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Sampling in qualitative &

quantitative research
Key terms
• Population: that set which contains all the units from
which sample will be drawn.
• Sample: a subset/segment/part of the population.
• Sampling frame: listing of all units in the population
from which the sample will be drawn.
• Representative sample: a smaller/microcosm model of
the population.
• Sampling bias: a distortion when certain sections of
the relevant population not selected in the sample.
• Census: when all the population is included.
Source: Bryman (2016), pp. 131
Probability sampling
• Mostly used in quantitative research
• Where the probability of selection of each unit is the same!

a) Simple random sampling: random selection of cases using

computer program, random number table etc.
b) Stratified (random sampling): first divide the entire
sampling frame into categories and then do a random
selection from categories.
c) Systematic (random sampling): first calculate the sampling
interval “k”(sampling frame/sample size) and then choose a
random starting place and choose cases every ”k” interval.
d) Cluster (random sampling): divide the sampling frame into
clusters; choose random clusters; choose cases randomly
from each cluster (proportions can be used here).
Non-probability sampling
• Mostly associated with qualitative research
• Probability of selection of each case not the same!

a) Convenience: no rule; get cases based on may be for ease

of access, less funds, less time etc.
b) Purposive: select all cases on fixed criteria for the research.
c) Snowball: Use referrals for selection of cases.
d) Quota: preset no. of cases from each of the pre-determined
categories of sampling frame.
e) Deviant case: select exceptional cases.
f) Sequential: keep selecting until new information stops.
g) Theoretical: select cases that are theoretically crucial.
Sample size
• The entire population is not going to be studied!
• Determination of sample size is needed: how large
should the sample be? how many cases to include in
the sample?

• In probability sampling: sample size depends on a

number of factors, such as type of statistical analysis,
desired confidence interval, degree of variation in the
sample etc.
• Homogeneous population: smaller sample
• Heterogenous population: larger sample
Thumb rule for sample size…
Population size Sample size
200 171
500 352
1000 543
2000 745
5000 960
10,000 1061
50,000 1160
100,000 1173

Estimates based on 99% confidence interval

Source: Neuman (2015), pp. 271
Quiz -1
Based on the information about the study “Stress & Smoking”, answer the
A1) Would you classify the approach in this study as: quantitative or qualitative?
A2) What do you think the design was: experimental, longitudinal, cross-
sectional, case study or comparative?
A3) Based on design and approach (quantitative/qualitative), what do you think
the specific study was: randomized control trial, survey research, case study
(single, small n & large n)?

B) Answer the following in True or False:

B1) Monthly income measured in Indian Rupees is a ratio scale measure that can
also be converted into interval scale measure. (True/False)
B2) Research, whether quantitative or qualitative, should invariably be judged
using the common standards of reliability and validity. (True/False)
B3) If a researcher measures poverty through income below a certain level, we can
say that the philosophical assumption of the researcher is derived from positivism.

B4) A researcher is studying an entirely new phenomenon. Therefore, he decides that

instead of using an existing theory, he is going to collect data and develop a theory
from the data. This is a good example of deductive approach to theory building.

B5) Methods are an important part of the methodology (True/False)

B6) Social research is free from politics (True/False)

B7) If the end result is good and useful for the majority, then the research is
considered to be free from ethical problems (True/False)

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