about the topic.
Determine the target
Check the publication date
for relevance. It should have
been published at most five
years earlier than the current
Check the reference list while
making sure to consider the
correctness of the formatting
Use a concept map or a
graphic organizer to note
your existing ideas and
knowledge on the topic.
Employment and Poverty in the
Try following the steps given before
reading the text. 
During reading
Write key words or phrases
on the margins in bullet
Write something on the page
margin where important
information is found.
Write brief notes on the
Write questions on
information that you find
Write what you already
know about the ideas.
Write the limitations of the
author’s arguments.
Write notes on the reliability
of the text.
Comment on the author’s
Use a concept map or any
graphic organizer to note down
the ideas being explained.
Underline important words,
phrases, or sentences.
Underline or circle meanings or
Mark or highlight relevant/
essential parts of the text.
Use the headings and transition
words to identify relationships
in the text.
Create a bank of unfamiliar or
technical words to be defined
Use context clues to define
unfamiliar or technical words.
Synthesize author’s arguments
at the end of chapter or section.
Determine the main idea of the
Identify the evidence or
supporting arguments presented
by the author and check their
validity and relevance.
Identify the findings and note the
appropriateness of the research
method used.
Try following the steps given during
reading the text. 
Employment and Poverty in the Philippines
• This study analyzes labor market performance in the Philippines from the

perspective of workers’ welfare. It argues that pervasive in-work poverty is the main

challenge facing labor policy. Poverty is primarily due to low earning capacity of the poor

and to their limited access to regular and productive jobs. Behind these are the two

interrelated root causes of in-work poverty—low education of the poor, and the scarcity of

productive job opportunities. The labor market is segmented into “good” and “bad” jobs,

with the poor working in the latter. They hold jobs that are informal, temporary or casual,

and low-paid. Widespread informality means that the poor neither benefit from the

minimum wage policy nor from employment protection legislation. They do not benefit

from wage growth either, because their bargaining power is weak. “Good” jobs are so

few, especially in rural areas, that even better educated workers are often forced to take

unskilled jobs and work as low-paid laborers.

The reduction of in-work poverty hinges on removing constraints to gainful
employment in both supply side (better education and skills) and demand side
(better jobs). It is critical that the young poor have improved access to quality
education, and be equipped with skills required in the modern sector of the
economy. But in parallel, better jobs need to be created, which can be attained
from the growth of the formal and higher value added sector of the economy.
The process of structural transformation should be supported by effective labor
policy. Labor regulations need to be made simpler and more flexible to facilitate
the reallocation of labor from less to more productive activities, and from
informal to formal sector. Targeted training programs have the potential to
address the problem of low skills among the poor workers, especially the
young ones. Such programs should be developed on a pilot basis and
expanded if proven to be cost-effective (Rutkowski, 2015).
• “Rutkowski, Jan J.. 2015. Employment and Poverty in the Philippines.
World Bank, Washington, DC. © World Bank. License:
CC BY 3.0 IGO.”

• Collection(s)
• Other Social Protection Study
Reflect on what
you learned.
React on some
parts of the text
Discuss some
parts with your
teacher or
Link the main
idea of the text
to what you
already know.
Based on the information you
learned from the conclusion of the
study, answer the following

1. What do you think is the

implication of this new
knowledge on how you use
2. Do you think one’s personality
affects the use of technology?
Or do you think technology
affects one’s personality? Why?

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