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Sub-Topic (Example: name of college)

Permutation and Combination
Question 1
A polygon has 44 sides, then the number of its diagonals are _________.

A) 850
B) 877
C) 902
D) None of these
Question 2
Out of eight consonants and five vowels, how many words of four consonants and
three vowels can be formed?

A) 8
C4 × 5C3 × 7!
B) 7
C3 × 4C2 × 7!
C) 4
C8 × 3C5 × 7!
D) 3
C7 × 2C4 × 7!
Question 3
Find the number of signals that can be generated by using 6 differently coloured
flags, when any number of them may be hoisted at a time.

A) 1956
B) 1854
C) 1682
D) 1786
Question 4
A question paper contains 20 ‘true or false’ questions. In how many ways can a
candidate answer the entire paper?
Assume that the candidate answers all the questions.

A) 210
B) 320
C) 220
D) 320 -1
Question 5
In how many ways can three different balls be arranged in nine different boxes in a
row such that the number of balls in each box does not exceed 1?

A) 84
B) 504
C) 360
D) 729
Question 6
In how many ways can the letters of the word ‘CURIOUS’ be arranged in a row
such that the vowels and consonants appear alternatively?

A) 72
B) 144
C) 288
D) 36
Question 7
In how many ways can a group of 25 people be arranged around two circular tables
consisting of 12 and 13 chairs?

A) 25! x 11!/13!
B) 25
C) 25! × 12! × 12! × 13!
D) 1024
Question 8
There are 10 lamps in a hall. Each one of them can be switched on independently.
The number of ways in which the hall can be illuminated is _____________.

A) 100
B) 1024
C) 1023
D) 10!
Question 9
The number of non-negative integral solutions of the equation a + b + c + d = 20
will be ________.

A) 1208
B) 40
C) 2024
D) 1771
Question 10
How many numbers can be made with digits 0, 5, 9 which are greater than 0 and
less than a million?

A) 625
B) 689
C) 712
D) 728
Question 11
How many five letter words (with or without meaning) can be formed using the
letters of the word ‘CLEAN’?
(a) With repetition of alphabets.
(b) Without repetition of alphabets.
(c) Such that all the vowels are together.
(d) Such that the vowels are together and consonants together.
(e) No two vowels together.
(f ) No consonants together.
Question 11

A) 3125, 120, 48, 24, 72, 12

B) 3150, 140, 32, 12, 72, 72
C) 4225, 120, 48, 14, 72, 72
D) 2250, 140, 32, 16, 72, 72
Question 12
There are 16 people comprising two sisters. Find the number of ways in which we
can arrange them around a circle so that there is exactly one person between the two

A) 14!
B) 16!
C) 16!*4!
D) 14!*2!
Question 13
There are 20 towns grouped into four zones with five towns per zone. It is intended
to connect the towns with telephone lines such that every two towns are connected
with three direct lines if they belong to the same zone, and with only one direct line
otherwise. How many direct telephone lines are required?

A) 225
B) 150
C) 270
D) 250
Question 14
A first-grade teacher uses 10 flash cards, numbered 1 through 10, to teach her
students to order numbers correctly. She typically asks students to choose four flash
cards randomly and then arrange them in ascending order. One day, she removes the
cards numbered 2 and 4 from the deck of flash cards. On that day, how many correct
arrangements of four randomly selected cards are possible?

A) 140
B) 840
C) 210
D) 70
Question 15
Two varieties of chocolates are to be given to 12 students. In how many ways can
the students be placed in two rows of six each so that there should be no identical
varieties of chocolate side by side and that the students sitting one behind the other
should have the same varieties. Find the number of ways this can be done?

A) 2 x 12C6 x 6!
B) 2 x 6! x 6!
C) 2 x 12C6 x (6!) x 2
D) None of these

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