Globalization in Contemporary World

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By: Inguito, Maria Neth Mae G. BSMgt 1-C Ge1211 (16-11)
Let’s start from the beginning with a
background of

Advances in technology such as mobile
phones, airplanes, telephones, and the

This process is called

internet have made the growth of transport
and communication networks possible.
Amongst other things, this means that people
and countries can exchange information and
goods more quickly, and in a less
complicated way.
Globalization comes from "Globe" and means the
worldwide coming together of countries and

Globalization is a term used to describe the changes in

societies and the world economy that are the result of
dramatically increased trade and cultural exchange. In
specifically economic contexts, it refers almost
What is exclusively to the effects of trade, particularly trade
liberalization or "free trade".
The movement towards the expansion of economic
and social ties between countries through the
spread of corporate institutions and the capitalist
philosophy that leads to the shrinking of the world in
economic terms.
Globalization in the Contemporary
Globalization is the spread of products, technology, information, and jobs across national
borders and cultures. Globalization motives are idealistic, as well as opportunistic, but the
development of a global free market has benefited large corporations based in the
Western world.

It covers the most important processes of social and economic development in

the world, helping to accelerate economic growth and modernization, cultural
exchange. At the same time, globalization creates new contradictions and problems in
the world economy.
Have you
ever been
You may notice that every place has some things that are the
same as your hometown such as fast-food restaurants like Mc
Donalds or Levi jeans being add in local store.
What is
That is what you called
So the cultural globalization, is the process by which
one cultures experience values, and ideas are
disseminated throughout the word through various

Cultural globalization refers to the transmission of

CULTURAL ideas, meanings, and values around the world in
GLOBALIZATION such a way as to extend and intensify social

This process is marked by the common consumption

of cultures that have been diffused by the Internet,
popular culture media, and international travel.
Cultures around the world have also
exchanged word or phrase “OK” or
the thumbs up sign is now used all
over the world thanks to Western
Arts Business Ideas

involves the spread of

Cultural Globalization
brings four important


That mighty culture has invaded local culture as well as it has become the dominant culture in local
area that aims to eliminate the local culture.
Region culture was widely disseminated and accepted by other societies and cultures and
meanwhile enhance the culture diversity in local society
Culture are however rarely simply consumed. More often two cultures clash and a new hybrid
culture is formed.
In conclusion…
we canThefind
of intensifying
a lot ofa chances
local cultureto design any
services in both of future word. The cultural things, as
a drive of change, makes the world or markets so
Globalization in
Globalization in business education must be a necessary part of higher education. In business schools alike in the
Ateneo de Davao University have added or are considering globalization as an important addition to a student’s higher
education package. Globalization is already an important part of Asian education. Globalization is not a passing
phenomenon. It is here to stay. Universities and colleges throughout the world need to recognize that every student

Bachelor of Science
needs to have global skills.
Globalization has had many obvious effects on educational and business communication systems change the way
education is delivered as well as roles played by both teachers and students. At the same time, there is a dark side to

globalization and to the very openness of the new information systems; while the richest countries grow richer, the poor
are becoming poorer. Thus, information and education gaps between the rich and the poor are widening not narrowing;
economic crises, trade imbalances and structural adjustments have caused a moral crisis in many countries, damaging
and cutting the basic social and cultural fabric of many families and communities apart, resulting in increasing youth

unemployment, suicide, violence, racism and drug abuse and antisocial behavior form schools. In the 21st century,
business education systems face the dual challenge of equipping students with the new knowledge, skills and values
needed to be competitive in a global market while at the same time who are responsible adults, good citizens both of
their country and of the world. Thus, globalization challenges us to rethink not only how much business education is

needed but also its final goal.
When we start our studies, all of us already have different kinds of study skills. Our motivation springs from different
sources, as does our general attitude to our studies. Nevertheless, regardless of where we are coming from, we need to take

How can you apply

many things into consideration in our studies. Study success requires clear objectives, motivation, planning, self-discipline, self-
confidence, good study habits and a positive attitude. Being physically fit is also helpful. Now that is quite a list!
It is relevant here to ask if motivation and the ability to make plans and set objectives are inborn traits? And what about
good reading and study habits, a positive attitude and physical fitness? How self-confident were we when we were born? Indeed,

your learnings in
we must assume that we are not born with the above.  These are not inborn traits; we have learned and developed them and
many others through the course of our lives.
As a student, you are given an excellent opportunity to develop not just your study skills, but also many other skills useful in

GE 1211?
life. These skills will help you to succeed in challenging tasks after graduation.
I can apply my all learnings n GE 1211 by focus on the relevance of what you are learning, take time to reflect and self-
explain, use a variety of learning media, change things up as often as possible, identify any gaps in your knowledge, establish
clear learning goals, practice generalizing, make your learning social and last find daily opportunities to apply what you have

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