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Business Mathematics


What are the different ways on presenting


Do you still remember the tabular

Question and Answer

What is your idea about statistical table?

Do you know the parts of the statistical table?

Learning targets

Identify the essential parts of a table.

Draw the table to present the data.
Analyze and interprets the data presented in
the table using measures of central tendency
and variability and tests of significant
Describe the different kinds of graphs for
data presentation.
Describe the essential parts of a graph.
Essential Question

Why do we need to know and analyze the

different features of a table?

“Statistical Table”
One of the easiest ways in interpreting data presentation is by the
use of tables.
A statistical table has four major parts:
1. Title: It is the main heading written on the top of the table. It
adequately describes the contents of the table. Make the title
concise in at most two lines.
2. Box Head (Column Captions): It is the caption written as
the vertical heading. Only the first letter of the heading is in
capital letter and the rest in small letters. 
3. Sub (Row captions): It is the caption written as the
horizontal heading. They are the entries at the left of the table. It
indicates the classification of the data. 
4. Body: It is the main part of the table which contains the
numerical information.
It also has four minor parts:
1. Prefatory Notes: It is the statement below the title
enclosed in parenthesis. It usually describes the units of
measurement used in numerical information.
2. Footnotes: It is placed immediately below the main
part of the table to provide additional information. 
3. Source Notes: It is written at the end of the table to
acknowledge where the information was taken. It is
written below the footnote.
4. Table number: Tables are usually numbered in Hindu
Arabic numerals. The table numbers are used to cite
them in your report, documents, or research papers.
General rules for tabulation:

1. A table should be simple but catches the readers’

attention. Simple tables for easy comparisons, so
never put too much information.
2. The numerical information was arranged in orderly
manner to facilitate valid and convincing conclusions.
3. Proper labeling and clear headings for column and
row captions are encouraged.
4. The tables are flexible and capable of being altered to
meet the changing items.
5. If there is a vast data, it is suggested to construct
additional tables.
The students will go to the computer laboratory to
search and analyze an example of statistical table
from the internet. The students will try to do their
own statistical table.
Size Up Activity

Individual Activity

1. What is your learning in our topic today?

2. Why do you think we need to make the data

presentation clear and not confusing?
Gospel Values


 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer

and petition, with thanksgiving, present your
requests to God.” -
Philippians 4:6

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