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The Filipino Value System ( Utang na

loob, Filial Piety, padrino suki, bahala

na - mañana, amor propio, Filipino
family values)
Utang na loob ( reciprocity)
 The essence of utang na loob is an obligation to appropriately repay a
person who has done one a favor. The favors which elicit the Filipino's
sense of utang na loob are typically those whose value is impossible to
quantify, or, if there is a quantifiable value involved, involves a deeply
personal internal dimension. This internal dimension, loob, differentiates
Utang na Loob from an ordinary debt("utang"); being an internal
phenomenon, utang na loob thus goes much deeper than ordinary debt or
even the western concept of owing a favor.
 In business: Utang na Loob may be good or bad for business depending
on a lot of considerations, but it affects the way business is conducted
especially when the business person is confronted with ethical issue.
Filial Piety
 Filial piety is a virtue of respect for one’s parents, elders, and
 Filial piety is an important concept in Filipino culture. It is
understood as essential to maintain the collective face of the family
and to avoid experiencing hiya.
 In business: The Filipino family is so intact that it is common for
members of the same family work for the same company.
Padrino System
 Padrino System, or patronage in the Filipino culture and politics is the
value system where one gains favor, promotion, or political
appointment through family affiliation (nepotism) or friendship
(cronyism), as opposed to one's merit.
 In business: Nepotism is the practice of hiring family members
regardless of their qualifications. In some cases, a relative of a company
executive may be qualified to perform the job for which she is hired.
The fact that she is an executive's relative gives her an advantage over
the other applicants. But when the employee is not qualified to perform
the job, then nepotism becomes counter-productive. Your executive staff
begins hiring family members because they need jobs, But the family
members' lack of qualifications and ability can affect your company's
 Cronyism is the other side of nepotism. It is the act of
hiring friends regardless of qualifications. One of the main
problems with cronyism, which you also find in nepotism,
is the feeling of entitlement that employees hired under
these circumstances feel. Because they know or are related
to an executive with the company, they feel they deserve
raises and promotions that should be reserved for more
qualified staff members. This creates conflict in the
workplace and can result in losing qualified personnel.
Suki System
 “Suki” is a Filipino term which means “loyal
 “Suki” is a distinct Filipino value system which is
rooted primarily in personal alliance systems based on
commercial relationships
 In business: a suki relationship usually takes time and
many business transactions to be solidified, suggesting a
suki like relationship and backing it up with concessions
could be used as a measure to build trust.
Bahala Na
 Roughly translated as “come what may”, this is the Filipinos’ own
version of fatalism, the belief of leaving everything to the hands of fate.
 This attitude, while not inherently detrimental in itself, is still a double-
edged sword. On one hand, positive aspects of this behavior include
belief in Divine Providence and national social responsibility. On the
other hand, the attitude can also promote a sense of helplessness and
resignation of one’s fate at the local level, and a countrywide lack of
empathy and collective action on the national level. This is also the
reason why we tend to have amnesia over past wrongdoings committed
by our leaders.
 Itis ironic that the Spanish would accuse Filipinos of
being lazy when they themselves taught us the mañana
habit in the first place. Known as “tomorrow” in English,
the habit encourages procrastination, an “ability” we
Filipinos have since turned into an art form. Even the
most urgent of projects and tasks can be relegated for
some other time; we are only forced to work on them
when the deadline is near. It’s a miracle we get things
done in this country.
Amor propio
 “Amor propio” is Spanish word which means self –love;
a sense of self-esteem or self respect that prevents a
person from swallowing his pride. It includes sensitivity
to personal insult or affront. A slight remark or offensive
gesture, though insulting, would not trigger a sense of
“amor propio”. The stimulus that sets it off is only that
which strikes at the Filipino’s most highly valued
attributes. For example, an abandoned wife will refuse
to seek financial support from a husband who has
abandoned her no matter how financially destitute she is
on this principle. Amor propio in short means ego
defensiveness, dignity or one’s personal pride akin to
Filipino family values
 The Filipino family consists of many traditional values
that have been treasured and passed on for many
generations already. These values are incredibly
Paggalang (Respect)
 The English translation of paggalang means to be respectful or to give
respect to a person.
 Filipinos are accustomed to using the words “po,” “opo,” and “ho” when
they are conversing with older people or, sometimes, with those who are
in a high role or a prestigious member of society. Using these words is
customary in the Philippines, and it shows a sign of respect if you do so.
 Paggalang can also be shown toward your elders by kissing their hands
before leaving/to say goodbye and upon arrival/to greet them.
 The younger members of the family can show respect toward older
siblings by calling them kuya (older brother) or ate (older sister).
Pakikisama (Helping Others)
 Pakikisama has the connotation of getting along with people in
 There is a general yearning to be accepted and well-liked among
Filipinos. This applies to one and his or her friends, colleagues, boss,
and even relatives. This desire is what steers one to perform
 The word pakikisama literally translates to "helping others."
Therefore, this trait usually fosters general cooperation and
performing good or helpful deeds, which can lead to others viewing
you in a favorable light.
Utang na Loob (Debt of Gratitude)
 Utang na Loob means to pay your debt with gratitude.
 Withutang na loob, there is usually a system of
obligation. When this value is applied, it imparts a sense
of duty and responsibility on the younger siblings to
serve and repay the favors done to them by their elders.
Pagpapahalaga sa Pamilya (Prioritizing
 Pagpapahalaga sa Pamilya. In other words: putting importance on
your family.
 This implies that a person will place a high regard on their family
and prioritize that before anything else.
 For example, this is why it's not uncommon for a father or a mother
in a Filipino family from the Philippines to seek employment
abroad or a job they don't want just to earn a decent wage for their
family. They've placed the utmost priority on meeting the family’s
basic needs and toward practicing pagpapahalaga sa pamilya.
Hiya (Shame)
 Hiya means shame.
 This controls the social behaviors and interactions of a Filipino. It is
the value that drives a Filipino be obedient and respectful to their
parents, older siblings, and other authorities.
 This is also a key ingredient in the loyalty of one’s family.
The Importance of Family Values
 While many values can be taught or instilled over time,
they are arguably more enduring when they are picked up
on their own. The formation of many values is vital to the
socialization of an individual. These are often developed
and nurtured by one's family, in school, and through one's
environment. Some of these values may include obtaining
knowledge, wisdom, and necessary skills, and then using
them in your home and living out the values you acquired
within the family.
The Filipino Value System and
Its Effects on Business refer to
the set of values or the value
system that a majority of the
Filipinos have historically held
important in their lives.
Thank you

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