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Stress and Coping During COVID-19:

Child and Family Edition

Lynn F. Bufka, Ph.D.

Raquel Halfond, Ph.D.
Practice Research and Policy
Practice Directorate
Current Reality of Life
with COVID-19
• Various degrees of stay-at-home
orders across the country and
physical (social) distancing
recommended to reduce spread.
• Front-line workers (healthcare
professionals, delivery persons,
grocery store personnel) are at most
risk for COVID-19 as well as
experiencing increased distress.
• No clear ‘end’ in sight. 

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Foundations of
Mental Well-Being

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• Recommend 7 to 8 hours of
sleep (adults); 8-16 hours
(children/adolescents depending
on age)

• Limit use of electronics before

bedtime and when you first wake
in the morning.

• Limit intake of news/media

during night and morning.
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Physical Activity
• Recommend at least 60
minutes/day of physical activity.

• Multitude of benefits in
exercising (both physical and

• Go on nature walks (keeping

physical distance), join online
gym classes.
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• Look to dietary guidelines.

• More plant based, less


• Be mindful of what you eat.

• Stay hydrated.

• Watch your use of substances.

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Social Connection
• Utilize technology to stay
connected- game night or book

• Encourage discussion of topics

other than COVID-19.

• Schedule check-ins (daily or


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Build your foundation-
keep it strong
• Cultivate your purpose
• Engage your brain
• Develop a new interest
• Embrace your sexuality
• Inspire your creativity
• Connect spiritually
• Relax in nature
• Express gratitude

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News and Social Media
• Stay informed but control exposure
• Too much news can increase stress
• Set limits
• Determine what/when you need to know

• Own your use of social media

• Stress increases due to feeling that there is a lack of control
• Disconnect when you are becoming reactionary
• Develop ‘good’ habits (not first thing in morning or right before
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The Good of Social Media
• Maximize the benefits of social media
• Follow vetted, reliable sources.
• Provide valuable content yourself- step it up with hashtags, pictures, answer
• Be aware of your personal presentation- content is always discoverable! 
• Reflect your own values and ethics but respectful of others and differences.
• Find the fun! 
• Follow personal interests.
• Stay positive and uplifting.
During this time especially, 
be an ambassador of kindness and connection
COVID-19 (Bansal et al., 2020)
distance ≠ isolation
• Ways to stay socially connected: 
• Game nights over videoconferencing
• Scheduled phone call with loved ones
• Joining a virtual book club

• Open communication is important,

especially with children.

• Watch out for family members,

friends, neighbors at greater risk for
being isolated.

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• Boundaries between home and
work blurred
• Develop and maintain a routine
• Only check work email during
designated hours
• Avoid working on your bed
• Take “mini-breaks” between
• Maintain flexibility
• Zoom fatigue is real This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

• Re-examine expectations
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5 in the moment


This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
Calm Yourself
Slowly breathe in for 4, hold it for 4, and then breathe out for 6. Repeat 10 times.

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Focus Yourself

Pick a category (animals,

food, etc.) and try to name
something for each letter
of the alphabet. Or, think of
a room in your home and
name 10 things in the
room. Pause to visualize
each one.

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This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
Relax Yourself

One by one, tense each

muscle group in your
body for 10 seconds
and then release.
Notice how it feels to let
your muscles relax and
have the tension leave
your body.
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This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC
Do a quick body scan and
notice the air, surfaces,
and clothing grounding
each part of your body. If
possible, close your eyes
and focus on the
sensations, textures, and

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This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC
Celebrate the
Think about 3 things
that went well today.
If they involved
another person,
recognize and thank
them whenever
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This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Quarantine Fatigue is No Joke!
All are making sacrifices- for some this is depressing and
draining; others have had enough
• Find perspective
• Accept that life has changed
• This is a challenge to be met, not a threat to overcome

Keep your foundation strong.

Develop all areas of well-being!
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When More is Needed
• Organizational Support
• Supportive Groups and ‘Warm’ lines
• Brief Interventions
• Psychotherapy

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Organizational Support
• Take care of employees/ community before a crisis
• Clear and consistent communication
• Meet basic needs- equipment, meals, transportation
• Appropriate compensation
• Reduce risks

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Psychological Skills and Strategies
• Listen, validate and comfort
• Ensure basic needs are met
• Connect to information and services
• Manage reactions and emotions
• Develop helpful thinking patterns and positive attitudes
• Prioritize activities
• Work on problem solving

Aim is greater flexibility and resilience

in face of adversity
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Resources from APA on COVID-19
• Resilience
• Self-care Resource Center
• Self-care (for health-care providers)
• Self-care (for psychologists)

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More Resources from APA 
• Work and Telework
• Physical Distancing and Isolation
• Nature has benefits

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Additional Resources
• For children and teens:
• Feeling overwhelmed (The Conversation)
• Emotional resilience (Washington Post)

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Resources from NFFCMH
• Crisis Resources:
• Home Resources for Parents, Families and Youth of All Ages:
• Family Activities, Ideas and Information:
• Dedicated COVID-19 Resources for Parents and Families:
• Dedicated COVID-19 Resources for Family Run Organizations and Support

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Thank you!

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