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Research Methods in Human

Resource Management

Dr. Putu Ngurah Suyatna Yasa, S.E.,M.Si

The nature of research in HR
• What is research in HR?
• The research process
• What kind of researcher are you?
• Requirements for student projects
• The links between change and research in organisations
• Deciding what to research
• Establishing the focus of the project
• Research questions or research objectives?
• Approaches to research
• Research design issues
• Case study research
• Action research
• Comparative research strategy
• Access to data
• Access as an insider
• Final preparations: project planning
Approaches to gathering data in HR
• Qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods research
• Mixed-methods research
• Research approach and the role of theory
• Data quality issues
• Planning to gather data
• Writing up the methodology
• Finding and using documentary and organisational evidence
• Different forms of documentary evidence
• Using data from organisational management information systems
• Finding and selecting documents for analysis
• Making sense of documentary evidence
Collecting and recording qualitative data
• The use and importance of qualitative data in HR research
• Observation and participation
• Data from individuals
• Focus groups
• Sample selection for qualitative research
• Making sense of the data
Analysing qualitative data
• The process of qualitative analysis
• Data display and analysis
• Evaluating explanations and formulating conclusions
• The use of software for qualitative data analysis
• Data management features
• Writing up the analysis
Collecting and recording quantitative data
• The uses of quantitative data in HR research
• Where does quantitative data come from?
• Administering surveys
• Collecting, organising and presenting quantitative data
• First-level data analysis
Analysing quantitative data and
formulating conclusions
• Down to basics: quantitative data expressions in plain English
• An analysis routemap
• Tests of association and tests of difference
• Tests of correlation
• Factor analysis
• Analysing data to answer research questions
Communicating your research
• Why, what, when, and for whom to write
• Structuring and organising your writing
• Approaching the submission date
• Communicating what you have learned
Final reflections
• HR research - why bother?
• Bridging theory and practice in HR
• The future of HR research
• Developing practitioner-researchers in HR
List Of Original Research Paper Topics On
Human Resource Management
• Society and economics are two of the factors that influence techniques
used in human resource management in today’s world. The rapid
growth of e-commerce, global commerce and e-technology are all part
of managing skilled workers providing services. Research paper topics
in this field of study are based on rapidly emerging new information as
these technologies continue to advance.
• The following list of research paper topic ideas can be used to help you
generate your own unique topic. General topics don’t work very well
because they can’t be covered adequately within the scope of one
paper. Remember to take an idea you like and drill down until you have
something more specific and with enough detail for your paper.
List Of Original Research Paper Topics....
• Discuss the effects of global competitiveness on strategic human resources
• Understanding the connections between job satisfaction, loyalty of the worker to
the company, and commitment
• Understanding employee turnover and learning to measure and control it
• Forecasting and predicting the supply and demand cycle within human resources
• What are the effects of absenteeism in a specific industry?
• How does at-work childcare compare to regular daycare when compared to the
satisfaction of employees with working while their young children are in care?
List Of Original Research Paper Topics....
• Discuss compensation packages and the effect of corporate employee
benefits being offered in order to retain human resources
• What issues do family business owners face in the field of family
business consultants?
• With the recent legislation to prevent bullying in schools, will the
workplace be next to adopt stricter rules and regulations to prevent
bullying and harassment in the work environment?
• Cultural diversity in the workplace: what are the advantages and
disadvantages; what are the rewards and challenges?
List Of Original Research Paper Topics....
• How have company’s performance evaluation systems grown and
changed over the last decade?
• Has the act of whistle blowing increased in recent years, or are industries
being sloppier about meeting their construction and design standards?
• What is employee empowerment and how is it a key factor in helping
organizations become more effective?
• How does sexual harassment affect workplace relationships?
• When comparing internal and external recruiting source choices for
Universities, which tends to be the most fruitful?
List Of Original Research Paper Topics....
• What are the advantages, disadvantages of internal recruiting and
what legal issues may arise?
• Compare career planning that’s centered around organizations and
career planning centered around individuals.

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