Presentation Augmented Reality

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The main hardware components for augmented reality are: display, tracking, input devices,
sensors and processor. These elements, specifically CPU, camera, display, accelerometer, GPS
and solid state compass are often present in modern smartphones, which make them prospective
AR platforms.

There are three major display techniques for Augmented Reality are head±mounted displays,
handheld displays.


A Head Mounted Display (HMD) places images of both the physical world and registered virtual
graphical objects over the user's view of the world. The HMD's are either „  
. Optical see-through employs half-silver mirrors to pass images through the
lens and overlay information to be reflected into the user's eyes. The HMD must be tracked with
sensor that provides six degrees of freedom . This tracking allows the system to align virtual
information to the physical world. The main advantage of HMD AR is the user's immersive
experience. The graphical information is slaved to the view of the user.
Handheld displays employ a small display that fits in a user's hand. All handheld AR solutions to
date opt for video see-through. Initially handheld AR employed fiduciary markers, and later GPS
units and MEMS sensors such as digital compasses and six degrees of freedom accelerometer
gyroscope. Today SLAM markerless trackers such as PTAM are staring come in use. Handheld
display AR promises to be the first commercial success for AR technologies. The two main
advantages of handheld AR is the portable nature of handheld devices and ubiquitous nature of
camera phones.

Techniques include the pinch glove,a wand with a button and a smartphone that signals its
position and orientation from camera images.
A key measure of AR systems is how realistically they integrate augmentations with the real
world. The software must derive real world coordinates, independent from the camera, from
camera images. That process is called image registration and is part of Azuma's definition of
Augmented Reality.
Image registration uses different methods of computer vision, mostly related to video tracking.
Many computer vision methods of augmented reality are inherited from visual odometry Usually
those methods consist of two parts. First detect interest points, or fiduciary markers, or optical
flow in the camera images. First stage can use feature detection methods like corner detection,
blob detection, edge detection or thresholding and/or other image processing methods.


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A range of technologies can be used for augmented reality. Many augmented reality projects use
headgear or a similar device that projects data into the user¶s field of vision, corresponding
With a real object or space the user is observing. In the case of a technical course on PC maintenanc
for example, augmented reality might overlay a schematic diagram onto the inside of a computer,
allowing students to identify the various components and access technical specifications about
them. PDAs or other portable devices can use GPS data to provide users with context
including visual, audio, or text-based data about real objects or places. Augmented reality is not
merely a companion text or multimedia file but a technology designed to ³see´ a real object or
place and provide the user with appropriate information at the right time. Augmented reality is
designed to blur the line between the reality the user is experiencing and the
Content provided by technology.
Who¶s doing it?

Augmented reality has been put to use in a number of fields,including medical imaging, where
doctors can access dataabout patients; aviation, where tools show pilots important data about
the landscape they are viewing; training, in which technology provides students or technicians
with necessary data about specific objects they are working with; and in museums, where a
rtifacts can be tagged with information such as the artifact¶s historical context or where it was
discovered. Within the academy, educators are beginning to provide students with deeper,
more meaningful experiences by linking educational content with specific places and objects.
In many disciplines,field trips are part of the course; by supplementing these explorations with
mobile technologies and data-collection devices (including digital cameras), the lessons can be
extended beyond the field trip. In some cases, augmented reality technologies have been
Integrated into educational games. In MIT¶s D  „   for example, students
learn about environmental sciences and ecosystems by finding clues and solving a mystery on
the MIT campus using PDAs fitted with GPS devices.

Computing devices, especially wireless ones, are becoming more powerful and increasingly
widespread. At the same time,costs for these devices are falling. As computing hardware²both
wired and wireless²approaches ubiquity, new opportunities emerge to use technology to
enrich individuals¶ experiences of objects and places. Because all areas of academic inquiry
benefit from background and context, augmented reality has the possibility of enhancing
education across the curriculum. By exposing students to an experiential, explorative, and
authentic model of learning early in their higher education careers, augmented reality has the
potential to help shift modes of learning from students¶ simply being recipients of content to
their taking an active role in gathering and processing information, thereby creating knowledge.
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m Marketers started to use AR to promote products via interactive AR applications.

For example, at the 2008 LA Auto Show, Nissan unveiled the concept vehicle Cube and presented
visitors with a brochure which, when held against a webcam , showed alternate versions of the
vehicle.[ In August 2009, Best Buy ran a circular with an augmented reality code that allowed
users with a webcam to interact with the product in 3D. In 2010 Walt Disney used mobile AR to
connect a movie experience to outdoor advertising
3   Complex tasks such as assembly, maintenance, and surgery can be simplified by
inserting additional information into the field of view. For example, labels can be displayed on
parts of a system to clarify operating instructions for a mechanic who is performing maintenance
on the system.AR can include images of hidden objects, which can be particularly effective for
medical diagnostics or surgery. Examples include a virtual X-ray view based on prior tomography
or on real time images from ultrasound and microconfocal probes or open NMR devices. AR can
enhance viewing a fetus inside a mother's womb See also Mixed reality.












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